Brad Thor: Denying Service Members Right to Be Armed On-Duty 'Reprehensible'


Brad Thor: Denying Service Members Right to Be Armed On-Duty 'Reprehensible'

by AWR Hawkins 16 Sep 2013, 2:52 PM PDT post a comment

Thor is outraged over the fact that policies continue to prevent our service men and women from being armed and therefore from being able to defend their lives on military bases and installations around the country.

He is especially bothered by the refusal to face the truth about such military gun free zones even after the gut-wrenching experience at Ft. Hood in 2009.

So as President Obama mourns "yet another mass shooting" in America and television pundits politicize the shootings in hopes of passing even more gun control, Thor mourns the "gun free" policies themselves.

Follow AWR Hawkins on Twitter @AWRHawkins

Brad Thor: Denying Service Members Right to Be Armed On-Duty 'Reprehensible'

John Hames

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