Syria...Are We Too Late?
Monday, August 26th | |
Over a year after Barack Obama issued his infamous "red line" warning to Syria, we are still debating about how to handle Syria's civil war. On August 20, 2012, Barack Obama made this statement: "We have been very clear to the Assad regime, but also to other players on the ground that a red line for us is, we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized. That would change my calculus, that would change my equation." Since that date, there have been numerous reports of chemical weapons being used in Syria. Close to 100,000 people have been killed, according to some reports. The latest attack took place last week, killing as many as a thousand people. So what do we do? We send in a team from the United Nations to investigate whether or not chemical weapons were used. At this point (days after the attack), it may be impossible for them to determine whether or not chemical weapons were used because of time and the use of other weapons, which cou ld destroy the evidence. Today we get reports that the UN inspectors were shot at in their vehicles by snipers. Are we too late in responding in Syria? The evidence that chemical weapons have been used by the Assad regime before last week is pretty overwhelming. Ultimately I believe the situation in Syria points to the weakness of our president and our new-found strategy of leading from behind. We'll see where that gets us, but my guess is that it won't improve our standing throughout the world, nor will it make us safer. Support America's Vet Dogs Today Sean broadcast from America's Vet Dogs, a not-for-profit organization that trains guide and service dogs that give new independence and mobility to disabled veterans, active duty personnel, first responders and those who have served our country. All VetDogs services are provided at no cost to applicants thanks to the extraordinary generosity of its supporters. It costs over $50,000 to train and place one assistance dog. Sean spoke with Joseph Worley, a medic attached to a Marine unit deployed to Fallujah, Iraq. In 2004, as his medical convoy was heading back to base, the first vehicle hit an IED. Worley jumped out to aid his wounded comrades, ran a few yards, and was hit by a rocket-propelled grenade. It did not explode, but it took off his left leg. He was then shot six times. Worley lost his left leg above the knee and suffered severe damage to his right leg and ankle. In October 2008, Worley was partnered with his service dog Benjamin, a Golden Retriever, through America's VetDogs. Benjamin is trained to help with balance and stability when Worley walks using his prosthesis, and retrieves dropped items Worley can't reach when he's in his wheelchair. "Benjamin is a constant, nonjudgmental companion who doesn't treat me differently based on how I look," Worley says. "I am grateful for the difference he has made in my life - not only for me, but for my family." You can change a life... click here to support America's VetDogs and veterans like Joe. |
ObamaCare Tsunami Over the weekend, Senator Ted Cruz told CNN's Candy Crowley that a "grassroots tsunami" is about to hit Washington. The issue will be over the defunding of ObamaCare. The issue of defunding ObamaCare has become a litmus test for Republicans who are willing to fight for conservative principles and those who are only interested in maintaining their power and prestige in Washington. Ted Cruz acknowledged to Candy Crowley that he doesn't have the votes right now, meaning that there are still a lot of Republicans who do not support the plan to defund ObamaCare through the Continuing Resolution. This is a travesty. While literally every Republican will acknowledge that ObamaCare is a disaster, they aren't concerned enough to take a bold move and act on perhaps the last chance we have to dismantle it. If the exchanges are put in place on October 1st, the reality is that it will make it all that more difficult to get rid of the law. This is why defunding it before October 1st is so important. I think that Ted Cruz and people like him will receive tremendous support from voters. I think Republicans could grow their majority in the House if more Republicans stand up and fight for conservative principles. Today's "Hot Topic" On The Hannity Forums: Price of gas in the 21st century - tzor I've been keeping track of the price of regular gas (cash not credit) since my 2002 Prius in the state of New York (a state known for a nice hefty gas tax). The results are shown below. Lots of people cherry pick the numbers. I've also thrown in the numbers for West Texas Crude as well, and the correlation is spot on. >> TV Tonight (Hannity FoxNews at 9pm ET): Is the U.S. taking a hands-off approach to the crisis in Syria? Senator Ted Cruz reacts. Plus an 89-year-old veteran was brutally murdered by two teens. What's responsible for fueling hate in America? And what's gotten into Miley Cyrus? |
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