Afternoon Fix: Judge rules against law limiting early voting in Ohio

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The Washington PostFriday, August 31, 2012
Afternoon Fix by Chris Cillizza
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* In a victory for Democrats, a federal judge has ruled that all Ohio voters may vote in person during the final three days leading up to Election Day. Republican lawmakers had previously helped pass a law limiting in-person voting during the final 72 hours to military personnel. Democrats challenged that rule. Now, the state's Republican attorney general says he will appeal the Friday decision.

* President Obama will visit Louisiana on Monday to to take stock of the recovery effort following the impact of Hurricane Issac. Meanwhile, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (Nev.) has called Mitt Romney's Friday trip to Louisiana to review storm damage a 'hypocrisy' because a House GOP plan would have gutted disaster relief. Romney adviser Stuart Stevens responded: "The thought never occurred to me that it would be inappropriate to come and see people."

* Sen. Dean Heller (R-Nev.) is up with a new TV ad attacking Rep. Shelley Berkley (D) for voting for Medicare cuts. The ad references several Berkley votes, including a vote for Obama's health care law, which rolled back Medicare payments to hospitals and insurers, but did not cut benefits.

* Former senator George Allen's (R) Virginia Senate campaign has canceled its ad reservation for next week. Allen campaign adviser Dan Allen said it was part of the "constant adjustments being made to our ad schedule." Democrats, on the other hand, speculate the move is a consequence of a fundraising deficit to former Democratic National Committee chairman Tim Kaine.


* Embattled Rep. Todd Akin (R-Mo.) is back on the campaign trail. He appeared Thursday at the Northwest Missouri state fair and offered the GOP presidential ticket some praise it would probably rather do without. "I totally support the Ryan, Romney ticket," Akin said. "I'm completely on board. I think they're great. I've worked with Paul Ryan. He is excellent. Best guy on the budget of anyone in the Congress that I know of. And I think they're fantastic and I am looking forward to working with them."

* Vice President Biden was the latest high-profile Democrat to criticize Rep. Paul Ryan's (R-Wis.) GOP convention temarks blaming Obama for the closure of a GM plant that was slated to be shuttered before the president took office. "What he didn't tell you is the plant in Janesville actually closed when President Bush was still in office," Biden said at a campaign stop in Lordstown, Ohio.

* A Democratic poll conducted for House Majority PAC/SEIU/AFSCME/Friends of Democracy shows the race between freshman Rep. Chip Cravaack (R-Minn.) and former Democratic congressman Rick Nolan is about even, with Nolan at 47 percent and Cravaack at 44 percent.

* Rep. Ron Paul (R-Tex.) says Romney's convention speech left him skeptical. "I remain very, very skeptical of hearing anything that will change the course of history. We have a debt problem. We have a spending problem, but how many things did he list to cut?" he said.


Happy Friday!

With Aaron Blake and Rachel Weiner
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Dividing America

Hannity's Headlines

Friday, August 31st

Dividing America
“We’ve watched class warfare throughout this campaign,” began Hannity, “We’re seeing this country divided along class lines.” “We’re dividing old versus young with Mediscare,” continued Sean, “But this is not new with the Democratic Party, let’s go back to 1998.” Leo Terrell and Deneen Borelli joined Sean to discuss the racial tone of the 2012 campaign. “Mitt Romney frightens African Americans,” offered Terrell. “You’re frightening the listeners,” laughed Borelli, “Obama was too busy to go to the NAACP because of a so-called scheduling conflict but the truth is because he didn’t want to talk about black on black crime and high unemployment in the black community.” As this continues, it’ll be interesting to see just how far the Obama campaign will go to make sure they don’t have to talk about their record. To hear proof of Sean's statement that De mocrats have always made race a divisive issue, click here

Pat Buchanan

Pat Buchanan knows a thing or two about great speeches having made headlines for his remarks at the 1992 Republican National Convention. “Your speech was extraordinarily well it was received,” offered Hannity,” You’ve been to many conventions, what were your general thoughts?” “Mitt Romney helped himself enormously,” responded Buchanan, “He does retain some distance from the people but that’s not an entirely bad thing, Eisenhower had that and even Reagan had that.” “What do you think of how the left has been reacting,” questioned Sean, “The reaction is to call Ryan a liar and a racist.” “There’s a real fear that Romney/Ryan can win this election,” laughed Buchanan, “If there’s someone out there making a fool out of themselves then the media wouldn’t be doing what they’re doing.” Buchanan’s point is a great one. Governor Romney should be fla ttered by all the attacks, just as long as they don’t distract him from the message which is far more than hope and change. You can watch all of Pat Buchanan’s great 1992 speech, here.
@SeanHannity Tweet Of The Day
1 of the best lines of @MittRomney speech: "I will begin my presidency with the jobs tour. Obama began his with an apology tour." 

Clint Eastwood
Sean began Friday’s show defending Clint Eastwood who has taken a lot of criticism for his remarks at the Republican National Convention. “It’s funny and this was great,” laughed Hannity, “Liberals can’t stand the fact that there is a true American movie icon [offering support for Romney].” Certainly the media has jumped to criticize Eastwood’s performance this past week but others hail it as a huge success. If you haven’t seen it, you can do so here.

Today's "Hot Topic" From the Hannity Forums:
Questions Regarding Romney Speech - Posted by Grand Wazoo

Okay, so he is talking about Neil Armstrong when he said "God bless Neil Armstrong. Tonight that American flag is still there on the moon. And I don't doubt for a second that Neil Armstrong's spirit is still with us: that unique blend of optimism, humility and the utter confidence that when the world needs someone to do the really big stuff, you need an American. That's how I was brought up." So, is the "you need an American" just a reference to Neil, or was it a "birther" shot? How do you think the folks sitting at home took it?

>>TV Tonight (9pm ET on Fox News)
Frank Luntz on the latest polls
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Politics: Afternoon Edition: Clint Eastwood steals Romney's thunder

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The Washington PostFriday, August 31, 2012
Politics Afternoon Edition
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  1. Clint Eastwood steals Romney's thunder

    Mitt Romney delivered a good and personal acceptance speech on Thursday night. People who know him offered testimony about his values. But all anyone seems to be talking about is Clint Eastwood and an empty chair.
    » Read full article

  2. Romney to view Isaac storm damage

    Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney urged Americans to "hold us accountable" for campaign promises as he rallied supporters before flying to the New Orleans area Friday to view damage from Hurricane Isaac.
    » Read full article

  3. THE FIX: Why 2008 Obama is Mitt Romney's best friend

    Mitt Romney made one thing very clear during his speech at the Republican National Convention on Thursday night: He's happy to run against President Obama in 2012, but he's even happier to run against the Barack Obama of 2008.
    » Read full article

  4. Fact-checking Mitt Romney's RNC speech

    When the GOP nominee spoke about policy, he left out some facts or important context.
    » Read full article

  5. Interactive: Romney's RNC speech, sliced and diced

    Hear Mitt Romney's speech, see Twitter reaction and read analysis from The Fix, Fact Checker and other columnists.
    » Read full article


Leonard Hirshan, Clint Eastwood's manager explaining that his client will not be talking about his RNC speech when he does a publicity tour for his upcoming movie:

"He's speaking about the picture â€" not everything else."



Video: Clint Eastwood speaks at the 2012 Republican National Convention

Clint Eastwood delivers remarks at the 2012 Republican National Convention, utilizing some novel tactics to address President Obama.

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