White House: Oh yeah, about Obama’s budget — sequestration is exacerbating the holdup

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White House: Oh yeah, about Obama’s budget — sequestration is exacerbating the holdup
by Erika Johnsen

posted at 7:31 pm on February 28, 2013 by Erika Johnsen

So the White House simply hasn’t had the time to finish up a major project that was due a month ago, yet somehow, they’ve managed to come up with and fudge overly-alarmist numbers for specific Cabinet officials and sent them all out on a sequestration scaremongering spree. Got it. Via Politico:

President Obama’s budget will probably be released in March, White House press secretary Jay Carney said Thursday, but has been delayed in part by “manufactured crises” including sequestration.

“The series of manufactured crises around budget issues, certainly has resulted at least in part in those experts in the administration who work on those issues having to spend a lot of time dealing with those crises rather than on that,” Carney said during his daily briefing. “But that’s part of the job and they’re working on the budget.”

There it is, the latest and also bogus victim to fall to this dreadful sequestration business: President Obama’s budget (talk about “manufacturing crises,” yeesh).

Huh. How do you suppose that kind of procrastination-oriented excuse would fly with a professor or a boss? The White House is required to submit an annual budget to Congress on the first Monday in February every single year — it’s a deadline that they know is coming well in advance, and yet have neglected to abide by four out of the five years he’s been president. Our country’s federal budget is kind of an important assignment, but all the White House can say is, “Meh, we’re working on it, it might be ready sometime this month.” At least they’re bothering with an excuse this time, I guess.

The Day of Doom is Upon Us

The Day of Doom is Upon Us

By Todd Starnes

The Day of Doom is upon us.

I’m writing these words from deep inside my sequestration bunker – bracing for the impact of a three percent budget cut that President Obama said would cause our nation to fall into ruin.


“The One” prophesied this day would come – when jetliners would fall from the skies, when illegal aliens would roam the streets of our cities, and children would no longer be able to read.

The Mayans thought the world would end in 2012 – but President Obama believes it will end today.

But many Americans believe his administration is manufacturing a crisis and one New York University professor suggested Obama was simply making up numbers – hoping it provoked outrage.

To get to the bottom of the crisis, I called Higgins – my confidential source deep inside the Obama Administration.

“Todd, it’s worse than we thought,” Higgins told me –his voice trembling with fear. “We just received some new information from Congresswoman Maxine Waters. She is a mathematician without equal in the Democratic Party. According to her projections, we could lose 170 million jobs.”

That didn’t seem quite right – considering there are roughly 145 million jobs across the fruited plain. But Higgins was defiant.

“If Mrs. Waters says two plus two equals nine, you can take that to the bank,” he said.

Higgins also disputed accusations the Obama Administration was manufacturing a crisis.

“We’ve already had to mothball Air Force One, eliminate Vice President Biden’s seven-second delay and the President has to floss alone,” Higgins said.

Wow, that’s pretty severe, I replied. “No more Air Force One?”

“We’re booking travel through the Priceline Negotiator,” he said.

“What about the upcoming state dinner,” I asked.

“We’ve had to let the kitchen staff go – so we’re contracting with Captain D’s,” he said. “Zagat says it’s a great little seafood place.”

Higgins said the White House has had a difficult time getting on message because the president has been unable to deliver any meaningful speeches.

“Our fabled orator has been silenced,” he said. “We had to lay off the president’s Telepromter.”

The Dept. of Homeland Security is especially troubled by budget cuts that could reduce the number of TSA agents guarding American airports. But Higgins told me the greatest fear is not terrorists walking unabated onto jetliners.

“Secretary Napolitano fears we could see an increase in prostate and rectal cancer as a result of fewer full-body pat downs and anal probes, Higgins told me.

Due to unanticipated ObamaCare costs, many proctologists discovered they could make more money as coffee house baristas. A growing number of airline passengers were using the TSA as their primary care physicians.

“Sadly, we were counting on those TSA agents to stand in the gap,” he said.

Amidst the reports of disease and pestilence, Higgins did tells me our national crisis has inspired moments of glory.

“We were able to save several significant positions in the administration,” he said, “most notably the grounds keeper at the Andrews Air Force Base Golf Course and the White House Brew Master.”

What about the White House vegetable garden, I wondered.

“Well, there was quite a bit of discussion about who would hoe Mrs. Obama’s garden,” Higgins allowed. “There was a heated debate – but the N.S.A. finally decided it was a matter of national security to weed whack the president’s radishes.”

Suddenly there was a loud commotion. I could hear lots of shouting and cell phones ringing.

“Take us to Def-Con Two, stat,” a deep baritone voice rumbled.

“Higgins, what’s happening?”

I could hear Higgins gasping for air. His voice was hushed.

“Todd, it’s happening,” he said. “Strategic Air Command just picked up an unidentified object advancing on the White House.”

