500 "Youths" That Could Have Been Obama's Kids Rampage Through Chicago's Magnificent Mile, Assault Shoppers and Police
CBS Channel 2 calls the rioters "mischievous".
The warmest day of the year so far brings hundreds of mischievous teens to Michigan Avenue... [But] Police are calling it ‘mob action’.
CBS 2 is learning about multiple incidents in at least four different locations along the Magnificent Mile and in the Gold Coast, yielding a slew of arrests.
Things got pretty bad, very quickly with many innocent shoppers and tourists caught in the middle of a very chaotic situation... Hundreds of teens littered Michigan Avenue and State Street near Chicago... Things started to go bad around 6:00 p.m. Saturday, with teens purposely bumping into people, and causing fights among themselves.
... “You had a group of teens, close to maybe 500. They assaulted a Chicago police officer that was on a mounted on a horse and all of a sudden they assaulted a citizen walking the streets, just a normal citizen shopping and enjoying the weather,” said [an eyewitness].
Later that night, a man was attacked around 10:45 p.m. while walking near Chicago and Dearborn. Sources tell us he was jumped and punched in the face by a group of teens. He was taken to Northwestern Memorial Hospital.
In a separate incident, a group of woman say they were attacked by a mob of girls on the CTA Red Line. The women reported a robbery once they got off the train at the State and Monroe station. Eleven females were arrested—10 juveniles and one adult—and charged with battery. Two of the teens were charged with strong- armed robbery.
According to commenters at Chicago police blog Second City Cop, not only isn't national media covering the story, even the local media isn't telling the whole story:
TOURISTS BEWARE: You are not getting the whole story. I was coming home from work at 7:30. The savages were randomly attacking people. Go to Woodfield if you want to shop. Chicago is not safe.
You'd think such vicious racially motivated hate crimes would receive wide-spread national media attention, but they don't. As a rule, reporters and prosecutors ignore the racist motivations of black-on-white mob attacks. In news articles like this one the thugs are invariably described only by their age -- "kids" or "teenagers" -- while any mention of their race is studiously omitted, as if it had nothing to do with the crimes.
Or "mischievous youths".
In related news from gun-free Chicago, "2 dead, 20 wounded over the Easter weekend."
Thank goodness law-abiding citizens can't defend themselves in Chicago. Some of those poor "youths" might have been hurt.
Chicago, like Detroit, represents Democrats' policies writ large: as with the Motor City, we are witnessing the breakdown of the civil society, brought to you by secular immorality, incentivizing the single-parent family, and unfettered redistribution of wealth from makers to takers.
But don't worry, folks: if Michelle Obama has her way, at least the "youths" who attack you during your next shopping trip won't be obese.