Federal Judge Establishes Islam As Official and Protected Religion of America

Federal Judge Establishes Islam As Official and Protected Religion of America

In 2010, 70% of Oklahomans voted yes on a state constitutional amendment to prevent judges from using sharia law in any of their decisions and rulings. The residents of the state did not want to see Oklahoma courts using sharia law over state or federal law like what has happened in other states.

One of the key principles of a republic is that the people rule and decide law. In a democracy, the government assumes the role of the people and decides law for themselves. Former President James Madison once said:

"Democracy was the right of the people to choose their own tyrant."

In some cases, that tyrant chooses others to assist in their tyranny as is the case with Chief District Judge Vicki Miles-LaGrange of the Western District of Oklahoma. Miles-LaGrange was appointed to her federal bench by liberal Democratic President Bill Clinton in 1994.

In 2010, Miles-LaGrange placed a temporary injunction against the Oklahoma anti-sharia bill, SQ-755 after it was challenged by Muneer Awad, the Executive Director of the Oklahoma chapter of CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations. And wouldn't you know it; the lawsuit was actually filed on their behalf by the ACLU, which I affectionately refer to the Anti-Christian Lawyers Union.

Now, Judge Miles-LaGrange has taken it upon herself to tell 70% of Oklahoma voters that their votes no longer matter and that one person has the right to nullify them as she struck down the law. In her ruling, Miles-LaGrange stated:

"Having reviewed the numerous statements by the legislators who authored the amendment, it is abundantly clear that the primary purpose of the amendment was to specifically target and outlaw Sharia law and to act as a preemptive strike against Sharia law to protect Oklahoma from a perceived 'threat' of Sharia law being utilized in Oklahoma courts."

"While the public has an interest in the will of the voters being carried out, the Court finds that the public has a more profound and long-term interest in upholding an individual's constitutional rights."

She also said the voters would not have passed the law without mention of sharia law, ruling that the:

"…public debate, public discussions, articles, radio ads and robocalls regarding SQ 755 all primarily, and overwhelmingly, focused on the Sharia law provisions of the amendment." Ryan Kiesel, Executive Director of the Oklahoma ACLU stated: "This law unfairly singled out one faith and one faith only. This amendment was nothing more than a solution in search of a problem. We're thrilled that it has been struck down."


Read more at http://godfatherpolitics.com/

Federal Judge Establishes Islam As Official and Protected Religion of America

John Hames


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