Breaking: Who’s Putting Coke and Pepsi out of Business?

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Below you will find a special message from one of our sponsoring advertisers, Francis Gaskins, President and Editor of IPOdesktop Premium.

As you know, investing in over-the-counter stocks carries a lot of risk, but the rewards can be exceptional. And although National Review hasn't researched and cannot assess the following information, we do hope it will act as a useful tool when exploring your investment options. National Review always recommends you conduct your own due diligence before entering into any type of financial investment.

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Buffett has $1.6 Billion
invested in Coke.

What does he know about beverage stocks that can make you money?

Alkaline Water Company

Watch This Exclusive
Research Report Now!

Americans spent $74.3 billion on soda and now they're buying healthy beverages like there's no tomorrow. This breakthrough enterprise has an explosive new product — ALKALINE RICH WATER.

  True Religion Jeans benefited from the same celebrity phenomenon.
If you missed True Religion going from 67 cents to $37.18,
here's your second chance to catch a major trend early

Fellow Investor:

$74.3 billion is at stake. That's how much the American public paid for sugary soda drinks last year. These fabulously wealthy soda companies have one problem: people are fleeing these unhealthy drinks at a breakneck pace and sales have steadily declined for the last 8 years.

The power of celebrities to influence the general public is absolutely jaw-dropping. Tens of millions of people are influenced by the way they live, details of their personal lives, where they live--what they wear and what they drink. The stakes are huge.

Americans spent $74.3 billion on unhealthy sugary sodas last year. Sales for these corporate giants are plunging as consumers spend their dollars on healthy drinks, often at premium prices. $74.3 billion is an enormous prize. And Alkaline Water Company (WTER) at just 40 cents a share is out to capture a major piece of this cash.

Alkaline Water Company Could Revolutionize The Biggest Health Trend In America: Healthy Beverages With Their Alkaline84 Drink That's Affordable, Healthy and "Celebrity Cool"

The demand for alkaline water is just starting. Like True Religion proves, one way to earn market-outperforming gains is to find a Hollywood-fueled boom and invest early. These opinion leaders create demand and then sales soar—often along with stock prices.

You sit back, go into cruise control and watch your portfolio potentially burst at the seams with all the money you could make. All early investors in True Religion had to do was be patient in order to turn $10,000 into $540,000.

I am confidently predicting that Alkaline Water Company (WTER) could be one of these stars with a shrewd business strategy in the right industry at the right time. I almost have to pinch myself when I realize that at the time of this writing, it's only 40 cents a share and poised to grab a multi-million-dollar share of the hottest niche in bottled beverages—alkaline water.

True Religion Jeans Rode The Power of Celebrity And their Stock Soared From 67 Cents To $36.18 When The Public Rushed In To Buy The Same Clothes

Why did $10,000 invested in True Religion hit a staggering $540,000? Well-known stars like Cameron Diaz, Ringo Starr and Colin Farrell were seen in their clothes. That's all it took. True Religion did $467 million in sales for their last full fiscal year, netting almost a million dollars a week. Incidentally, the company was just acquired for $835 Million Dollars.

"True Religion Jeans Had The Same 'Celebrity' Strategy as some companies in this category. Their Stock Went From 67 Cents To $36.18.
$10,000 HIT A STAGGERING $540,000."

When I Find An Exciting Industry, I Look For a Stock That Can Profit From It:
40-Cent-a-Share Alkaline Water Company (WTER) Could Become a Major Player

Hello, my name is Francis Gaskins and I'm the President and Editor of IPOdesktop Premium. Perhaps you've seen my commentary on CNBC, Bloomberg, The Wall Street Journal, Dow Jones Business News, Reuters, Investor's Business Daily, USA TODAY, or The

In this Special Report, I'd like to tell you exactly why I think Alkaline Water Company (WTER) could become an industry leader, potentially rewarding early shareholders with stunning gains. For over 17 years I have been finding little-known stocks that offer market-beating profit potential in growth industries. Alkaline Water Company (WTER) fits the bill perfectly.

Americans Are Drinking Fewer Sodas And More Healthy Bottled Water. Panic Has Set In At Coke, Pepsi And Nestle Because Sales Are Slumping. This Spells Opportunity...

Few realize that the average American now drinks 29 gallons of bottled water a year. When alkaline water gets more publicity, there's not a single doubt in my mind that demand can soar. Alkaline84 can quickly become the healthy water of choice by millions of Americans. Why?

  • Alkaline84 Offers Remarkable Health Benefits: Including 84 trace Himalayan minerals considered to be the best in the world. Alkaline water helps keep your cells young and hydrated. It also balances your pH level, boosting your immune system.
  • It Could Benefit From the Astonishing Power of Celebrity: Americans like to be like their favorite celebrities. This fact took True Religion Jeans to a whopping $467 million dollars in the last full fiscal year. It could also skyrocket sales for Alkaline Water Company (WTER)
  • People Are Drinking Much Less Sugary Soda: The Wall Street Journal asks, "Is This The End of The Soft Drink Era? They have a big worry: soda sales. Baby boomers are aging and soda's traditional target market –youth—are often turning to water..."

