313 Companies Which Cut Worker Hours Because of Obamacare


313 Companies Which Cut Worker Hours Because of Obamacare

Obamacare's employer mandate only applies to employees working 30+ hours a week causing many employees to cut hours of existing workers to avoid the increased costs of health insurance or paying the penalties.

Many progressives have complained the news regarding hourly reductions has been exaggerated but as this list prepared by Investors Business Daily there are indeed many companies (313 below) cutting back worker hours thanks to the president's signature legislation (these are only employers who made public announcement).

Each of the employers names below are linked to the newspaper articles/news releases announcing the cutbacks:

EmployerActionDate of Action or Report
AlabamaHouston CountyCut hours of part-time employees to fewer than 30 per week13-Sep
AlabamaUniversity of AlabamaCapped student work hours at 20 per week13-Jul
AlabamaUniversity of North AlabamaCapped work hours at 29 per week for student employees13-Jul
ArizonaArizona State UniversityLimited course loads for non-tenured associate faculty members13-Aug
ArizonaMaricopa Community CollegesReduced hours of 700 adjunct faculty and 600 part-time workers below 30 per week13-May
ArizonaMichael Monti's La Casa Vieja steakhouseShifting more workers to fewer than 30 hours per week13-Sep
ArizonaUniversity of Arizona in TucsonLimited hours temporary employees may work in a year13-May
ArkansasArea Agency on Aging of Western Arkansas, Inc.Cut hours for staff of 500 home health aides and drivers to 28 per week13-Jun
ArkansasArkansas State UniversityLimited adjunct course loads and reduced hours for part-time employees, including students, to a maximum of 28 per week13-Jun
ArkansasPulaski Technical CollegeCapped course loads for adjunct faculty13-Jul
ArkansasWal-Mart Stores Inc.Increased temp share of workforce to "fewer than 10%" from 1-2% before this year13-Jun
CaliforniaBiola UniversityCut student work hours to a maximum of 25 per week; suspended limit due to employer mandate delay13-Sep
CaliforniaCKE Restaurants Inc.Increasing part-time workforce by replacing full-time workers through attrition13-Jun
CaliforniaFatburgerCut some workers to sub-30 hours per week13-Jul
CaliforniaKern CountyWill limit work schedules for up to 800 extra-help workers or reduce workforce13-Jun
CaliforniaLake CountyCut hours for extra-help employees to a limit of 25 per week12-Dec
CaliforniaLong BeachReducing hours to 27 per week for up to 200 part-timers13-May
CaliforniaMexican American Opportunity FoundationCut hours of employees working up to 39 hours a week to less than 3013-Aug
CaliforniaNorth of the River Recreation and Park DistrictCut hours for part-time workers below 30 per week13-Apr
CaliforniaRancho CucamongaCut hours for most part-time workers below 30 per week13-Jun
CaliforniaSan Diego Community College DistrictRestricted student employees and other non-academic workers to no more than 25 hours per week13-Jul
CaliforniaSan GabrielReduced hours for part-timers to fewer than 30 per week.13-Jun
CaliforniaTehama CountyLimited extra-help employee work hours to fewer than 30 per week13-May
ColoradoCharco BroilerTrimmed work hours to stay below 50 full-time equivalent threshold13-Apr
ColoradoDurangoLimiting part-timers to 27 hours per week to avoid $900,000 in additional health care costs.13-Apr
ColoradoFountain Fire Dept.Cut hours of part-timers to a maximum of 29 per week13-May
ColoradoMountain Del (Del Taco franchisee)cutting full-time workforce by 100; capping part-timers at 28 hours per week13-Apr
FloridaBealls Inc. (Department Stores)Restricted part-time hours to fewer than 30 per week13-Sep
FloridaBoca RatonCut hours for part-timers to 25 per week.12-Dec
FloridaBrevard CountyReducing hours for most of 138 part-time workers who work more than 30 hours per week13-Jul
FloridaBuca di Beppo restaurant chainReduced hours to below 30 per week13-Jul
FloridaDaytona State CollegeReduced hours for adjunct faculty13-Apr
FloridaHillsborough Community CollegeCut hours of some part-time faculty members13-Jul
FloridaMiami Dade CollegeEnforcing cap of 25 hours per week for part-time workers13-Feb
FloridaPalm Beach State CollegeCut hours for 100 part-timers to 27.5 per week; 895 adjuncts limited to 60% of a full-time course load13-Jun
FloridaRREMC Restaurants (Denny's franchisee)Cut hours for part-time workers to 28 per week12-Nov
FloridaSanta Fe CollegeCapped part-time hours at 27.5 per week and enforced limits on adjunct course loads13-Jun
FloridaSeaWorld EntertainmentCut hours for part-time workers from a maximum of 32 to 28 per week13-Sep
FloridaSt. Petersburg CollegeCapped courseloads for adjunct facutly to equivalent of 27 hours per week13-Jul
FloridaTallahassee Community CollegeCut hours of some part-time workers to as low as 24 per week13-Jun
GeorgiaAAA ParkingMoved half of full-time workers to part-time13-Mar
GeorgiaCherokee County School BoardOutsourced custodial services and ground maintenance13-Jul
GeorgiaCircle K SoutheastCut hours of some full-time employees below 3013-May
GeorgiaColumbusCapped hours for part-time and seasonal employees at 29 per week13-Jan
GeorgiaGeorgia Military CollegeCut hours of adjunct faculty to below 30 per week13-Aug
GeorgiaPMTD Restaurants LLC (a franchisee of KFC)Cutting hours for part-timers working 30 hours or slightly above12-Oct
IdahoBoundary CountyCut hours for part-timers to fewer than 30 per week13-Jul
IllinoisBoone Community School DistrictCut hours of part-time employees below 30 per week13-Mar
IllinoisCollege of DuPageCut course loads for some adjunct faculty13-May
IllinoisElmhurst CollegeCut two courses per semester from maximum adjunct teaching load13-Apr
IllinoisIllinois Valley Community CollegeCapped hours for part-timers at 29 per week13-Jan
IllinoisJimmy John's Gourmet SandwichesCutting hours for part-timers below 30 per week12-Oct
IllinoisJoliet Junior CollegeCut course loads for adjunct faculty13-Mar
IllinoisMcHenry County CollegeCut course loads for adjunct faculty to 24 hours per week13-May
IllinoisMoraine Valley Community CollegeCutting course loads for adjunct faculty13-Apr
IllinoisPalmer Place RestaurantCut hours for some workers below 30 per week13-Sep
IllinoisParkland CollegeLimited hours for part-time, non-teaching employees to 27.5 per week13-Jun
IllinoisPlainfield Park DistrictCut work hours to 27 per week for four part-time workers12-Jun
IllinoisRock Valley CollegeCapped hours for part-time workers at 25 per week12-Dec
IllinoisSouthern Illinois UniversityLimited graduate teaching assistants to 20 hours per week13-Aug
IllinoisVcm Inc. (Subway franchisee)Reduced hours for hourly wage earners to below 30 per week13-Aug
IndianaBall State UniversityLimited work hours for graduate assistants13-Aug
IndianaBartholomew CountyCut part-time hours to 28 hours per week13-Apr
IndianaBenton Community SchoolsCut hours for uninsured part-timers to fewer than 30 per week with offsetting pay hike13-Jun
IndianaClay CountyCapped part-time work at 28 hours per week13-Jun
IndianaCrawford CountyLowered cap on part-time hours from 32 to 29 per week13-May
IndianaDeKalb CountyLimited part-timers to 28 hours per week13-Jun
IndianaDelaware CountyLimited part-time employees to 29 hours per week13-Apr
IndianaEastbrook Community SchoolsCut hours for instructional aides to 29.5 per week from between 32.5 and 35.13-Jun
IndianaEastern Greene SchoolsCut hours for hourly employees, such as teaching aides, custodians and bus drivers to a maximum of 28 per week13-Apr
IndianaEastern Hancock School BoardLimit most non-contract employees who worked 30 to 39 hours per week to 29.13-May
IndianaEminence Community SchoolsCut hours for part-timers to a maximum of 29 per week13-Jun
IndianaFayette County School Corp.Cut hours for some part-timers to 27.5 per week13-May
IndianaFloyd CountyCutting hours for up to 72 part-timers to 28 hours per week13-Jun
IndianaFort Wayne Community SchoolsCut hours of part-time teaching aides and cafeteria workers from 30 to 25 per week13-May
