Wednesday, October 31st | |
As the New York City area begins to assess the damage caused by Hurricane Sandy, many have been impressed with the leadership shown by New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. Christie, usually an Obama critic, praised the president for his storm response. "When the president does things that deserve praise, I will give him praise. And when the president does things that deserve scorn, I'll give him scorn," Christie explained during one press conference. While Sean praised Christie for his leadership he was quick to criticize the governor over comments he made regarding the apparent politicizing of this natural disaster by Democrats. Christie told a large gathering of reporters that he "has a job to do. If you think right now I give a damn about presidential politics, then you don't know me." "I'm sure the governor needs more federal money for the state and I understand that. And it's well deserved for the people who have such a heavy tax burden in New Jer sey. I found Christie's comments kinda parochial. This is a historically important election. You've got to care about it. We can take care of our friends in New Jersey and care about the election as well. New Jersey people are tough - they're known for being tough. It matters a hell of a lot who the next president is of the United States. It matters to the people of New Jersey big time! This is a consequential election - this is a tipping point election," Sean added. President Obama 'Offended' Over Benghazi Criticism? President Obama just keeps digging himself into a deeper hole when it comes to his administration's cover-up of the Benghazi terrorist attack. During an interview when asked about the changing story that keeps coming out of the White House, he did what he does best - deny, deflect, and not tell the truth. Sean was joined with reaction to Obama's statements by former presidential candidate Fred Thompson. "what did the president know and when did he know it. Specifically, on the afternoon and evening of September 11th of this year?" Thompson asked. "He supposedly should have been in the situation room calling the ultimate shots with regard to this, and they hide behind fog of war, we've got to put everything together, conflicting reports. He knows what he did. He knows what he instructions he gave. He knows what feedback he got at the time, and to not go before the American people and the parents of these -- of these young people who go out there and put t heir lives on the line is absolutely disgraceful, and he's getting away with it until after this election," Thompson added. To watch Sean's entire conversation with Fred Thompson, please click here. |
Race Tightens In Virginia Democrat Tim Kaine is hanging on to a dwindling lead over Republican George Allen in Virginia's Senate race, but the gap is narrowing, a new poll today showed. Kaine is now ahead of Allen, 50 to 46 percent, according to a Quinnipiac University poll. Allen has closed the gap since earlier in October, when Kaine was up 51 to 44 percent in the same poll. Allen joined Sean on the NewsMaker Hotline and discussed his pro jobs growth blue print. Allen has been vocal about his plan that he says would bring jobs back to the people of Virginia. Allen is particularly upset by the destruction of the coal and energy industry, who employe many of his constituents. Allen explained that his motto is to have the state of Virginia as his priority, whereas his opponent wants to be Barack Obama's Senator - a mouth piece for his liberal agenda. Allen knows that the American spirit is alive and well it just needs the right leadership to get it back into the forefront once again. To listen t o Sean's radio interview with George Allen please click here. Today's "Hot Topic" From The Hannity Forums: Thank you Obamacare! - killSocialism I work for one of the largest financial institutions in the world. This time of the year is when employees make their benefit selections for the upcoming year. The company has gone from 7 choice providers to now 2. The provider I have had for over 12 years now and was extremely happy with to protect my family is no longer a choice. An HR rep for the company stood at one of our town hall meetings and directly told us a lot of our plans are classified as cadillac plans under the new law and would be dropped. I am a middle class worker. I am not an executive of any sort, just a middle class IT guy. Thanks obama for raising my healthcare costs and narrowing my choices. >> TV Tonight (Hannity FoxNews at 9pm ET): 6 days to go until Election Day. We have full coverage of the 2012 race and the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy tonight on 'Hannity'. |
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