The Major Soda Players Are Also Paying Fabulously Rich Prices For Specialty Health Beverage Enterprises — Alkaline Water Company (WTER) Could Be Perfect For Them

Buyouts are one of the fastest ways to make a great deal of money. If Alkaline Water Company (WTER) was acquired, you could walk off with a small fortune very quickly. Coca-Cola purchased the Vitamin Water brand for $4.1 billion... approximately 17 times Vitamin Water's annual sales. Healthy water was an entirely new product class for them.

They bought their first share of Honest Tea paying $43 million for just 40% of the tiny new company's $23 million in sales... approximately 4.7 times sales. Coke still wasn't done. They then purchased FUZE for approximately $300 million, a little over 2 times annual sales. Pepsi-Cola bought SOBE for $378 million, paying about 4.2 times annual sales. And Starbucks acquired Seattle Coffee for $72 million, around 4.5 times their $16 million in annual sales.

Coke, Pepsi and Nestle Are Buying Water Companies At Super High Prices. You Could Make Hundreds of Thousands Almost Overnight

Coca-Cola purchased the VITAMIN WATER brand for $4.1 billion... approximately 17 times Vitamin Water's annual sales. This was an entirely new product class. That's why it was so valuable.
Arizona Iced Tea turned down an offer from Coca-Cola for $2.1 billion. Bottled tea isn't even a new product but 4.2 times sales just wasn't sweet enough to make the deal happen.
Coca-Cola also purchased FUZE for approximately $300 million ... just a little over 2 times annual sales.
Coke still wasn't done. They bought its first share of Honest Tea paying $43 million for just 40% of the tiny new company's $23 million in sales... approximately 4.7 times sales.
Pepsi-Cola purchased SOBE for $378 million.... Paying about 4.2 times annual sales.
Starbucks bought Seattle Coffee for $72 million... apparently 4.5 times Seattle's $16 million in annual sales.

The Rich Have Grown Richer By Keeping These Astonishing Deals To Themselves. Alkaline Water Company Is Your Opportunity To Climb Aboard This Booming Industry

Sean "Diddy" Combs, the super star singer record producer, actor, entrepreneur and actor Mark Wahlberg are multi-millionaires many times over. They know a good thing when they see it. The Oscar-nominated actor invested in a alkaline water company, along with Mr. Combs.

However, this deal is not open to you. It's private like most of them. Alkaline Water Company (WTER) is how you can participate in this booming industry and ride along with them.

The Growth Potential Of
Alkaline Water Corp In This Booming Business Is Impressive

Healthy water has grown into a major new healthy beverage category because it's taking customers away from some of the greatest growth markets. For example, sugary sodas last year came in at $18 billion in sales. Energy drinks had $12.5 billion in revenue. And regular bottled water boasted an impressive $15 billion in sales. So when I say that this opportunity stretches as far as the eye can see, it's true.


Starbucks--from 78¢ to $58. That's up 7,528%. $5,000 reaches $376,000

Jones Soda-- from 26¢ to $24.59 --UP + 9,357%. $5,000 hits $467,850

Monster Beverage--from 56¢ to $34.00—up +5,091%. $5,000 hits $254,550

Craft Brew Alliance--from 85¢ to $10.17—up 1,097%--$5,000 goes to $54,500

Samuel Adams Beer-- from $7.43 to $159.64—UP + 2,048%. $5,000 hits $104,000

Pulse Beverage--from 36¢ to $1.43—UP +317%. $5,000 soars to $15,850

"$5,000 Invested In Jones Soda At 26 Cents a Share Turned Into $467,850."

Your Turn Has Come To Invest In The Biggest Health Trend In America. It's No Longer An Opportunity For The Elite In Hollywood and The Music World


"The hottest new beverage is water. Water is one of the fastest growing segments of the beverage industry."

Alkaline water has been a small, almost cult-like fad among health nuts and beautiful people for some time... the healthiest athletes, the most beautiful models, the people everyone wants to copy. Now drinking Alkaline water has just started to gain recognition and pick up speed. NOW IS THE TIME TO ACT. When millions of Americans wake up to it, it's too late. You want to get in when the stock is as low as possible.

At 40 Cents a Share, This Opportunity Will Not Wait. Others Also Understand The Enormous Money To Be Made In The Healthy Beverage Industry

Your next step? I would promptly pick up Alkaline Water Company (WTER) by calling your discount broker. You don't want to look back and think, "if only I had bought some, even just a little." You'd hate yourself forever.

Want even more information on Alkaline Water Company (WTER)? Click the CONTINUE READING link. In 3 seconds you'll get access to a world of information. Don't miss this one!

Sincerely Yours,

Francis Gaskins, President and Editor of IPOdesktop Premium

P.S. Alkaline Water Company (WTER) can become a leader in the biggest new health trend In America: pure, health-building alkaline water. Millions could buy their Alkaline84 drink. Famous actors, musicians and athletes drink alkaline water, building growing public demand for alkaline water. At just 40 cents a share, this remarkable enterprise could change your financial future. Remember, I told you all about it!

While the beverage industry and many products within that industry have celebrity endorsers Alkaline Water Co. at this time does not have celebrity backers or endorsers.

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