IndianaGibson CountyCut part-time hours from a maximum of 40 to 23.5 per week13-May
IndianaGreencastle Community SchoolsCut hours of instructional aides and cafeteria workers to 29.5 per week13-May
IndianaHancock CountyCapped hours for part-time workers at 29 per week13-Jul
IndianaHancock Madison Shelby Educational ServicesCut hours for special ed assistants from 35-37.5 per week to 2813-May
IndianaHighlandLimited hours part-time employees can work to fewer than 30 per week; suspended limit due to employer mandate delay13-Jun
IndianaIndiana UniversityCapped hours for part-timers at 29 per week; outsourced 50 maintenance personnel13-Jun
IndianaIvy Tech Community CollegeLimited hours for adjunct faculty at 23 campuses to avoid estimated $10 million in Affordable Care Act costs for those who work 30 or more hours13-Jun
IndianaKosciusko CountyCapped part-time hours at 25 per week13-Jun
IndianaLafayette School Corp.Cut part-time hours below 30 per week13-Jun
IndianaLakeview Christian SchoolLimited new part-timers to 29 hours per week13-Jun
IndianaMadison Consolidated SchoolsCut hours for cafeteria workers, instructional aides and bus drivers below 30 per week13-Jun
IndianaMadison-Grant United School Corp.Cut hours for non-certified staff from up to 35 hours per week to below 3013-Jun
IndianaMarshall CountyCut hours for part-times to 28 per week13-Jun
IndianaMartin CountyCapped part-time hours at 28 per week13-Jun
IndianaMississinewa Community SchoolsCut 15 minutes per day for three teacher aides13-Jun
IndianaMorgan CountyCut part-time hours from a maximum of 35 to 28 per week13-Jul
IndianaNorth Putnam Community SchoolsCut hours of noncertified employees to a maximum of 29 per week13-May
IndianaNorthwestern Consolidated School DistrictCut part-time hours to a maximum of 29 per week13-Apr
IndianaNorthwestern School Corp.Cut hours of instructional assistants to 25 per week13-May
IndianaPerry Central School Corp.Cut hours of part-time instructional assistants by 6 per week, with offsetting wage hike13-Jun
IndianaPutnam CountyCut hours for part-time workers to maximum of 29 per week13-Feb
IndianaRichland-Bean Blossom Community School Corp.Instructional aides limited to 29.5 hours per week13-Apr
IndianaShelbyville Central School SystemCut hours instructional aides, substitute teachers, bus drivers and coaches below 30 per week13-Jun
IndianaSpeedway SchoolsCut hours for teaching assistants to 29 per week with offsetting pay hike13-Jun
IndianaStarke CountyCut hours for part-timers to maximum of 130 per month13-Jun
IndianaTaylor Community SchoolsCut hours of cafeteria workers, custodians and teaching aides to 28 per week13-May
IndianaTipton CountyCut maximum number of hours to 28 per week from 3213-May
IndianaVanderburgh CountyLowered cap on part-time hours from 39 to 29 per week13-May
IndianaVigo County School Corp.Cut hours of non-certified employees below 30 per week, leading to sharp cut-backs in field trips; suspended hour cuts in response to delay of employer mandate13-May
IndianaVincennesCut hours of part-timers to 29 per week13-Aug
IndianaWhite River Valley School DistrictCut hours of non-certified employees from 30 to 29 per week13-May
IndianaWolfe's Auto AuctionSome full-time workers cut to part-time; part-time hours capped at 28 per week13-Jun
IndianaZionsville Community SchoolsCut hours for instructional aides, coaches, and substitutes to a maximum of 29 per week13-May
IowaCedar FallsCut part-time hours from 32 per week to 2912-Nov
IowaClear Lake School BoardOutsourced provision of substitute teachers and paraprofessionals13-Apr
IowaIndianola Community School DistrictPart-time hours cut for up to 125 below 30 per week13-May
IowaLee CountyEnforced existing part-time cap of 28 hours per week13-Jul
IowaSpencer Community School DistrictReduced hours for some part-timers from 32 to below 30 per week13-Jun
IowaTama CountyCut hours for part-time employees to less than 30 per week13-May
KansasKansas Turnpike AuthorityToll collectors limited to 24 hours per week; up to 93 will see hours cut13-May
KansasSalina Family YMCACut part-time employee schedules to a maximum of 25 hours per week13-Sep
KentuckyJoe Bologna's Italian Pizzeria & RestaurantClosed for business on Monday, reducing employees to fall below 50 full-time-equivalent threshold13-Apr
KentuckyLexington Board of EducationCut hours of some part-timers to 28.5 per week, providing offsetting raise13-Jun
MaineMainesubway (Subway franchisee)Reduced worker hours to no more than 29 per week13-Aug
MarylandChesapeake CollegeCapped adjunct faculty hours at 28 per week12-Dec
MarylandHoward Community CollegeLowered limit on course loads and hours worked for adjunct faculty13-Jun
MarylandOcean CityReduced hours for part-time workers to a maximum of 28 per week13-Apr
MarylandRepublic Foods (Burger King franchise operator)All new hires capped at 29 hours per week13-May
MarylandRoyal Farms convenience storesCut hours for most full-time and part-time workers below 30 per week12-Dec
MichiganAuburn HillsReduced hours for part-time, seasonal workers to fewer than 30 per week13-Sep
MichiganBaldwin Public LibraryCapped part-time hours at 28 per week13-Jun
MichiganBirminghamCut seasonal employee hours below average of 30 per week13-May
MichiganCentral Michigan UniversityLimited hours for student workers to 25 per week13-Jul
MichiganDearbornCapped hours of part-time and seasonal employees at average of 28 per week13-May
MichiganDelta CountyCapped part-time hours at 29 per week; made temporary exemption for corrections officers after mandate delay13-Jul
MichiganIosco Countyapped hours of part-time employees at 28 per week13-May
MichiganKalamazoo Valley Community CollegeReduced maximum hours for part-time faculty13-Apr
MichiganKenowa Hills Public SchoolsOutsourced school bus transportation, partly to avoid providing health benefits to 30 drivers13-Jul
MichiganKga Group (Subway franchisee)Part-time hours cut below 30 per week12-Nov
MichiganMeridian Public SchoolsCut schedules of hourly workers to fewer than 30 hours per week13-Sep
MichiganMilford TownshipCut hours for part-timers to 28 per week13-Jan
MichiganNew BaltimoreCut hours for part-timers, including police cadets, to 28 per week13-Jan
MichiganPortageCapped part-time hours at 28 per week13-Apr
MichiganRuss' RestaurantCut hours of non-managing employees to maximum of 25 hours per week13-Jun
MichiganSt. Clair Community CollegeLimited hours of adjunct professors and part-time support staff to fewer than 30 per week13-Apr
MichiganTuscola CountyCapped part-time hours at less than 30 per week13-May
MichiganVan Buren TownshipCapped part-time hours at 29 per week13-Mar
MichiganVassar Public SchoolsCut hours for food-service workers to maximum of 29 per week13-Apr
MinnesotaFaribaultCut hours of employees working 30-to-38 hours per week to 29; temporarily delayed move due to delay of employer mandate13-Jun
MinnesotaHayfield Community SchoolsCut hours of paraprofessionals to fewer than 30 per week, with $1/hr raise; rescinded policy after mandate delay13-Jun
MinnesotaMankatoLimited part-time hours to 29 per week.13-Mar
MissouriDrury UniversityLimited adjunct course loads13-Jul
MissouriMaritz ResearchCut part-time hours to 25 per week13-Jun
MissouriMoberly Area Community CollegeReduced number of courses adjunct faculty are eligible to teach.13-Apr
MissouriThree Rivers CollegeCapped teaching loads for adjunct faculty13-Aug
NebraskaBlair Community SchoolsCut hours for bus drivers and teacher aides to no more than 29 per week13-Jun
NebraskaCutchall Management restaurant companyCapped new part-time hires at 28 hours per week; lifted cap after delay of employer mandate13-Feb
NebraskaDouglas County West Community SchoolsCut part-time shifts by about 45 minutes a day13-May
NebraskaOmega Foods Inc. (Wendy's franchisee)Cut hours to 28 per week for non-management13-Jan
NebraskaPapillion-La Vista school districtCut part-time hours below 30 per week13-May
NebraskaPlattsmouth Board of EducationCapped hours of non-certified employees at 29 per week13-Jun
