Spokane police chief insults WWII victim who was murdered in hate crime

Spokane police chief insults WWII victim who was murdered in hate crime

Photos at right: Spokane Police Chief Frank Straub and hate crime murder victim Delbert Belton.

Delbert Belton was an 88 year old combat veterans of the Battle of Okinawa. He was beaten to death by two black teenagers in an unprovoked mob attack.

Now the far-left Spokane, Washington police chief is downplaying the attack and insulting the elderly victim. Spokane Police Chief Frank Straub downplayed the brutal murder as a "robbery." Based on this logic, all the Jews who died in the custody of the Nazi regime during WWII were just robbery victims. Since Jewish owned property was being liquidated to pay for the war effort.

To say that "robbery" is the motive is to purposely deny the obvious. The level of violence vastly outweighs the insignificant amount of money that would have been in the man's wallet. The thugs murdered Belton, because they wanted to murder a white man. He was not killed, because they wanted the few dollars in his wallet.

But Belton went even farther and spewed a vile insult at the victim. He suggest the man caused his own death by fighting back against his attackers. Belton stated "Our information is that the individual fought back and that may have made this, you know, a worse situation."

This entry was posted on Tuesday, August 27th, 2013 at 3:04 pm and is filed underHate Crime Murder. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0feed.

Spokane police chief insults WWII victim who was murdered in hate crime

John Hames


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