SWEATING BULLETS: Are Colorado Democrats Worried About Gun Control Recall Campaigns?

SWEATING BULLETS: Are Colorado Democrats Worried About Gun Control Recall Campaigns?

With the frequency of flailing attacks left-wing Colorado Pols has been throwing out lately against the impending recall campaigns of Democratic Senators Hudak and Morse and Representative McLachlan, you might begin to wonder if they doth protest too much.

(Note to Michele Bachmann — it's not "protestest too much")

It makes you wonder if some on the left have polled the issue and are beginning to worry that a low-turnout recall election is more than just a minor annoyance.

Should any of the petition drives succeed, a recall election would likely be very low turnout, which would favor the highly motivated voter — something that gun rights supporters pretty much personify.

Of all the targets worrying about the recall drives, we're betting Senate President John Morse is the one most concerned. There are a couple of reasons for this:

  • The threshold for signatures is the lowest in his district of all the recalls, as the threshold is 25% of the votes cast in the politician's last election. For Morse, that was the the low turnout, off-year of 2010.
  • Morse's Colorado Springs district is compact enough that gathering the signatures is considerably easier than, say, the rural Southwest Colorado district of Rep. Mike McLachlan.
  • As Senate President, Morse has more responsibilities at the Capitol than other targets. That means the drainage of time and treasure that combating a recall campaign takes will do greater damage regardless of whether Morse survives. Should be interesting to see how much per diem Morse claims for the days he's playing politics to defend his seat.

At the outset of the recall campaigns, Colorado Pols and liberals wrote them off as hopeless exercises in futility.

With the amount of ink spilled on the recalls recently, it seems safe to say the left is starting to take the possibility of losing their Senate President before next session starts pretty seriously.


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