Politics News Alert: Rep. Spencer Bachus cleared of insider trading by Office of Congressional Ethics

The Washington Post Monday, April 30, 2012 7:30:56 PM

Office of Congressional Ethics clears Rep. Spencer Bachus of insider trading

The Office of Congressional Ethics has found no evidence of violations of insider trading rules involving the chairman of the House Financial Services Committee and will recommend that the case against him be closed.

Rep. Spencer Bachus (R-Ala.), one of the most powerful politicians on Capitol Hill, has been a frequent trader, purchasing stock options while supervising the nation's banking and financial services industries.

The Office of Congressional Ethics, an independent investigative agency, opened its probe late last year after raising questions about trades on Bachus's financial disclosure forms. OCE investigators notified Bachus that he was under investigation because they had found probable cause to believe insider-trading violations might have taken place.

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Dodging The White House Correspondents Dinner

Hannity's Headlines

Monday, April 30th

Dodging The White House Correspondents Dinner
This past weekend the White House hosted its annual Correspondents Dinner - a celebration of the media elite, is complete with awards for excellent coverage, but what ends up taking all of the headlines is the president's humorous address and the subsequent comedic routine by the host. Sean kicked off Monday's show by explaining to his audience that he had no interest in ever attending a correspondents dinner. "I did not hear or watch Jimmy Kimmel. I did not watch the stars or the media elite. I missed it. I was with my kids all weekend and couldn't have been happier. Hollywood, most of the media and the White House is full of liberals - why would I want to go there when I could be with my family?" Sean asked rhetorically. "It wasn't even a tough decision...not even a close call. I have no desire to meet Hollywood stars - zip. Hearing the president tell lame jokes about eating dogs doesn't do it for me. It's been my mission since I started in broadcasting to duck an d dodge this dinner. One year however I was told I had to go - there was no more getting out of it as I had used every excuse in the book. That year however, God blessed me and I got sick the day before and couldn't go. So I've been able to duck and dodge this dinner and I'm kinda proud of it," Sean said happily.

No They Can't
John Stossel, Fox Business Network Host and Author of "No They Can't: Why Government Fails but Individuals Succeed," joined Sean in the final hour of Monday's program. Stossel invalidated the blief that more government leads to progress and profit. "The social welfare state does not help people learn how to provide for themselves," Stossel explained. The Fox Business host pointed explained that a large majority of our country needs a good swift kick in the butt. "The desire for people to have more from the government and perform less work is the continuing theme in our nation under Obama, and the way to break free from this will be to vote him out," Stossel told Sean. For more on Stossel's new book, please click here.
Would Romney Have OK'd Osama Raid?
President Obama has shown he's willing to politicize student loans, contraception, the Trayvon Martin shooting, virtually anything else he finds politically expedient. So, t's not surprising that the Obama campaign has released a new video, praising our brave president for ordering that strike that killed Osama bin Laden. But at the same time, that ad -- which is narrated by former President Bill Clinton -- suggests that Mitt Romney would not have made the same decision. The Obama campaign asked Clinton to star in this ad, which is ironic, considering that according to the 9/11 commission, Clinton took a pass on at least three opportunities to kill or capture bin Laden when he was president. Also back in 2008, Obama criticized Hillary Clinton for politicizing National Security matters, including the hunt for Osama bin Laden. You can watch the new Team Obama ad by clicking here, and watch a reaction from Fox News contributor Charles Krauthammer and Tucker Carlson by clicking here.

Today's "Hot Topic" From The Hannity Forums:
"Occupy Wall St" plans May 1 Strike/Shutdowns - Posted by bigtwnvin

Bloomberg vows law and order will be upheld?? Horse crap, Bloomberg allowed them to destroy property and cost the taxpayers millions. Back in the thrilling days of the 1968 demonstrations, riots and typical college hi-jinx the local constabularies in the Steel City responded to unruly behavior with batons and blackjacks. Law and order prevailed (eventually). You allow a crowd of anarchists and hooligans the opportunity to rule the day you'll lose control of civility quickly as well documented by the "OWS" morons. Bloomberg must not have the stomach to deal with lawlessness or he's a politician.

>> TV Tonight (Hannity FoxNews at 9pm ET):
The man who created the CIA's enhanced interrogation program breaks his silence! Jose Rodriguez talks with Sean in an exclusive cable interview tonight on 'Hannity'
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Afternoon Fix: Warren campaign hits back at ‘nasty insinuations’

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The Washington PostMonday, April 30, 2012
Afternoon Fix by Chris Cillizza
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* Elizabeth Warren's campaign suggests Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.) is being sexist by raising questions about the Harvard Law Professor's listing as a "Native American" in past professional directories. Warren campaign manager Mindy Myers said in a statement that if Brown has questions, "he ought to ask them directly instead of hiding behind the nasty insinuations of his campaign" and added, "Once again, the qualifications and ability of a woman are being called into question by Scott Brown who did the same thing with the Supreme Court nomination of Elena Kagan. It's outrageous."

* Obama's half-sister Auma Obama, who works at CARE International in Kenya, is out with a memoir. In "And Then Life Happens," she talks about meeting Barack for the first time in the 1980s and dealing with reporters during the 2008 campaign; here's an excerpt.

* Mitt Romney is starting to push back on President Obama's contention that the former Massachusetts governor would not have killed Osama bin Laden. "Of course" he would have made the same call, Romney told reporters today. "Even Jimmy Carter would have given that order." Obama shot back in a press conference. "I assume that people meant what they said when they said it," he said, referencing Romney's 2007 opposition to strikes in Pakistan.

* Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's recall campaign headquarters are in a secret location; mail goes to a P.O. Box in Middleton. Attempts by the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel to find the governor's campaign were unsuccessful.

* Bristol Palin is tired of hearing that her mom used as an example of how not to pick a running mate. "I don't pretend to know the best pick for Governor Romney," she writes on her personal blog. "My mom worked wonders, and it was such a joy watching her connect with Americans from coast to coast. But she could not work miracles."


* Miami-based lawyer Joe Garcia (D) is preparing to launch a campaign against Rep. David Rivera (R), although the party seems to have settled on businesswoman Gloria Romero Roses as the best challenger to the scandal-scarred freshman. Garcia ran unsuccessfully in 2008 and 2010.

* Romney will appear with former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani tomorrow at an event marking the one-year anniversary of bin Laden's death, their first public meeting. Giuliani was a harsh critic of Romney for years but endorsed the presumptive GOP nominee last week.

* Texas Rep. Ron Paul and Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul will hold a rally together in Austin on May 6 with Tea Party Express, an establishment-backed conservative group. While Paul has yet to win a presidential contest, his supporters are making inroads at numerous state conventions.

* Romney "might be able to convince" Chris Christie to be his VP nominee, the New Jersey governor told a high school class this morning. "He's a convincing guy, but I really love this job. I really want to stay in this job," he added.

* The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee released its first independent expenditure ad of the cycle today, attacking North Carolina Senate candidate Rep. Rick Berg (R) and touting Democratic candidate Heidi Heitkamp. A source says $76,000 is behind the spot.

* The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is on the air in the AZ-08 special election, with $150,000 behind an ad hitting GOP candidate Jesse Kelly (R). The National Republican Congressional Committee has $300,000 behind an ad criticizing Ron Barber, former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' longtime aide.


These people should be invited to every wedding, ever.

With Rachel Weiner and Aaron Blake.
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