NebraskaRalston School DistrictCut hours for paraprofessionals to below 30 per week13-Apr
NebraskaSpringfield Platteview Community SchoolsCut 7.5 hour days to less than 6 hours for paraprofessionals13-Apr
NebraskaWestside Community SchoolsCapped hours of most part-time employees below 30 per week13-May
New HampshireCommunity College System of New HampshireCapped adjunct faculty hours at 27 per week13-Apr
New JerseyBergen Community CollegeLimited adjunct course loads13-Aug
New JerseyCity of Burlington Public SchoolsOutsourced provision of paraprofessionals and substitute teachers13-Jul
New JerseyClinton-Glen Gardner School DistrictCut hours for paraprofessionals from 35 to 28 per week; in July a judge ordered the board to rescind its action13-Apr
New JerseyFranklin Township Board of EducationVoted to outsource school aides and child study team services13-Apr
New JerseyHanover TownshipCut part-time hours to a maximum of 28 per week; rescinded rule after delay of mandate13-May
New JerseyKean UniversityCut adjunct course loads12-Nov
New JerseyLittle Falls Board of EducationCapped hours of paraprofessionals below 30 per week13-Jun
New JerseyMiddletown TownshipCut part-time hours to fewer than 30 per week13-May
New JerseyMiddletown Township Public SchoolsCut hours for paraprofessionals below 30 per week13-Sep
New JerseyMount Ephraim Board of EducationCut paraprofessionals' hours from 6 per day to 5.513-Feb
New JerseyNEMF trucking companyCut hours for dock workers and customer service reps from 33 per week to a maximum of 2913-Jul
New JerseyPompton Lakes Board of EducationCut hours for instructional aides below 30 per week, with offsetting pay hike13-Jun
New JerseySparta Area SchoolsCut hours for paraprofessionals below 30 per week; postponed cuts after one-year delay of employer mandate13-Jun
New JerseyTom's RiverWill cut part-time hours to 25 per week, effective July 201413-Aug
New MexicoNew Mexico State UniversityCapped graduate-student work hours at 25 per week13-May
New YorkBowlmor LanesPlan to shift some full-time workers to part-time and limit hours to fewer than 30 per week11-Mar
New YorkCY FarmsEliminated 20 jobs to stay below 50 full-time-equivalent threshold13-Feb
New YorkFinger Lakes Community CollegeCapped course loads for adjunct faculty13-Aug
New YorkHudson Valley Community CollegeCut hours of part-time faculty13-Mar
New YorkWaldbaum's SupermarketCut hours and health care for most full-time employees below 30 per week13-Apr
North CarolinaCarlie C'sCut part-time hours below 30 per week for up to 150 workers13-May
North CarolinaFive Guys Burgers and Fries franchisePlans to cut hours or positions among 60 workers clocking more than 30 hours per week13-Mar
North CarolinaForsyth Technical Community CollegeReduced hours for adjunct faculty to below 30 per week13-Aug
North CarolinaHendersonLimited hours part-timers can work to less than 30 per week13-Jul
North CarolinaRutherford CountyLowered cap on part-time hours from 37 to 29 per week13-Jul
North CarolinaWilkes Community CollegeReduced teaching loads for adjunct faculty to below 30 hours per week and had to cut some courses as a result13-Aug
OhioAkronLimiting part-timers to fewer than 30 hours per week.13-Mar
OhioBaldwin-Wallace UniversityLimited course load of adjunct faculty13-Mar
OhioBowling Green State UniversityCapped part-time hours at 24 per week and student work hours at 2813-Mar
OhioBrunswickCapped hours for part-time employees at 28 per week and limited length of employment for seasonal workers13-Feb
OhioColumbus State Community CollegeReduced hours for adjunct faculty and hourly wage earners to fewer than 30 per week13-Apr
OhioCuyahoga Community CollegeCapped hours for 1,559 part-timers at 20 per week13-Apr
OhioFairlawnLowered limit on part-time hours from 35 per week to less than 3012-Dec
OhioFairview ParkCut hours of part-time employees to fewer than 30 per week13-Mar
OhioKent State UniversityLimited course load of adjunct faculty13-Mar
OhioLake TownshipCapped part-time hours at 28.8 per week13-Jun
OhioLakeland Community CollegeLimited course loads for adjunct faculty13-Mar
OhioLebanon CityCut hours of part-time firefighters/paramedics13-Jun
OhioMasonCut part-time workers to 20 hours per week13-Jun
OhioMedinaCut part-time hours from about 35 to 29 per week13-Feb
OhioMedina City SchoolsCut weekly hours for cafeteria workers and teacher aides from 30 to 28.75 per week13-Mar
OhioScrambler Marie's RestaurantsCut some workers' hours to less than 30 per week13-Jun
OhioShawnee State UniversityReduced maximum teaching load for adjunct faculty13-Mar
OhioSinclair Community CollegeReduced hours for part-timers to maximum of 28 per week and cut course loads for adjunct faculty13-May
OhioStark State CollegeCapped hours of adjunct faculty at 29 per week12-Nov
OhioSugarcreek TownshipCapped hours at 28 per week and eliminated paid time off for part-timers12-Dec
OhioTallmadgeCut hours part-timers can work to 29 per week13-Jan
OhioTipp CityCut hours for part-timers to fewer than 30 per week13-May
OhioUniversity of AkronCut course loads for part-time faculty13-Apr
OhioUpper Arlington City School DistrictCutting hours for aides who work with disabled students from 32.5 per week to 2813-Apr
OhioWestlakeLimit part-timers to 25 hours per week13-Jun
OhioWhite CastleWill limit new hires to part-time13-Jul
OhioYoungstown City SchoolsCut part-time and substitute hours to 25 per week13-Mar
OhioYoungstown State UniversityCapped hours of part-time employees and adjunct faculty12-Nov
OklahomaTreadwell Enterprises (Taco Bell franchise operator)Reduced hours for some full-time workers to part-time13-Jan
OregonShari's restaurantsAdding part-time workers, cutting hours for some working more than 30 hours per week13-Jul
PennsylvaniaBrandywine Heights Area School DistrictOutsourced instructional aides working 30 hours per week13-Jun
PennsylvaniaCarnegie Library of PittsburghCapped part-time hours at 29 per week13-Mar
PennsylvaniaCarnegie MuseumReduced hours for some part-time employees below 30 per week13-Jul
PennsylvaniaCommunity College of Allegheny CountyCut hours for adjunct faculty and other part-time employees12-Nov
PennsylvaniaDallas School DistrictCapped hours for teacher aides at fewer than 30 per week13-May
PennsylvaniaEast Penn School DistrictReduced hours for 11 food service workers to 29.75 per week13-Jun
PennsylvaniaEphrata Area School DistrictCapped hours of part-time workers below 30 per week.13-May
PennsylvaniaFirstaff Nursing Services Inc.Plans to cut full-time nurses and nursing assistantsto part-time and hire more part-timers13-Apr
PennsylvaniaFriendship Community (group home for adults with disabilities)Cut part-time hours below 30 per week13-Sep
PennsylvaniaGeneral McLane School DistrictCapped part-time hours below 30 per week, affecting secretaries, instructional and library aides, and cafeteria and custodial workers13-May
PennsylvaniaHollywood CasinoCut part-timers to fewer than 30 hours per week13-Sep
PennsylvaniaLancaster CountyLimited part-time hours to a maximum of 29 per week13-Feb
PennsylvaniaLancaster County School DistrictOutsourced 100 of classroom aides and food service workers to a private company13-Apr
PennsylvaniaLawrence CountyCapped part-time hours at 28 per week; later reversed move for deputies13-Jul
PennsylvaniaLori's Angels home careCut hours of part-time workers to 29.5 and shifted to only hiring part-time13-Mar
PennsylvaniaPenn Manor School DistrictOutsourced 96 special-ed aides plus provision of substitute teachers to a private firm13-Apr
PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia UniversityCapped hours for adjunct faculty at fewer than 30 per week, effective 201513-Aug
PennsylvaniaSouthern Lehigh School DistrictCut hours of 51 part-time employees to under 30 per week13-Jun
PennsylvaniaSusquenita School DistrictCut part-time hours from 30 per week to 29.513-Apr
PennsylvaniaTredyffrin-Easttown School DistrictCut hours for part-time aides and paraprofessionals to 27.5 per week; suspended cuts due to employer mandate delay13-Jun
