Obama's Shot Across The Bow

Hannity's Headlines

Thursday, August 29th

Obama's Shot Across The Bow
The showdown over Syria appears to be an ever-changing landscape of political brinksmanship. Here's where we currently stand, though it is hard to tell when and how things will change. Last night Obama told PBS that any strike against Syria would be a "shot across the bow," and wouldn't draw the United States into an open-ended conflict. He reiterated that any strike will be limited. In my opinion, it's virtually pointless - an empty, feel good response with no real purpose... more

IRS ObamaCare Rule
This week the IRS published its 75-page final rule on ObamaCare's individual mandate. Are you ready for the title of this rule? The "Shared Responsibility Payment for Not Maintaining Minimum Essential Coverage." Shared responsibility payment? That's right! That is the phrase that is being used to describe the mandate's non-compliance penalty. It uses the term "shared responsibility payment" more than 50 times in the rule. Keep in mind that these "payments" are actually taxes, as ruled by the Supreme Court, and yet the word "tax" is never used in the rule related to the individual mandate. This is dishonest on the part of the IRS to try and mask the true nature of ObamaCare. The Supreme Court didn't rule on "shared responsibility payments" it ruled on taxes. Calling it anything other than what it truly is is nothing more than liberals trying to change the language in the hopes that the American people are too ignorant to understand what is really going on.
Outrageous! Liberal Race Rhetoric
We have a few instances lately of liberals and their insensitive, divisive rhetoric in regards to race. Let's start with Jesse Jackson. In an interview earlier this week, Jackson said the following: "The tea party is the resurrection of the Confederacy. It's the Fort Sumter tea party." He also believes that race is "absolutely" a reason why the GOP opposes Barack Obama. Now I don't know about you, but I'm getting really tired of this race-baiting rhetoric. Anyone who understands the principles of the tea party will tell you that it has absolutely nothing to do with race, as difficult as that may be for some small-minded liberals to understand. And there are plenty of reasons to oppose Barack Obama because of his failed policies, but for liberals that is also hard to comprehend. Liberal lunatic Ed Schultz reacted to Jackson's interview by asking his own viewers... continued

Today's "Hot Topic" On The Hannity Forums:
How much should US taxpayers borrow to help syria? - alanturing

I noticed that it is common to talk about debt and borrowing when it comes to social programs at home, but rarely is this same line of reasoning used as a main argument when considering getting involved in a war and nation building in another country. Iraq costs us over a trillion dollars and counting (since we have to pay interest on the borrowed money). So how much would you be willing to have the US borrow to help get involved in Syria?

>> TV Tonight (Hannity FoxNews at 9pm ET):
President Obama continues to mull over his options for a possible strike on Syria. Sen. Rand Paul reacts. Plus if and when the U.S. carries out an airstrike what will the targets be? Gen. Jack Keane weighs in. And Brent Bozell joins Sean to share the most outrageous examples of media bias.
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