Now is the time for all good men and women to come to the aid of their country!
Let Corker and Alexander know how displeased you are with their voting with Harry Reid and the democrats!!
Let Corker and Alexander know how displeased you are with their voting with Harry Reid and the democrats!!
Twitter @SenAlexander
Yesterday, I voted in...See More
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- 52 of 201
- Melvin Croft Corker, You are flat out LIAR and TRAITOR to the very people that put you in office to be our voice. Even though you looked like a ignorant backwoods a-hole in your little debate trying to bash Ted Cruz? You KNEW you WASN'T standing up for US or AMERICA. You was standing up for Obamacare and the democrats. That's a TRAITOR in my book!! So GTFO of Tennessee. We don't want you to come back to our state. Make no mistake, We're going vote Alexander's sorry ass out next year. Then you. You are the BENEDICT ARNOLD of Tennessee. You should resign in shame if you had any dignity at all? But you showed all of us you have none.
- Paula Maxwell Randolph You, sir, are a liar and should not call yourself a Republican. I will never vote for you or Alexander again, even if you're the only person on the ballot!
- Justin Jones Looks like it's time to put some people in the senate that will listen to the people and if they won't put limits on terms in office we the people should jus start voting them out
- Chip Meadows You are certainly not a very good magician. We see how you operate and we are not happy with your representation of Tennessee!
- Norman Bobo Your vote gave fodder to the other side. They are reveling in the "split" in the Republican Party -- between the RINO's and the true conservatives. You had already lost my vote. Now you have my anger!!! One word: RECALL!
- Tina Wolverton Robison Your letter is totally expected and disgusting sir! This is exactly what we knew (and you knew) would happen. And now for some reason you think that maybe the House will bail you out and send back something that your spineless side of Congress will pass that will get rid of Obamacare?!! And more importantly, you think that Tennesseans are going to believe your "sincere" efforts on our behalf in just not wanting to harm America by allowing those nasty Democrats to shut down the government?!! Senator Corker, you are one of the nasty Democrats! I will remember your vote every month when I am trying to make payment on my insurance premium that has increased by 48%. I will remember your vote every time I or a family member has to go to the Dr. and pay huge out-of-pocket expenses because our deductible has increased to $5000.00 per person. I will remember your vote every time I have to find a new physician because our has decided to take early retirement rather than hassle with all of the new regulations that you have helped put into place. I will remember how you tried to humiliate a fellow Republican Sentaor (Cruz) publicly on the Senate floor because he and his few fellow Senators were showing up you bunch of Rinos for what you really are. Sadly, you humiliated yourself and the State of Tennessee with your rant, but probably still don't understand how pathetic it made us all look!! But mostly, I will remember your vote when I go to the polls to make sure that you are a one-term disappointment to the state of Tennessee. Pad your pockets well with all the bribes and "rewards" coming your way for being a good-ole boy in DC, because you sir will NOT be a career politician. Your days are numbered.
- Stacy Griffith This is just another prime example of how you, Alexander, and the others are just Lording your position and power over us and playing a political game of smoke and mirrors.
- Duane M Cole Senator the working people of this country are on the ropes, Obamacare is going to put us on the mat! You and your peers are so far out of touch that the "reality" you speak of, is not our reality! It is the reality of your millionaire politicians! We are tired of having the fruits of our labors stolen and misused by DC!
- Constance Brown I am so tired of professional politicians and I am tired of voting strictly party lines. Wake up Washington. Tax paying Americans do NOT want Obamacare nor anything else that is going to put more of a burden on our shoulders. Go after your lobbying cronies who put health care in the state it is in anyway. Fix the generational welfare system!!! I do not care if you are Democrat, Republican, Independent, Indian Chief, or Winnie the Pooh - NONE of you would be there if it weren't for the people who VOTE!!! Listen or find yourself in the private sector the next time you are up for re-election!!