PennsylvaniaWest Perry School DistrictLimit new instructional aides to 27.5 hours per week11-Jan
South CarolinaKelly Professional Cleaning ServicesObamaCare employer penalties "will have to be recovered from existing employees in the reduction of hours, wage rates and layoffs"13-Jun
South CarolinaSpartanburg Community CollegeCut hours for most adjunct faculty below 3013-Jun
South CarolinaTsunami Surf ShopsWill limit workers to fewer than 30 hours per week13-Aug
TennesseeCumberland UniversityCapped course loads for adjunct faculty at 27 hours per week13-Jul
TennesseeOneida Special School DistrictCut most non-certified employees to 29 hours per week, but kept pay the same13-Jul
TennesseeRegal Entertainment GroupOperator of 500+ movie theaters cut non-salaried worker hours below 30 per week13-Apr
TennesseeScott County School SystemCapped hours of new non-certified hires below 30 per week13-Jul
TennesseeStewart County School SystemReduced hours for school support staff to 28 per week13-Jul
TennesseeWashington CountyReduced hours for part-timers to fewer than 30 per week13-Feb
TennesseeWytheville Town CouncilReduced limit on part-time hours from 39 per week to 2813-Feb
TexasBee CountyReduce part-time employee hours to 24 per week.13-Jul
TexasConsolidated Restaurant Operations IncLimiting hours for new employees13-Aug
TexasDallas County Community College DistrictCapped courseloads for 2,500 adjunct faculty members13-May
TexasDave & Buster'sCut hours of some employees to 28 per week13-Aug
TexasJim's RestaurantsIntends to reduce hours of some workers; put plan on hold due to employer mandate delay13-Jul
TexasLion & Rose British Restaurant and PubCut hourly full-time workers' schedules to 28 hours per week13-Jul
TexasMatagorda CountyCut hours part-timer can work from 40 per week to 2913-Jun
TexasMTC Inc. restaurant managementShifted to only hiring part-time workers13-Jul
TexasPillar Hotels & ResortsStepped up hiring of part-time workers among its 5,500 employees12-Nov
TexasPlanoCut part-time hours below 30 per week13-May
TexasSam Houston State UniversityLimited student work hours to 29 per week, impacting multiple-job holders13-Sep
TexasTexas Christian UniversityReduced hours for adjunct faculty and part-time employees, including students, to fewer than 30 per week13-Jun
TexasWilson CountyCut part-timers to a maximum of 29 hours per week13-Jun
UtahAlpine School DistrictCut part-time hours to a maximum of 27.5 per week, avoiding $4.2 million cost13-May
UtahBrigham Young UniversityCapped hours for part-timers, including students, at an average of 29 per week.13-Apr
UtahCedar CityCapped hours for part-timers and seasonal workers at 28 per week13-May
UtahDeseret Industries (work training for war refugees)Cut hours of most workers below 30 per week13-May
UtahGranite School DistrictCut hours for part-time school support staff to below 30 per week13-Mar
UtahMillard School DistrictCut hours for paraprofessionals from 6 to 5.75 per day13-Jul
UtahMurray School DistrictCut part-time hours to a maximum of 20 per week13-Jun
UtahNebo School DistrictCut hours for part-timers to 28.75 per week and stop providing insurance for some13-Jun
UtahSouthern Utah UnversityLimited hourly workers, including students, to 20 hours per week and capped adjunct teaching loads13-Jun
UtahUtah Valley UniversityLimited hourly workers to a maximum of 28 hours per week and capped adjunct teaching loads13-Feb
VirginaSpotsylvania CountyCut hours for part-timers to a maximum of 28 per week13-Apr
VirginiaCampbell County Social Services Dept.Cut hours of family educators, companion providers and part-timers to 29 per week13-May
VirginiaChesterfield CountyCut hours for up to "several hundred" part-timers to 28 per week13-Mar
VirginiaChesterfield Public SchoolsCut hours for part-timers to a maximum of 28 per week13-Apr
VirginiaChristoper Savvides restaurant & catering co.Stopped hiring full-time and limited part-timers' hours13-Jul
VirginiaChristopher Newport UniversityCut hours for part-timers and adjunct faculty to 29 per week13-Feb
VirginiaCollege of William & MaryCut hours for part-timers and adjunct faculty to 29 per week13-Feb
VirginiaDept. of Behavioral Health and Developmental ServicesCut hours for wage employees to a maximum of 29 per week13-Feb
VirginiaDept. of Motor VehiclesCut hours for wage employees to a maximum of 29 per week13-Feb
VirginiaDickenson County Public SchoolsCut hours for part-timers to a maximum of 29 per week13-May
VirginiaGeorge Mason UniversityCut hourly wage workers, including students and adjuncts, to a maximum of 29 hours per week13-Feb
VirginiaGrayson CountyCut hours for part-timers to a maximum of 28 per week13-May
VirginiaHenrico Country School DistrictLimit hours for part-timers and temps to 29 per week13-Jun
VirginiaJames Madison UniversityCut hourly wage workers, including students and adjuncts, to a maximum of 29 hours per week13-Feb
VirginiaK-VA-T Food StoresCapped hours for part-time employees at under 30 per week13-Aug
VirginiaLongwood UniversityCut hourly wage workers, including students and adjuncts, to a maximum of 29 hours per week13-Feb
VirginiaLouisa CountyCut hours for part-time and seasonal employees to 29 per week13-Mar
VirginiaLynchburgCut hours for part-timers from about 32 per week to 2813-Jun
VirginiaNorfolk State UniversityCut hours for part-timers and adjunct faculty to 29 per week13-Feb
VirginiaOld Dominion UniversityCut hourly wage workers, including students and some adjuncts, to a maximum of 29 hours per week13-Feb
VirginiaRadford UniversityCapped teaching loads for adjunct faculty13-Feb
VirginiaRappahannock Area Community Services BoardCut hours for part-timers to a maximum of 29 per week13-Jun
VirginiaRichmond Public SchoolsCut part-time hours to a maximum of 28 per week13-Apr
VirginiaStrasburgLowered cap on part-time hours from 35 to 29 per week13-May
VirginiaTazewell CountyLowered cap on part-time hours from 32 to 29 per week13-Apr
VirginiaUniversity of Mary WashingtonCut hourly wage workers, including students and adjuncts, to a maximum of 29 hours per week13-Feb
VirginiaVirginia Commonwealth UniversityCut hours for part-timers and adjunct faculty to 29 per week13-Feb
VirginiaVirginia Community College SystemCut hours for part-timers and adjunct faculty to 29 per week13-Feb
VirginiaVirginia Dept. of Alcoholic Beverage ControlCut hours for part-time and hourly wage workers to 29 per week13-Feb
VirginiaVirginia Dept. of Conservation and RecreationCut hours for part-time and hourly wage workers to 29 per week13-Feb
VirginiaVirginia Employment CommissionCut hours for part-time and hourly wage workers to 29 per week13-Feb
VirginiaVirginia government (all other departments)Cut hours for part-time and hourly wage workers to 29 per week13-Feb
VirginiaWise County School BoardLimit hours for part-time workers to fewer than 30 per week13-May
VirginiaWythe CountyCut hours for part-timers to a maximum of 28 per week13-May
VirginiaWythevilleLowered cap on part-time hours from 39 to 28 per week13-Feb
Washington DCClyde's Restaurant GroupShifting mix of workers toward more part-timers13-Jun
West VirginiaBlue Ridge Community And Technical CollegeCapped adjunct teaching loads, limiting work hours to no more than 29 per week13-May
WisconsinChippewa CountyCut part-time hours below 30 per week13-Apr
WisconsinLand's EndReduced hours for part-timers to a maximum of 29 per week13-Feb
WisconsinLomira School DistrictReduced hours for classified staff to 29 per week13-Feb
WisconsinMinocqua-Hazelhurst-Lake Tomahawk School DistrictCapped part-time hours below 30 per week13-Jul
WisconsinMount Horeb Area School DistrictCut paraprofessional hours to 25 per week13-May
WisconsinTrig's SupermarketsCut hours for part-time workers below 30 per week.13-Jul
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313 Companies Which Cut Worker Hours Because of Obamacare

Obamacare's employer mandate only applies to employees working 30+ hours a week causing many employees to cut hours of existing workers to avoid the increased costs of health insurance or paying the penalties.

