Syria and the Rise of Radical Islam

Hannity's Headlines

Tuesday, August 27th

Syria and the Rise of Radical Islam
The situation over the use of chemical weapons in Syria has escalated. The United States' use of military force is no longer a question of "if" and more like "when." Yesterday Secretary of State John Kerry made a statement just as the show was getting underway. Kerry referred to the use of chemical weapons as "a moral obscenity." He also called out countries like Russia for trying to cover up the fact that chemical weapons were used - A fact that Kerry referred to as "undeniable." As a result, the United States seems to be preparing for limited cruise missile strikes. Reports indicate that these strikes could happen as soon as this Thursday. It appears that the goal of this strike would not be to take out Assad, but to send a message that his use of chemical weapons and defiance of the West is unacceptable. Whether it be Obama's lack of strategy or his woeful naivete, the fact is that Obama has completely blown it when it comes to the Middle East. It will be dif ficult to see how Obama gains credibility not matter what he decides to do about Syria. He blew it in Egypt, supporting the Muslim Brotherhood and now failing to support the Egyptian people. He blew it in Iran when he failed to support the Green Revolution. Mali, Libya, Afghanistan, Turkey ... what we are witnessing is the decline of U.S. influence in the region and the rise of radical Islam. We've shown our allies that we are not to be trusted and our enemies that they have little to fear. Thus, the United States has lost credibility and a power vacuum is emboldening the worst kind of players imaginable to future stability and peace in the region and throughout the world.

ObamaCare Cheaper Than A Phone Bill?
In a radio interview with Tom Joyner and Sybil Wilkes, Barack Obama proclaimed that Martin Luther King Jr. would have liked ObamaCare. As outrageous and far-fetched as that may be, Obama went on to assert that “for a lot of people, [ObamaCare] will be cheaper than your cell phone bill." If that's truly the case, then Americans need to re-negotiate their cellphone service! Anyone who has been paying attention has seen the stories day after day about the outrageous premium increase costs associated with ObamaCare. A Congressional Report issued earlier this year warned that premium costs could increase as much as 200% for some Americans. For young people, it will be more cost effective to simply pay the tax penalty than sign up for ObamaCare. And don't forget the IRS report which found that by 2016, the cheapest health insurance plan available for a family will cost $20,000 for the year. Someone may want to alert the president that $20,000 is a little high for a cell phone bill.
Sen. Cruz: US needs to focus on protecting national security
Last night on 'Hannity' Sean spoke with Senator Ted Cruz about Obama's handling of Syria. Cruz felt strongly that the U.S. should not intervene. "The United States Armed Forces is not -- doesn't exist to be a policeman for the world. And I certainly hope the reaction isn't simply lobbying some cruise missiles in to disagree with Assad's murderous actions. Rather, our focus should be on protecting our national security which, lead to two things. Number one, under no circumstances should we be arming rebels who would be affiliated with Al Qaeda. And this administration has already suggested they want to arm the rebels with no reliable means or differentiating Al Qaeda for non-Al Qaeda. And number two, our concern should be those chemical weapons, preventing them from falling into the hands of Hezbollah, preventing them from falling into the hands of Al Qaeda. That should be guiding our actions, not expressing some moral outrage from a university or faculty la b," Cruz explained. To watch Sean's entire interview with Sen. Ted Cruz, please click here.

Today's "Hot Topic" On The Hannity Forums:
The Real Syria Question - Orygun

Maybe it will happen today, or within a few days. But it seems highly likely that we will send a number of guided missiles to take out chemical weapons caches, bunkers and potential factories. That's the easy part. The real question remains...what if Assad continues to use any hidden chemical weapons after this attack How will the US respond then? Obama, and most of the US, does not want a deep engagement there. But if Assad continues on a chemical killing spree using hidden chemical weapons...what will we do to respond?

>> TV Tonight (Hannity FoxNews at 9pm ET):
The mounting crisis in Syria has everyone on edge. Sen. Ron Johnson reacts. Plus Ann Coulter grades the Obama administration's stance against the rogue regime. And have race relations improved since Martin Luther King, Jr.'s 'I Have a Dream' speech?
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