Wednesday, July 31st | |
While the federal government refuses to bailout Detroit, looks like federal taxpayers will be stuck with some of the bill anyhow. As it turns out, in order to shirk costs, city officials are crafting a plan that will shift retirees into the new insurance markets that will soon be operating under Obama Care. Who will be footing the bill for this shift to Obama Care exchanges? You and I! This is really a case of not thinking through the consequences of legislation. I'm not nearly as frustrated with Detroit as I am with Washington and I bet other cities will be quick to follow their path. This could all get very expensive. If you haven't read about this, check out this article from The Weekly Standard. If You Fund It, It Will Grow I want you to try your best to think of any entitlement program in our history that has been ended or shut down by our government. If you're like me, it's pretty difficult to come up with an example. That's because it is nearly impossible for government programs to come to an end once they are sucked into the big-government machine. Once Obama Care is fully implemented, it will be a part of your life and the lives of your children, grandchildren and for however long our nation survives. And it won't just exist in its current form (which is already bigger and more bloated than when it passed). Obama Care, like all government entitlement programs, will only grow bigger and more expensive as the years go by. Meanwhile, I will guarantee that the quality of care will diminish and costs will rise. That is the nature of government. The solution will then be to throw even more money at the problem, but since when has money proven to be the solution to any problem tack led by Washington? Just take a look at education – We spend billions more than we did decades ago, and yet we haven't seen virtually any improvement in student performance. Money is not the solution, though it will be spent. Conservatives need leaders, communicators and visionaries. I believe that there are currently some rising conservative leaders in Washington who stand with bold colors. It's just a shame that people who also claim to be conservative are telling them to cool it, dial it down and quit ruffling feathers. The last time I checked, playing along wasn't working so well for anyone and particularly conservative Americans who are tired with the big, bloated ways of Washington. |
Obama Care Train Wreck Updates Now for some of the latest updates on this disastrous bill. The architect of the bill, Max Baucus, got it exactly right: This is a train wreck. Here's how the train is crashing this week: Obama's decision to delay the employer mandate will cost $12 billion and leave a million fewer Americans with employer-sponsored health insurance in 2014. ( Reuters) Remember when Sarah Palin was demonized for characterizing Obama Care's Independent Payment Advisory Board as a death panel? Turns out that she was right, according to … Howard Dean? ( Washington Examiner) Members of Congress and their staffs are now complaining about having to sign up for Obama Care. I'm having a hard time feeling sorry for them, considering many of them likely voted for the bill. ( National Review) Florida's insurance commissioner says that health insurance rates in his state will rise by 5 to 20 percent in the small-group market, and 30 to 40 percent in the individual market. ( Palm Beach Post) I have more on Hannity.com, you should stop by and check it out. Today's "Hot Topic" From the Hannity Forums Minimum Wage - Posted by Iamredbeard I don't post often in the WP forum, but I wanted to say this. But first let me say that my politics are all over the place so I am not really a conservative. Having said that let me state my position. I believe in a minimum wage, and yes I know that is not a popular position to take here. But I think that it should be handled and the state level and it some situations the city or county level. For instance does anyone really believe that the cost of living is the same in Idaho as it is in New York. The Minimum wage needs to be tied to the cost of living and the federal government needs to stay out of it, leave it to the states. >>TV Tonight (9pm ET on Fox News) Senator Marco Rubio on how Obama Care can be stopped. |
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