Many progressives have complained the news regarding hourly reductions has been exaggerated but as this list prepared by Investors Business Daily there are indeed many companies (313 below) cutting back worker hours thanks to the president's signature legislation (these are only employers who made public announcement).

Each of the employers names below are linked to the newspaper articles/news releases announcing the cutbacks:

EmployerActionDate of Action or Report
AlabamaHouston CountyCut hours of part-time employees to fewer than 30 per week13-Sep
AlabamaUniversity of AlabamaCapped student work hours at 20 per week13-Jul
AlabamaUniversity of North AlabamaCapped work hours at 29 per week for student employees13-Jul
ArizonaArizona State UniversityLimited course loads for non-tenured associate faculty members13-Aug
ArizonaMaricopa Community CollegesReduced hours of 700 adjunct faculty and 600 part-time workers below 30 per week13-May
ArizonaMichael Monti's La Casa Vieja steakhouseShifting more workers to fewer than 30 hours per week13-Sep
ArizonaUniversity of Arizona in TucsonLimited hours temporary employees may work in a year13-May
ArkansasArea Agency on Aging of Western Arkansas, Inc.Cut hours for staff of 500 home health aides and drivers to 28 per week13-Jun
ArkansasArkansas State UniversityLimited adjunct course loads and reduced hours for part-time employees, including students, to a maximum of 28 per week13-Jun
ArkansasPulaski Technical CollegeCapped course loads for adjunct faculty13-Jul
ArkansasWal-Mart Stores Inc.Increased temp share of workforce to "fewer than 10%" from 1-2% before this year13-Jun
CaliforniaBiola UniversityCut student work hours to a maximum of 25 per week; suspended limit due to employer mandate delay13-Sep
CaliforniaCKE Restaurants Inc.Increasing part-time workforce by replacing full-time workers through attrition13-Jun
CaliforniaFatburgerCut some workers to sub-30 hours per week13-Jul
CaliforniaKern CountyWill limit work schedules for up to 800 extra-help workers or reduce workforce13-Jun
CaliforniaLake CountyCut hours for extra-help employees to a limit of 25 per week12-Dec
CaliforniaLong BeachReducing hours to 27 per week for up to 200 part-timers13-May
CaliforniaMexican American Opportunity FoundationCut hours of employees working up to 39 hours a week to less than 3013-Aug
CaliforniaNorth of the River Recreation and Park DistrictCut hours for part-time workers below 30 per week13-Apr
CaliforniaRancho CucamongaCut hours for most part-time workers below 30 per week13-Jun
CaliforniaSan Diego Community College DistrictRestricted student employees and other non-academic workers to no more than 25 hours per week13-Jul
CaliforniaSan GabrielReduced hours for part-timers to fewer than 30 per week.13-Jun
CaliforniaTehama CountyLimited extra-help employee work hours to fewer than 30 per week13-May
ColoradoCharco BroilerTrimmed work hours to stay below 50 full-time equivalent threshold13-Apr
ColoradoDurangoLimiting part-timers to 27 hours per week to avoid $900,000 in additional health care costs.13-Apr
ColoradoFountain Fire Dept.Cut hours of part-timers to a maximum of 29 per week13-May
ColoradoMountain Del (Del Taco franchisee)cutting full-time workforce by 100; capping part-timers at 28 hours per week13-Apr
FloridaBealls Inc. (Department Stores)Restricted part-time hours to fewer than 30 per week13-Sep
FloridaBoca RatonCut hours for part-timers to 25 per week.12-Dec
FloridaBrevard CountyReducing hours for most of 138 part-time workers who work more than 30 hours per week13-Jul
FloridaBuca di Beppo restaurant chainReduced hours to below 30 per week13-Jul
FloridaDaytona State CollegeReduced hours for adjunct faculty13-Apr
FloridaHillsborough Community CollegeCut hours of some part-time faculty members13-Jul
FloridaMiami Dade CollegeEnforcing cap of 25 hours per week for part-time workers13-Feb
FloridaPalm Beach State CollegeCut hours for 100 part-timers to 27.5 per week; 895 adjuncts limited to 60% of a full-time course load13-Jun
FloridaRREMC Restaurants (Denny's franchisee)Cut hours for part-time workers to 28 per week12-Nov
FloridaSanta Fe CollegeCapped part-time hours at 27.5 per week and enforced limits on adjunct course loads13-Jun
FloridaSeaWorld EntertainmentCut hours for part-time workers from a maximum of 32 to 28 per week13-Sep
FloridaSt. Petersburg CollegeCapped courseloads for adjunct facutly to equivalent of 27 hours per week13-Jul
FloridaTallahassee Community CollegeCut hours of some part-time workers to as low as 24 per week13-Jun
GeorgiaAAA ParkingMoved half of full-time workers to part-time13-Mar
GeorgiaCherokee County School BoardOutsourced custodial services and ground maintenance13-Jul
GeorgiaCircle K SoutheastCut hours of some full-time employees below 3013-May
GeorgiaColumbusCapped hours for part-time and seasonal employees at 29 per week13-Jan
GeorgiaGeorgia Military CollegeCut hours of adjunct faculty to below 30 per week13-Aug
GeorgiaPMTD Restaurants LLC (a franchisee of KFC)Cutting hours for part-timers working 30 hours or slightly above12-Oct
IdahoBoundary CountyCut hours for part-timers to fewer than 30 per week13-Jul
IllinoisBoone Community School DistrictCut hours of part-time employees below 30 per week13-Mar
IllinoisCollege of DuPageCut course loads for some adjunct faculty13-May
IllinoisElmhurst CollegeCut two courses per semester from maximum adjunct teaching load13-Apr
IllinoisIllinois Valley Community CollegeCapped hours for part-timers at 29 per week13-Jan
IllinoisJimmy John's Gourmet SandwichesCutting hours for part-timers below 30 per week12-Oct
IllinoisJoliet Junior CollegeCut course loads for adjunct faculty13-Mar
IllinoisMcHenry County CollegeCut course loads for adjunct faculty to 24 hours per week13-May
IllinoisMoraine Valley Community CollegeCutting course loads for adjunct faculty13-Apr
IllinoisPalmer Place RestaurantCut hours for some workers below 30 per week13-Sep
IllinoisParkland CollegeLimited hours for part-time, non-teaching employees to 27.5 per week13-Jun
IllinoisPlainfield Park DistrictCut work hours to 27 per week for four part-time workers12-Jun
IllinoisRock Valley CollegeCapped hours for part-time workers at 25 per week12-Dec
IllinoisSouthern Illinois UniversityLimited graduate teaching assistants to 20 hours per week13-Aug
IllinoisVcm Inc. (Subway franchisee)Reduced hours for hourly wage earners to below 30 per week13-Aug
IndianaBall State UniversityLimited work hours for graduate assistants13-Aug
IndianaBartholomew CountyCut part-time hours to 28 hours per week13-Apr
IndianaBenton Community SchoolsCut hours for uninsured part-timers to fewer than 30 per week with offsetting pay hike13-Jun
IndianaClay CountyCapped part-time work at 28 hours per week13-Jun
IndianaCrawford CountyLowered cap on part-time hours from 32 to 29 per week13-May
IndianaDeKalb CountyLimited part-timers to 28 hours per week13-Jun
IndianaDelaware CountyLimited part-time employees to 29 hours per week13-Apr
IndianaEastbrook Community SchoolsCut hours for instructional aides to 29.5 per week from between 32.5 and 35.13-Jun
IndianaEastern Greene SchoolsCut hours for hourly employees, such as teaching aides, custodians and bus drivers to a maximum of 28 per week13-Apr
IndianaEastern Hancock School BoardLimit most non-contract employees who worked 30 to 39 hours per week to 29.13-May
IndianaEminence Community SchoolsCut hours for part-timers to a maximum of 29 per week13-Jun
IndianaFayette County School Corp.Cut hours for some part-timers to 27.5 per week13-May
IndianaFloyd CountyCutting hours for up to 72 part-timers to 28 hours per week13-Jun
IndianaFort Wayne Community SchoolsCut hours of part-time teaching aides and cafeteria workers from 30 to 25 per week13-May
IndianaGibson CountyCut part-time hours from a maximum of 40 to 23.5 per week13-May
IndianaGreencastle Community SchoolsCut hours of instructional aides and cafeteria workers to 29.5 per week13-May
