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NSA Privacy Concerns On the very same day that it was revealed the Obama administration's NSA spy program is far more invasive than originally suspected, new polling data has emerged indicating this unprecedented invasion of privacy is taking a major toll on the president's popularity. According to the the Wall Street Journal, the National Security Agency's surveillance network has the ability to spy on 75 percent of all U.S. Internet traffic. In addition "It retains the written consent of e-mails sent between citizens within the U.S. and also filters domestic phone calls made with internet technology." But that's not all. According to newly declassified documents, the NSA was rebuked in 2011 by a secret court for collecting thousands of e-mails from Americans. The agency admits those e-mails had absolutely no connection whatsoever to terrorism. Here's why the story is so critically important. Number one, NSA officials admitted to the journal that the systems' reach is so broad domest ic communications are more likely to be intercepted than foreign ones. Number two, this proves that the government's ability to spy on you and your neighbors is greater than we've all been led to believe. Number three, chalk this up as yet another piece of evidence that the self-proclaimed most transparent administration in history is anything but. To read the WSJ article on the NSA surveillance reach, please click here. Today's "Hot Topic" From the Hannity Forums So they are above the law? - Posted by savagemic Apparently, the laws against identity theft do not apply to illegal aliens who are caught using someone elses identity, according to ICE. >>TV Tonight (9pm ET on Fox News) Robert Zimmerman reacts to the senseless killing of a college baseball player. Was the act racially motivated? Plus mayoral candidate Joe Lhota reacts to the controversial stop-and-frisk policies. And NFL Hall of Famer Cris Carter reflects on his career. |
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