- John Kimbrough Folks, It's is time to FIRE Senator Alexander and Senator Bob Corker! I wonder if it is possible to Recall them? They seem to have given up on The Constitution and are starting to act more like Federal Democrats then Senators from Tennessee who are suppose to represent and protect the interests and Rights of the great State of Tennessee and its Legal citizens!
They seem to have forgotten that as Tennessee "Volunteers" that no matter what the odds or how dangerous the situation you Always Fight for the Right Reasons! When you look back through history and see how many Tennesseans have individually, and in large numbers, put themselves at risk to "Do the Right Thing" no matter how big or small the reason, it makes you shake your head in wonder! How did we keep electing people like this who have strayed so far from the proud traditions and beliefs of this great State?
You don't rollover procedurally to allow a horrible piece of Legislation to advance to the next stage! You stand and fight with others that also have a spine and haven't lost their moral compass in that political cesspool that is our Capital! We need new representation in the Senate! - Nelda Sappington Mr. Corker, you are a disgrace to the people who voted you into office! You can bet your backside that I will do everything I can to make sure anyone I know does not vote for you. You are a traitor to the people who trusted you for voting for obamacare!!!!
- Jonathan Beardsley YOU LIE, BOB, YOU LIE!!!!!!! Sniveling coward. YOU KNEW that a vote for cloture was a vote FOR OBAMACARE. We, your constituents in TN, and from your home town, ARE NOT F^&KING IDIOTS, so stop treating us that way! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Start standing for real heroes, like Ted Cruz and Rand Paul. People who actually LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE and act according to their own constituents wishes and 60 % of ALL AMERICANS wishes.
Do you really think we are that stupid???? That's extremely insulting. - Michelle Wyatt Jinnette We saw how you voted "yes" in cloture. What a joke. We, the people, are in to your cowardly game, sir.
- Carlon Plunk You were put in office to represent us. Not represent Washington to us. Stand up or be gone!
- Beth Claxton I'm terribly sorry you found yourself confused. Constituents doesn't mean much, does it?
- Kristen Miller It seems that the town folk are coming with pitchforks & torches. I almost feel sorry for you.
- Craig Morris You're a traitor to your Tennessee constituents and an embarrassment to Americans. The actions of the so-called Republican Party, as well as the Democrats, begs for a third party as well as a TWO TERM LIMIT for all elected political offices. I am personally offended that you have made such negative comments against Sen. Cruz' stand against the machine which is stuck in perpetual incompetency. I used to consider myself to be a Republican but those days are over. Time to flush the Congressional toilet in 2014.
- Chuck Chappelle YOU voted against defunding before you voted for it. Who are you trying to fool? Should be ashamed of yourself for acting like John McCain and attacking a fellow republican. Senator Cruz at least had the American people in mind and all you are doing is trying to perfect another Obama shell game be allowing yourself to try and pull the wool over the eyes of Americans all while allowing yourself an avenue to BLAME OTHERS! We need representation that respects the will of the people and not another self serving POLITICIAN!
- Tony Piscotta Appreciate your willingness to respond Senator Corker. Seriously disagree with your reasoning. You had an opportunity to protect the American people from the onerous bill by supporting cloture. You chose not to do so for purely political reasons. Our country is worse off this morning as the result of your action.
- TrishAnn Tarantino YOU KNEW that a vote for cloture was a vote FOR OBAMACARE. How is it you feel we are so stupid.
- Brian E Hall You have been a traitor by not supporting but attacking Ted Cruz and others attempts to stop the tyrant! Stand down sir!
- Jennifer Siler Oh bobby bobby are you feeling the heat under you yet? Lol u are getting exactly what cowards like you deserve. I hope a recall on such a coward like you is next lol.
- Tina Orgain Disappointed in many running our counrty! Cruz at least had the COURAGE to STAND UP for his convictions. HE remembers the people he works for.