IndianaHancock CountyCapped hours for part-time workers at 29 per week13-Jul
IndianaHancock Madison Shelby Educational ServicesCut hours for special ed assistants from 35-37.5 per week to 2813-May
IndianaHighlandLimited hours part-time employees can work to fewer than 30 per week; suspended limit due to employer mandate delay13-Jun
IndianaIndiana UniversityCapped hours for part-timers at 29 per week; outsourced 50 maintenance personnel13-Jun
IndianaIvy Tech Community CollegeLimited hours for adjunct faculty at 23 campuses to avoid estimated $10 million in Affordable Care Act costs for those who work 30 or more hours13-Jun
IndianaKosciusko CountyCapped part-time hours at 25 per week13-Jun
IndianaLafayette School Corp.Cut part-time hours below 30 per week13-Jun
IndianaLakeview Christian SchoolLimited new part-timers to 29 hours per week13-Jun
IndianaMadison Consolidated SchoolsCut hours for cafeteria workers, instructional aides and bus drivers below 30 per week13-Jun
IndianaMadison-Grant United School Corp.Cut hours for non-certified staff from up to 35 hours per week to below 3013-Jun
IndianaMarshall CountyCut hours for part-times to 28 per week13-Jun
IndianaMartin CountyCapped part-time hours at 28 per week13-Jun
IndianaMississinewa Community SchoolsCut 15 minutes per day for three teacher aides13-Jun
IndianaMorgan CountyCut part-time hours from a maximum of 35 to 28 per week13-Jul
IndianaNorth Putnam Community SchoolsCut hours of noncertified employees to a maximum of 29 per week13-May
IndianaNorthwestern Consolidated School DistrictCut part-time hours to a maximum of 29 per week13-Apr
IndianaNorthwestern School Corp.Cut hours of instructional assistants to 25 per week13-May
IndianaPerry Central School Corp.Cut hours of part-time instructional assistants by 6 per week, with offsetting wage hike13-Jun
IndianaPutnam CountyCut hours for part-time workers to maximum of 29 per week13-Feb
IndianaRichland-Bean Blossom Community School Corp.Instructional aides limited to 29.5 hours per week13-Apr
IndianaShelbyville Central School SystemCut hours instructional aides, substitute teachers, bus drivers and coaches below 30 per week13-Jun
IndianaSpeedway SchoolsCut hours for teaching assistants to 29 per week with offsetting pay hike13-Jun
IndianaStarke CountyCut hours for part-timers to maximum of 130 per month13-Jun
IndianaTaylor Community SchoolsCut hours of cafeteria workers, custodians and teaching aides to 28 per week13-May
IndianaTipton CountyCut maximum number of hours to 28 per week from 3213-May
IndianaVanderburgh CountyLowered cap on part-time hours from 39 to 29 per week13-May
IndianaVigo County School Corp.Cut hours of non-certified employees below 30 per week, leading to sharp cut-backs in field trips; suspended hour cuts in response to delay of employer mandate13-May
IndianaVincennesCut hours of part-timers to 29 per week13-Aug
IndianaWhite River Valley School DistrictCut hours of non-certified employees from 30 to 29 per week13-May
IndianaWolfe's Auto AuctionSome full-time workers cut to part-time; part-time hours capped at 28 per week13-Jun
IndianaZionsville Community SchoolsCut hours for instructional aides, coaches, and substitutes to a maximum of 29 per week13-May
IowaCedar FallsCut part-time hours from 32 per week to 2912-Nov
IowaClear Lake School BoardOutsourced provision of substitute teachers and paraprofessionals13-Apr
IowaIndianola Community School DistrictPart-time hours cut for up to 125 below 30 per week13-May
IowaLee CountyEnforced existing part-time cap of 28 hours per week13-Jul
IowaSpencer Community School DistrictReduced hours for some part-timers from 32 to below 30 per week13-Jun
IowaTama CountyCut hours for part-time employees to less than 30 per week13-May
KansasKansas Turnpike AuthorityToll collectors limited to 24 hours per week; up to 93 will see hours cut13-May
KansasSalina Family YMCACut part-time employee schedules to a maximum of 25 hours per week13-Sep
KentuckyJoe Bologna's Italian Pizzeria & RestaurantClosed for business on Monday, reducing employees to fall below 50 full-time-equivalent threshold13-Apr
KentuckyLexington Board of EducationCut hours of some part-timers to 28.5 per week, providing offsetting raise13-Jun
MaineMainesubway (Subway franchisee)Reduced worker hours to no more than 29 per week13-Aug
MarylandChesapeake CollegeCapped adjunct faculty hours at 28 per week12-Dec
MarylandHoward Community CollegeLowered limit on course loads and hours worked for adjunct faculty13-Jun
MarylandOcean CityReduced hours for part-time workers to a maximum of 28 per week13-Apr
MarylandRepublic Foods (Burger King franchise operator)All new hires capped at 29 hours per week13-May
MarylandRoyal Farms convenience storesCut hours for most full-time and part-time workers below 30 per week12-Dec
MichiganAuburn HillsReduced hours for part-time, seasonal workers to fewer than 30 per week13-Sep
MichiganBaldwin Public LibraryCapped part-time hours at 28 per week13-Jun
MichiganBirminghamCut seasonal employee hours below average of 30 per week13-May
MichiganCentral Michigan UniversityLimited hours for student workers to 25 per week13-Jul
MichiganDearbornCapped hours of part-time and seasonal employees at average of 28 per week13-May
MichiganDelta CountyCapped part-time hours at 29 per week; made temporary exemption for corrections officers after mandate delay13-Jul
MichiganIosco Countyapped hours of part-time employees at 28 per week13-May
MichiganKalamazoo Valley Community CollegeReduced maximum hours for part-time faculty13-Apr
MichiganKenowa Hills Public SchoolsOutsourced school bus transportation, partly to avoid providing health benefits to 30 drivers13-Jul
MichiganKga Group (Subway franchisee)Part-time hours cut below 30 per week12-Nov
MichiganMeridian Public SchoolsCut schedules of hourly workers to fewer than 30 hours per week13-Sep
MichiganMilford TownshipCut hours for part-timers to 28 per week13-Jan
MichiganNew BaltimoreCut hours for part-timers, including police cadets, to 28 per week13-Jan
MichiganPortageCapped part-time hours at 28 per week13-Apr
MichiganRuss' RestaurantCut hours of non-managing employees to maximum of 25 hours per week13-Jun
MichiganSt. Clair Community CollegeLimited hours of adjunct professors and part-time support staff to fewer than 30 per week13-Apr
MichiganTuscola CountyCapped part-time hours at less than 30 per week13-May
MichiganVan Buren TownshipCapped part-time hours at 29 per week13-Mar
MichiganVassar Public SchoolsCut hours for food-service workers to maximum of 29 per week13-Apr
MinnesotaFaribaultCut hours of employees working 30-to-38 hours per week to 29; temporarily delayed move due to delay of employer mandate13-Jun
MinnesotaHayfield Community SchoolsCut hours of paraprofessionals to fewer than 30 per week, with $1/hr raise; rescinded policy after mandate delay13-Jun
MinnesotaMankatoLimited part-time hours to 29 per week.13-Mar
MissouriDrury UniversityLimited adjunct course loads13-Jul
MissouriMaritz ResearchCut part-time hours to 25 per week13-Jun
MissouriMoberly Area Community CollegeReduced number of courses adjunct faculty are eligible to teach.13-Apr
MissouriThree Rivers CollegeCapped teaching loads for adjunct faculty13-Aug
NebraskaBlair Community SchoolsCut hours for bus drivers and teacher aides to no more than 29 per week13-Jun
NebraskaCutchall Management restaurant companyCapped new part-time hires at 28 hours per week; lifted cap after delay of employer mandate13-Feb
NebraskaDouglas County West Community SchoolsCut part-time shifts by about 45 minutes a day13-May
NebraskaOmega Foods Inc. (Wendy's franchisee)Cut hours to 28 per week for non-management13-Jan
NebraskaPapillion-La Vista school districtCut part-time hours below 30 per week13-May
NebraskaPlattsmouth Board of EducationCapped hours of non-certified employees at 29 per week13-Jun
NebraskaRalston School DistrictCut hours for paraprofessionals to below 30 per week13-Apr
