Barack Hussein Obama
As of Aug 2013 has taken 15 vacation trips, totaling 96 days. This does not include visits to Camp David. Barack Hussein Obama has played 135 rounds of golf since becoming POTUS, 18 of which were either in Hawaii or Martha’s Vineyard.
Randal Howard "Rand" Paul
Rand Paul spends his summer breaks meeting with voters in Kentucky, and attending the many Rotary Clubs and other events back home. Listening to the people. Oh BTW, United States Senator. Rand Paul, R-Ky., performs eye surgery on his constituents for free during his vacations.
Paul, an eye surgeon by trade, performs pro bono surgeries on Kentuckians, something that he’s done a couple of dozen times since entering the senate. “He’s really done them all over Kentucky,” explained Dan Bayens, a spokesman for the senator. It’s cataract surgery that the Kentucky Republican tends to perform. And he uses local doctors and ophthalmologists that he has relationships with to link up with patients who are uninsured or underinsured.
So, there you have it, one spends your tax dollars on lavish vacations, such as the Obamas Africa vacation that cost around $100 million, the other gives his time and medical expertise to those in medical need.
Sent by John Hames
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