- George Elliot Had U voted against Cloture, U could have forced the Dems to Defund Obamacare. That was the brave act of 19 Republicans led by Cruz and Lee. You chose to vote with the Rinos. The vote of 47 Rs against the Amendment to strip the Defund bill was futile and you knew it, so pleeze don't pull the wool over our eyes. Your vote screws the country, cause now we are stuck with Obamacare
- Tom Davis No ObamaCare OR Shut down the government. It is time to make Reid and Obama negotiate and serve the People and not their agenda.
- Adam N Christy Bright Corker did you discuss your vote while playing golf with Obama you are disgrace to tn and a liar
- James Moose Mearse Bob the part you have forgotten is you were elected to listen to us and represent us. Your job is not to do what's best for you, obama or the government.We have said DEFUND it and you haven't listened. So long to you Bob come election time. Youll hear us then!
- Lloyd Allard You're next Bob. First we Beat Lamar and then we throw you out in 5 years. I cannot believe people fall for your BS.
- Jennifer Siler Dennis baker I would love to end Medicaid but send all the money they have stolen from me since I started working 20 years ago and social security, end my taxes going to schools since I had paid for my schooling, I'm certain your home boy bobby will send me a check right?
- Ellyn Abney Robison Will never vote for you again. Even if there is a dem on the ballot. At least we can trust which way they will vote!
- Rusty Nail Corker is not really worried about our votes.....or what we want, that is obvious if you read these posts. Their were only 2 comments that I could find even remotely backing his position. He has 5 more years of gravy on his plate anyway , but Alexander is another story. He is up for re-election this year. I can't imagine the reasoning behind him running, because he will never be elected. I would vote for Donald Duck least you can count on what comes out of a duck's mouth. It will most assuredly be a quack.
- Linda Chandler good try Senator Corker........can't buy what you are selling.....saw you LIVE on C-span!!!!! Please, redeem yourself with using truth, not spin! since you have joined the Do-Nothing Senators on both sides of the aisle, why don't you try to lead these people into changing the rules of the Senate! The way you people do BUSINESS, is a major reason that our country is in the shape it is in.....But that would require you working really hard on something and having the determination to get something done!!!!!! or you can sit there for another 5 years and simply draw your paycheck! I wish someone had the funds to start a recall, 5 wasted years is a long wait! OH, still waiting for you to return my call..LOL!!!
- Whaland Dalton We are sick and tired of politicians thinking we are ignorant. We are informed and we understood what a no or yes vote meant and that is why we demanded a no vote period! If it required to shut the government down then so be it. We are tired of being held hostage by a tyrant that will not negotiate with his own countrymen but will bow to our enemies and give away our freedoms at every possible turn!
VOTE OUR WILL AND NOT HIS MAJESTIES WE ARE YOUR BOSS! - Ray Marlin Sholar You and Alexander are going to end up on the outside looking in as the TEA party takes Tennessee.
- Norman Little Senator, You voted for Cloture, You voted with Harry Reid and the Democrats, You did Not Stand Withe Ted Cruz, We The People are no longer Stupid, We know what you did, shame on you and you will regret this in your next election.
- Kenneth Hadley Sen. Corker, I have followed your career and know you are good person. Perhaps because you are busy or perhaps because you are on the inside and do not see things as quickly I somehow understand your actions thus far.. The problem is: You have failed to grasp the evil intent of this sitting President.. He has surrounded himself with, inept misfits, and even selected a brain damaged V P.. Please understand the problem you are facing and it will guide you better... Good luck Senator Corker..
- Stephen Dyck Senator Corker, You voted for cloture with Harry Reid that allowed Harry Reid to strip the language that defunded Obamacare from the CR. I will be actively campaigning against you and financially supporting your opponent when you are up for re-election. You are a disgrace to America.
- Loni Ray Nothing to say and reasons you try to spin.... Matter. Your actions speak louder. You will NOT be re-elected. Just line you tell your children ... There were consequences for what you did!!
- Larry Overton Your failure to support Senators Ted Cruz and Mike Lee and your vote for cloture was:
Not in the best interest of the people of this State or the Nation,
Not what the people who voted for you wanted,
Not legal under the Constitution of the United Stat...See More
--John Hames
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