NebraskaSpringfield Platteview Community SchoolsCut 7.5 hour days to less than 6 hours for paraprofessionals13-Apr
NebraskaWestside Community SchoolsCapped hours of most part-time employees below 30 per week13-May
New HampshireCommunity College System of New HampshireCapped adjunct faculty hours at 27 per week13-Apr
New JerseyBergen Community CollegeLimited adjunct course loads13-Aug
New JerseyCity of Burlington Public SchoolsOutsourced provision of paraprofessionals and substitute teachers13-Jul
New JerseyClinton-Glen Gardner School DistrictCut hours for paraprofessionals from 35 to 28 per week; in July a judge ordered the board to rescind its action13-Apr
New JerseyFranklin Township Board of EducationVoted to outsource school aides and child study team services13-Apr
New JerseyHanover TownshipCut part-time hours to a maximum of 28 per week; rescinded rule after delay of mandate13-May
New JerseyKean UniversityCut adjunct course loads12-Nov
New JerseyLittle Falls Board of EducationCapped hours of paraprofessionals below 30 per week13-Jun
New JerseyMiddletown TownshipCut part-time hours to fewer than 30 per week13-May
New JerseyMiddletown Township Public SchoolsCut hours for paraprofessionals below 30 per week13-Sep
New JerseyMount Ephraim Board of EducationCut paraprofessionals' hours from 6 per day to 5.513-Feb
New JerseyNEMF trucking companyCut hours for dock workers and customer service reps from 33 per week to a maximum of 2913-Jul
New JerseyPompton Lakes Board of EducationCut hours for instructional aides below 30 per week, with offsetting pay hike13-Jun
New JerseySparta Area SchoolsCut hours for paraprofessionals below 30 per week; postponed cuts after one-year delay of employer mandate13-Jun
New JerseyTom's RiverWill cut part-time hours to 25 per week, effective July 201413-Aug
New MexicoNew Mexico State UniversityCapped graduate-student work hours at 25 per week13-May
New YorkBowlmor LanesPlan to shift some full-time workers to part-time and limit hours to fewer than 30 per week11-Mar
New YorkCY FarmsEliminated 20 jobs to stay below 50 full-time-equivalent threshold13-Feb
New YorkFinger Lakes Community CollegeCapped course loads for adjunct faculty13-Aug
New YorkHudson Valley Community CollegeCut hours of part-time faculty13-Mar
New YorkWaldbaum's SupermarketCut hours and health care for most full-time employees below 30 per week13-Apr
North CarolinaCarlie C'sCut part-time hours below 30 per week for up to 150 workers13-May
North CarolinaFive Guys Burgers and Fries franchisePlans to cut hours or positions among 60 workers clocking more than 30 hours per week13-Mar
North CarolinaForsyth Technical Community CollegeReduced hours for adjunct faculty to below 30 per week13-Aug
North CarolinaHendersonLimited hours part-timers can work to less than 30 per week13-Jul
North CarolinaRutherford CountyLowered cap on part-time hours from 37 to 29 per week13-Jul
North CarolinaWilkes Community CollegeReduced teaching loads for adjunct faculty to below 30 hours per week and had to cut some courses as a result13-Aug
OhioAkronLimiting part-timers to fewer than 30 hours per week.13-Mar
OhioBaldwin-Wallace UniversityLimited course load of adjunct faculty13-Mar
OhioBowling Green State UniversityCapped part-time hours at 24 per week and student work hours at 2813-Mar
OhioBrunswickCapped hours for part-time employees at 28 per week and limited length of employment for seasonal workers13-Feb
OhioColumbus State Community CollegeReduced hours for adjunct faculty and hourly wage earners to fewer than 30 per week13-Apr
OhioCuyahoga Community CollegeCapped hours for 1,559 part-timers at 20 per week13-Apr
OhioFairlawnLowered limit on part-time hours from 35 per week to less than 3012-Dec
OhioFairview ParkCut hours of part-time employees to fewer than 30 per week13-Mar
OhioKent State UniversityLimited course load of adjunct faculty13-Mar
OhioLake TownshipCapped part-time hours at 28.8 per week13-Jun
OhioLakeland Community CollegeLimited course loads for adjunct faculty13-Mar
OhioLebanon CityCut hours of part-time firefighters/paramedics13-Jun
OhioMasonCut part-time workers to 20 hours per week13-Jun
OhioMedinaCut part-time hours from about 35 to 29 per week13-Feb
OhioMedina City SchoolsCut weekly hours for cafeteria workers and teacher aides from 30 to 28.75 per week13-Mar
OhioScrambler Marie's RestaurantsCut some workers' hours to less than 30 per week13-Jun
OhioShawnee State UniversityReduced maximum teaching load for adjunct faculty13-Mar
OhioSinclair Community CollegeReduced hours for part-timers to maximum of 28 per week and cut course loads for adjunct faculty13-May
OhioStark State CollegeCapped hours of adjunct faculty at 29 per week12-Nov
OhioSugarcreek TownshipCapped hours at 28 per week and eliminated paid time off for part-timers12-Dec
OhioTallmadgeCut hours part-timers can work to 29 per week13-Jan
OhioTipp CityCut hours for part-timers to fewer than 30 per week13-May
OhioUniversity of AkronCut course loads for part-time faculty13-Apr
OhioUpper Arlington City School DistrictCutting hours for aides who work with disabled students from 32.5 per week to 2813-Apr
OhioWestlakeLimit part-timers to 25 hours per week13-Jun
OhioWhite CastleWill limit new hires to part-time13-Jul
OhioYoungstown City SchoolsCut part-time and substitute hours to 25 per week13-Mar
OhioYoungstown State UniversityCapped hours of part-time employees and adjunct faculty12-Nov
OklahomaTreadwell Enterprises (Taco Bell franchise operator)Reduced hours for some full-time workers to part-time13-Jan
OregonShari's restaurantsAdding part-time workers, cutting hours for some working more than 30 hours per week13-Jul
PennsylvaniaBrandywine Heights Area School DistrictOutsourced instructional aides working 30 hours per week13-Jun
PennsylvaniaCarnegie Library of PittsburghCapped part-time hours at 29 per week13-Mar
PennsylvaniaCarnegie MuseumReduced hours for some part-time employees below 30 per week13-Jul
PennsylvaniaCommunity College of Allegheny CountyCut hours for adjunct faculty and other part-time employees12-Nov
PennsylvaniaDallas School DistrictCapped hours for teacher aides at fewer than 30 per week13-May
PennsylvaniaEast Penn School DistrictReduced hours for 11 food service workers to 29.75 per week13-Jun
PennsylvaniaEphrata Area School DistrictCapped hours of part-time workers below 30 per week.13-May
PennsylvaniaFirstaff Nursing Services Inc.Plans to cut full-time nurses and nursing assistantsto part-time and hire more part-timers13-Apr
PennsylvaniaFriendship Community (group home for adults with disabilities)Cut part-time hours below 30 per week13-Sep
PennsylvaniaGeneral McLane School DistrictCapped part-time hours below 30 per week, affecting secretaries, instructional and library aides, and cafeteria and custodial workers13-May
PennsylvaniaHollywood CasinoCut part-timers to fewer than 30 hours per week13-Sep
PennsylvaniaLancaster CountyLimited part-time hours to a maximum of 29 per week13-Feb
PennsylvaniaLancaster County School DistrictOutsourced 100 of classroom aides and food service workers to a private company13-Apr
PennsylvaniaLawrence CountyCapped part-time hours at 28 per week; later reversed move for deputies13-Jul
PennsylvaniaLori's Angels home careCut hours of part-time workers to 29.5 and shifted to only hiring part-time13-Mar
PennsylvaniaPenn Manor School DistrictOutsourced 96 special-ed aides plus provision of substitute teachers to a private firm13-Apr
PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia UniversityCapped hours for adjunct faculty at fewer than 30 per week, effective 201513-Aug
PennsylvaniaSouthern Lehigh School DistrictCut hours of 51 part-time employees to under 30 per week13-Jun
PennsylvaniaSusquenita School DistrictCut part-time hours from 30 per week to 29.513-Apr
PennsylvaniaTredyffrin-Easttown School DistrictCut hours for part-time aides and paraprofessionals to 27.5 per week; suspended cuts due to employer mandate delay13-Jun
