Yesterday Wasn't a Bad Dream

Breaking News

June 27, 2013

Dear NRO Friends,

Jeesh. A sad day indeed. Miserable. Well, as WFB always said, despair is a sin, so let's not. Still, weren't Roberts and Kennedy "our" guys? With friends like these . . .

Much to read on NRO today.

Steyn's View Mark takes to The Corner to comment on yesterday's events. He scores it one step forward and two steps back (unfortunately for us Americans, the step forward is in Canada). And he finds the logic of Justice Kennedy "profoundly disturbing." A must read.

Rome 200 A.D. Victor Davis Hanson looks at the Great Experiment, now in its 237th year, and sees . . . Rome. The long waning years of a once-mighty Empire. "Like Rome, America apparently can coast for a long time on the fumes of its wonderful political heritage and economic dynamism." The classical historian's column on the USA's Splintering is worth your attention.

Another Roberts' Beaut John Fund looks at the Chief Justice's majority opinion in California's Proposition 8 case, which said that plaintiffs lacked standing to argue before SCOTUS, and finds something "as bizarre as his Obamacare decision."

The Big Winner Is . . . California Governor Jerry Brown. So says John Yoo in his analysis of the Windsor and Perry marriage cases.

What's Next Marriage Symposium NRO asks the experts. They weigh in. A lot of wise analysis.

Rules for Radicals: The Conservative Edition Eliana Johnson profiles ACORN-busting videographer/provocateur Jame's O'Keefe, author of Breakthrough: Our Guerilla War to Expose Fraud and Save Democracy.

Heritage Action Fighting Immigration Bill Our Betsy Woodruff reports on how a branch of the Heritage Foundation is playing David against the Gang of Eight's Goliath. If you want a glimpse at who is fighting the fights worth fighting, read this.

On the Texas abortion-bill lunacy

The Stars at Night Deep in the heart of Texas, in Austin statehouse, the liberals got their Alinsky on and killed legislation to limit abortion. Kathryn Lopez reports.

Liberals Standing for Death Charles Cooke explains just what the new pro-choice darling, Wendy Davis, and her legions of screaming legislature-invaders, were really accomplishing.

Jeesh again. What's becoming of America? Well, today is a new day, and so will tomorrow be, when I will catch you next. After that, Jimbo returns!


Jack Fowler

P.S: A summer-reading-list reminder. Get your copies of Rich Lowry's Lincoln Unbound, Kevin D. Williamson's The End Is Near, And It's Going To Be Awesome, and Jay Nordlinger's history of the Nobel Peace Prize, Peace, They Say.

And if you like action novels, from a distinctly conservative perspective, I suggest you check out The Red Menace #1: Red and Buried. By James Mullaney, who's well-known to you fans of "The Destroyer" novels. And to my wife. Since he is her brother. Geez I hope this earns me some points!

To read more, visit

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