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ObamaCare, Spending and Immigration Reform are Hot Topics at Town Hall Meetings Congressman Phil Roe, Representing the First District of Tennessee
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Congressman Phil Roe, M.D. - Representing the 1st District of Tennessee

 ObamaCare, Spending and Immigration Reform are Hot Topics at Town Hall Meetings

The August district work period is a great opportunity to hear what is on the minds of East Tennesseans. I'm in the process of holding a series of town hall meetings throughout the district, and have heard from many of you about issues important to you and your families. Still, I realize many folks have busy schedules and can't make these meetings, but it seems that three main issues are on the mind of East Tennesseans: ObamaCare, government spending and immigration reform.

I voted against ObamaCare when it was passed into law, and have since voted to repeal this bill in full 3 times and have voted numerous times to repeal parts of this deeply flawed law. As a physician with more than 30 years of experience, taking care of patients has been my life's work. I know firsthand that our health care system is broken. Because of ObamaCare, the cost of health insurance is skyrocketing, frivolous lawsuits make care more expensive without improving quality, and too many Americans are still have trouble getting insurance.  Unfortunately, the president's health care law will do nothing to address the core problems with our health care system.

The administration claims there is no replacement bill, but that couldn't be further from the truth. House Republicans have put forth several pieces of legislation to reform health care in this country. To take it a step further, in the weeks and months ahead, I will continue working with my colleagues on the Republican Study Committee's Health Care Working Group, which I chair, and Chairman Steve Scalise (R-LA) to introduce a full replacement to ObamaCare. Our bill will include commonsense, market-based, patient-centered health reforms that will work for the American people. I truly hope the president gets the message. ObamaCare isn't working, most Americans don't want this law, and the only way to move forward with real health reform is to repeal and replace this harmful bill. 

Another issue being raised in town hall meetings is the budget and federal spending. Earlier this summer, President Obama visited Chattanooga to lay out his plan for a "Grand Bargain" to lower corporate tax rates in exchange for increased government spending. East Tennesseans know that the president's tax-and-spend policies aren't working. Out-of-control spending is one of the most significant threats to American prosperity. For too long, lawmakers from both parties have been irresponsible with your tax dollars, amassing a national debt of more than $16.7 trillion.

Since 2008 alone, the debt has increased by more than 50 percent. As the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office explains, "… large budget deficits and growing debt would reduce national saving, leading to higher interest rates, more borrowing from abroad, and less domestic investment—which in turn would lower the growth of incomes in the United States." The answer is simple: we must cut spending, balance our budget and get Americans back to work. This is very important to not only our future, but also the future of our children and grandchildren. This Congress, we've cut spending back to 2008 levels, but it's time to do more. Rest assured I will continue to support measures to cut wasteful spending and get America back on the road to prosperity.

Finally, immigration has been another hot topic at town hall meetings. If there's one thing I've learned since coming to to Congress, it's that Washington doesn't do big well. Just look at what we're seeing now with Obamacare. Bills that are thousands of pages long are difficult to understand, even for experts, and often come with unintended consequences. Unfortunately, the same is true for the Senate immigration bill. Since the immigration debate began in Washington, I've worked to understand what First District residents think the solutions are. And I can tell you this – there is widespread concern about the Senate bill, particularly with respect to the bill's provisions that put immigrants who came here illegally on a path to citizenship.  I share that concern. The problem of illegal immigration has gone on too long and I believe any immigration reform proposals must begin with verifiable border security and improved visa monitoring before we address the approximately 11 million immigrants who are in our country illegally.

It has been extremely beneficial to hear from you this August. If you haven't had a chance to make a town hall meeting and would like to know when one will be held nearest you, please visit www.roe.house.gov/townhalls.

Feel free to contact my office if we can be of assistance to you or your family. Our contact information can be found on our website, www.roe.house.gov.

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  • Health care
  • Federal Spending
  • Immigration Reform
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