PennsylvaniaWest Perry School DistrictLimit new instructional aides to 27.5 hours per week11-Jan
South CarolinaKelly Professional Cleaning ServicesObamaCare employer penalties "will have to be recovered from existing employees in the reduction of hours, wage rates and layoffs"13-Jun
South CarolinaSpartanburg Community CollegeCut hours for most adjunct faculty below 3013-Jun
South CarolinaTsunami Surf ShopsWill limit workers to fewer than 30 hours per week13-Aug
TennesseeCumberland UniversityCapped course loads for adjunct faculty at 27 hours per week13-Jul
TennesseeOneida Special School DistrictCut most non-certified employees to 29 hours per week, but kept pay the same13-Jul
TennesseeRegal Entertainment GroupOperator of 500+ movie theaters cut non-salaried worker hours below 30 per week13-Apr
TennesseeScott County School SystemCapped hours of new non-certified hires below 30 per week13-Jul
TennesseeStewart County School SystemReduced hours for school support staff to 28 per week13-Jul
TennesseeWashington CountyReduced hours for part-timers to fewer than 30 per week13-Feb
TennesseeWytheville Town CouncilReduced limit on part-time hours from 39 per week to 2813-Feb
TexasBee CountyReduce part-time employee hours to 24 per week.13-Jul
TexasConsolidated Restaurant Operations IncLimiting hours for new employees13-Aug
TexasDallas County Community College DistrictCapped courseloads for 2,500 adjunct faculty members13-May
TexasDave & Buster'sCut hours of some employees to 28 per week13-Aug
TexasJim's RestaurantsIntends to reduce hours of some workers; put plan on hold due to employer mandate delay13-Jul
TexasLion & Rose British Restaurant and PubCut hourly full-time workers' schedules to 28 hours per week13-Jul
TexasMatagorda CountyCut hours part-timer can work from 40 per week to 2913-Jun
TexasMTC Inc. restaurant managementShifted to only hiring part-time workers13-Jul
TexasPillar Hotels & ResortsStepped up hiring of part-time workers among its 5,500 employees12-Nov
TexasPlanoCut part-time hours below 30 per week13-May
TexasSam Houston State UniversityLimited student work hours to 29 per week, impacting multiple-job holders13-Sep
TexasTexas Christian UniversityReduced hours for adjunct faculty and part-time employees, including students, to fewer than 30 per week13-Jun
TexasWilson CountyCut part-timers to a maximum of 29 hours per week13-Jun
UtahAlpine School DistrictCut part-time hours to a maximum of 27.5 per week, avoiding $4.2 million cost13-May
UtahBrigham Young UniversityCapped hours for part-timers, including students, at an average of 29 per week.13-Apr
UtahCedar CityCapped hours for part-timers and seasonal workers at 28 per week13-May
UtahDeseret Industries (work training for war refugees)Cut hours of most workers below 30 per week13-May
UtahGranite School DistrictCut hours for part-time school support staff to below 30 per week13-Mar
UtahMillard School DistrictCut hours for paraprofessionals from 6 to 5.75 per day13-Jul
UtahMurray School DistrictCut part-time hours to a maximum of 20 per week13-Jun
UtahNebo School DistrictCut hours for part-timers to 28.75 per week and stop providing insurance for some13-Jun
UtahSouthern Utah UnversityLimited hourly workers, including students, to 20 hours per week and capped adjunct teaching loads13-Jun
UtahUtah Valley UniversityLimited hourly workers to a maximum of 28 hours per week and capped adjunct teaching loads13-Feb
VirginaSpotsylvania CountyCut hours for part-timers to a maximum of 28 per week13-Apr
VirginiaCampbell County Social Services Dept.Cut hours of family educators, companion providers and part-timers to 29 per week13-May
VirginiaChesterfield CountyCut hours for up to "several hundred" part-timers to 28 per week13-Mar
VirginiaChesterfield Public SchoolsCut hours for part-timers to a maximum of 28 per week13-Apr
VirginiaChristoper Savvides restaurant & catering co.Stopped hiring full-time and limited part-timers' hours13-Jul
VirginiaChristopher Newport UniversityCut hours for part-timers and adjunct faculty to 29 per week13-Feb
VirginiaCollege of William & MaryCut hours for part-timers and adjunct faculty to 29 per week13-Feb
VirginiaDept. of Behavioral Health and Developmental ServicesCut hours for wage employees to a maximum of 29 per week13-Feb
VirginiaDept. of Motor VehiclesCut hours for wage employees to a maximum of 29 per week13-Feb
VirginiaDickenson County Public SchoolsCut hours for part-timers to a maximum of 29 per week13-May
VirginiaGeorge Mason UniversityCut hourly wage workers, including students and adjuncts, to a maximum of 29 hours per week13-Feb
VirginiaGrayson CountyCut hours for part-timers to a maximum of 28 per week13-May
VirginiaHenrico Country School DistrictLimit hours for part-timers and temps to 29 per week13-Jun
VirginiaJames Madison UniversityCut hourly wage workers, including students and adjuncts, to a maximum of 29 hours per week13-Feb
VirginiaK-VA-T Food StoresCapped hours for part-time employees at under 30 per week13-Aug
VirginiaLongwood UniversityCut hourly wage workers, including students and adjuncts, to a maximum of 29 hours per week13-Feb
VirginiaLouisa CountyCut hours for part-time and seasonal employees to 29 per week13-Mar
VirginiaLynchburgCut hours for part-timers from about 32 per week to 2813-Jun
VirginiaNorfolk State UniversityCut hours for part-timers and adjunct faculty to 29 per week13-Feb
VirginiaOld Dominion UniversityCut hourly wage workers, including students and some adjuncts, to a maximum of 29 hours per week13-Feb
VirginiaRadford UniversityCapped teaching loads for adjunct faculty13-Feb
VirginiaRappahannock Area Community Services BoardCut hours for part-timers to a maximum of 29 per week13-Jun
VirginiaRichmond Public SchoolsCut part-time hours to a maximum of 28 per week13-Apr
VirginiaStrasburgLowered cap on part-time hours from 35 to 29 per week13-May
VirginiaTazewell CountyLowered cap on part-time hours from 32 to 29 per week13-Apr
VirginiaUniversity of Mary WashingtonCut hourly wage workers, including students and adjuncts, to a maximum of 29 hours per week13-Feb
VirginiaVirginia Commonwealth UniversityCut hours for part-timers and adjunct faculty to 29 per week13-Feb
VirginiaVirginia Community College SystemCut hours for part-timers and adjunct faculty to 29 per week13-Feb
VirginiaVirginia Dept. of Alcoholic Beverage ControlCut hours for part-time and hourly wage workers to 29 per week13-Feb
VirginiaVirginia Dept. of Conservation and RecreationCut hours for part-time and hourly wage workers to 29 per week13-Feb
VirginiaVirginia Employment CommissionCut hours for part-time and hourly wage workers to 29 per week13-Feb
VirginiaVirginia government (all other departments)Cut hours for part-time and hourly wage workers to 29 per week13-Feb
VirginiaWise County School BoardLimit hours for part-time workers to fewer than 30 per week13-May
VirginiaWythe CountyCut hours for part-timers to a maximum of 28 per week13-May
VirginiaWythevilleLowered cap on part-time hours from 39 to 28 per week13-Feb
Washington DCClyde's Restaurant GroupShifting mix of workers toward more part-timers13-Jun
West VirginiaBlue Ridge Community And Technical CollegeCapped adjunct teaching loads, limiting work hours to no more than 29 per week13-May
WisconsinChippewa CountyCut part-time hours below 30 per week13-Apr
WisconsinLand's EndReduced hours for part-timers to a maximum of 29 per week13-Feb
WisconsinLomira School DistrictReduced hours for classified staff to 29 per week13-Feb
WisconsinMinocqua-Hazelhurst-Lake Tomahawk School DistrictCapped part-time hours below 30 per week13-Jul
WisconsinMount Horeb Area School DistrictCut paraprofessional hours to 25 per week13-May
WisconsinTrig's SupermarketsCut hours for part-time workers below 30 per week.13-Jul

313 Companies Which Cut Worker Hours Because of Obamacare

John Hames

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