“The North Koreans?”

“No,” he whispered. “It’s the Angel of Death.”

Higgins said the Air Force was dispatching two drones out of Andrews to try and get a lock on the other-worldly being – but he didn’t sound hopeful.

I asked about Plan B.

“We’re going to let Biden answer the door,” he said.

Suddenly, the line went dead and Higgins was no more.

To quote the prophets of old:

“Budget cuts, O Budget Cuts! Blast you, Sequestration! Oh disease and pestilence, Thy stench flares my nostrils. Thus Sweet Lady Liberty Weeps.”

Todd is the author of Dispatches From Bitter America – endorsed by Sarah Palin, Mark Levin and Sean Hannity. Click here to get your copy!

News Alert: Obama administration says Calif. same-sex marriage ban violates Constitution

Breaking News from The Washington Post
Obama administration says Calif. same-sex marriage ban violates Constitution
The Washington Post Thursday, February 28, 2013 7:21:32 PM

National News Alert

Obama administration says Calif. same-sex marriage ban violates Constitution

The Obama administration Thursday told the Supreme Court that California's ban on same-sex marriage violates the Constitution's guarantee of equal protection, a position that could also cast doubt on prohibitions in other states.

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Exclusive Bob Woodward Interview

Hannity's Headlines

Thursday, February 28th

Woodward Exclusive
Tonight on Hannity we will have an exclusive interview with author and journalist Bob Woodward. Woodward, as you may know, has been the source of controversy over the last few days for his reporting on sequestration, which apparently got him into some hot water with the White House. Yesterday morning, Woodward went on MSNBC where he said that Obama's decision not to deploy an aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf because of the looming cuts was "a kind of madness that I haven't seen in a long time," prompting additional outrage. Later yesterday evening, Woodward told CNN that a "very senior person" at the White House - which we now know was Gene Sperling - sent him an email saying that he would "regret doing this." This set off a firestorm online, outrage over the believable claim that the White House was threatening reporters who dare to question the White House's messaging or policies. For a complete timeline of events between Bob Woodward and the White House as well as a highlight of tonight's interview, please click here.

The Fox News Treatment
The Obama White House has launched a full-scale war against Bob Woodward and, it’s nice to see that others are getting the Fox News treatment. Some are fighting back and others are trying to suck up and it’s funny to watch. There are many who didn’t care when the Obama White House was attacking Fox News but now perhaps many will start to pay attention. There are others who have been intimidated by President Obama and his staff including my friend Lanny Davis and has gone largely unchecked. This is all proof that this Administration is in far more disarray than anyone thought and this is proof that pride proceeded the fall and I think we’re beginning to see just that. For more on this story, click here
Suddenly, We'll Survive
First let's set the stage. Over the last week, President Panic has been saying that if Republicans didn't agree to close tax loopholes and deductions for rich people, then the following catastrophic consequences would occur: We're going to have to choose between cutting support for poor children and disabled children. Our military readiness would be jeopardized. Job-creating investments in education, energy and medical research would be "eviscerated." After all of that, suddenly President Panic has changed his tune. Last night, Barack Obama painted a very different picture for The Business Council in Washington. He is now saying, "This is not a cliff, but it is a tumble downward." That's a far cry from the apocalyptic doom that he and his Democrat cohorts have been screaming. Even the New York Times reports, "President Obama's team concedes that the almost certain arrival of across-the-board budget cuts on Friday will not immediately produce the politically dramatic layoffs and airport delays that the administration has been warning about for days." So what happened? The answer may or may not surprise you - click here.

Today's "Hot Topic" From the Hannity Forums
'Very Senior' White House Official Threatens Bob Woodward! - Posted by Wildbil546

Bob Woodward said this evening on CNN that a "very senior person" at the White House warned him that he would "regret doing this," the same day he has continued to slam President Barack Obama over the looming forced cuts known as the sequester.

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Politics/Economy News Alert: Competing bills to avert sequester fail in Senate

Politics News Alert from The Washington Post
Competing bills to avert sequester fail in Senate
The Washington Post Thursday, February 28, 2013 3:30:39 PM

Politics News Alert

Competing bills to avert sequester fail in Senate

Competing partisan bills to avert the looming budget cuts failed to advance in the Senate Thursday, as Congress prepared to leave Washington for the weekend without taking action on the $85 billion sequester.

A Republican proposal would have left the budget cuts intact but provided new flexibility to President Obama to decide where the cuts would fall. It was rejected on a 38 to 62 vote -- as all but two Democrats opposed it, along with nine Republicans who feared it would afford President Obama too much power. Sixty votes were needed to advance the measure.

Likewise, a bill from Democrats that embodied President Obama's call to replace the across-the-board budget reduction with a mixture of other cuts and higher tax revenues was also blocked, on a 51 to 49 vote. Several Democrats facing 2014 elections voted against the measure.

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