Fwd: News from Windham Weaponry, Inc.

Sept. Masthead
Welcome to The Windham Weaponry Newsletter - Vol. 2 / Issue 9
September 2013
Marketing News Mark at SFGC
Mark Eliason, VP Sales & Marketing
Windham Weaponry Sponsors 2013 CCRC Trap Shoot 
Let me say at the outset that we were not using Windham Weaponry AR15s to knock down clay pigeons (couldn't find any .223 bird shot ammo!).
But we did sponsor the 2013 Cumberland County Republican Committee Benefit Trap Shoot this past Saturday at the Scarborough Fish & Game Club. A good number of shooters turned out to enjoy the competition and camaraderie at this fine facility south of Windham. It was a beautiful Fall-like morning, and the competition was tight enough that a shoot-off was required! 
Windham Weaponry supplied the grand prize of a Cabela's model Windham Weaponry rifle (an SRC with an American Flag laser engraved on the receiver), as well as four $50.00 Gift Certificates to Cabela's (which conveniently enough is just down the street from Scarborough Fish & Game Club!).
When the dust from the clays and the smoke from the shells settled, everyone enjoyed a delicious barbeque lunch - a great time was had by all. We look forward to sponsoring it again next year.
WW Display at SFGC
Shotgun & Sign SFGC Trap Shoot Generic
This Month's Featured Rifle...
Windham Weaponry TimberTec Camo SRC
A Variation on our SRC Carbine designed for Fall Hunting!

TimberTec Camo SRC

Model: Windham Weaponry R16M4FTT-C3   Weight: 6.3 lbs.   Length: 36.125" (32.375" with telestock collapsed)
Caliber: 5.56mm / .223 Rem.

Type:  Rifle - Semi-Automatic, Gas Impingement System

Capacity: 10 + 1 (Ships with one 10 Round Magazine)

Receivers: Forged 7075 T6 Aluminum -  M4A4 Type Flat Top Upper Receiver with TimberTec Camo Finish 

Bolt:  Carpenter 158 Steel

Barrel:  16" M4 Profile, Chrome Lined with A2 Flash Suppressor

Barrel Material: 4150 Chrome Moly Vanadium 11595E Steel with M4 Feed Ramps

Rifling: 1 Turn in 9" - Right Hand Twist

Stock: 6 Position Telestock with Windham Weaponry Logo and Sling Swivel - in TimberTec Camo Finish

Forend / Pistol Grip: M4 Double Heat Shield Handguards / A2 Pistol Grip - in TimberTec Camo Finish

Rear Sight: None - Ready for optics or other type accessory sights

Front Sight: None - Picatinny Rail Gas Block - Ready for accessory sights 

Includes: Hard Plastic Case, Web Sling, 10 Rd. Magazine, Operators Manual, Lifetime Transferable Warranty

Erik at his bench
Erik Winter, Gunsmith


Important information regarding Barrel Nuts and Barrel Removal for our Carbon Fiber Rifles:


I've had a few customers call me since we introduced the Carbon Fiber rifles saying they were trying to install a free float handguard and the barrel nut would not fit on the upper receiver. The barrel nut on our Carbon Fiber rifles has a different diameter thread than a standard AR15 barrel nut. This area of the Carbon Fiber upper was beefed up to make this critical area stronger. In so doing it was necessary for us to increase the size of the threaded area and therefore change the thread on the barrel nut to fit this. The outside dimensions of the barrel nut are exactly the same as a standard barrel nut. Only the inside diameter and thread of the barrel nut was changed. Any carbine length free float handguard that is designed to work on a standard AR15 barrel nut will work fine, but no free float handguards that require the change of the barrel nut will work.


Also for gunsmiths that are trying to remove the barrel on a Carbon Fiber rifle, it is important to have the upper on a barreling device that engages the lugs in the barrel extension. The clamp style vise blocks will not fit the Carbon Fiber upper, and you should never secure the upper by only the upper receiver takedown and pivot pin lugs. Torqueing against the lugs is likely to cause damage to the receiver. When we barrel the uppers at the factory we only use barreling spuds that engage the lugs in the barrel extension.  Also note that we use a bit of Loctite on the threads. So if you remove the barrel nut it is very important to clean all of the dried Loctite out of the threads on the barrel nut so you don't risk cross threading during re-installation. It is also recommended to reapply a little red 262 Loctite to this area, and not exceed 30 foot pounds of torque when tightening the barrel nut.




I've also had inquiries about whether we offer a cleaning/maintenance video for our rifles. We do not but I don't think we could offer any video better than the excellent one put out by NSSF. Therefore I always refer people to their YouTube video:




For Bolt & Bolt Carrier maintenance, we are now offering this excellent tool that makes cleaning your bolt carrier very easy. It is a bolt scraper, firing pin cleaner, scraper for removing carbon inside the carrier, and has a slot to hold a patch for swabbing the inside of the carrier out. See our new Retail Featured Product below - the CAT M4 Carbon Scraper. It's quick and efficient!

Cheryl Eliason, Customer Service Manager

We receive a variety of customer service related questions from our customers, and in order to better serve all of you, highlight one question each month.


This month's question is:


What is the recommended break in procedure for my new rifle ?




With any new firearm you should first always run a patch through the bore before firing.


On our chrome lined barrels, shoot about 100 rounds of new brass cased .223 or .556 NATO ammo, then clean it normally after that. It will be sufficiently broken in at that point.


If you have a VEX-SS (Varmint Exterminator) model with the stainless steel barrel, the break in is as follows:


Fire one shot, then clean your barrel. (Repeat this step 5 times.)

- Fire 3 shots, then clean your barrel. 

- Fire 5 shots, then clean your barrel and you're done.


We recommend .223 ammo in the VEX-SS for break in and best accuracy results. We have tested the VEX rifle with 5.56 NATO ammo and found it safe to shoot, but we've had the best accuracy with match grade .223 ammo.


Karen Fogarty, Asst. to VP Sales & Marketing   





As you know, we love seeing our readers and their WW rifles.  


I really enjoy your newsletter, and love my WW AR15!  Congratulations to your new President, an apple doesn't fall far from the tree, and his Uncle's integrity is legendary!


Scott W.

Boise, Idaho


Am having a blast with my Windham MPC. Put over 1200 rounds through it since I bought it in January.  Just as good as any Colt.


Barry S.

Lakewood, CO


Dear Windham Weaponry:

I just purchased the HBC Model R16A4T and am honored to own it. The quality and craftsmanship are superlative. It is such a pleasure to shoot - accurate, well balanced with a fit and finish that are truly excellent.
I have tremendous respect for the philosophy of Windham Weaponry. Your goal is to build the best M4 style rifle - and I believe you certainly do. When the original company that operated under another name was
shipped out of state, you exercised courage, fortitude and ethics that are hardly ever seen in the corporate world.
Today, it is rare to see a company in America offering a 1st rate product that is not from China. Why did our politicians send all of our factories over seas and not bother to even come up with a program to replace the jobs
that were lost? Why are all of our rights especially those concerning the 2nd Amendment under constant threat? It seems as if something is afoot which is very sinister. The guns made by Windham Weaponry may be the last defense between our freedom and another agenda which seeks to destroy the great country that our forefathers gave us.

What is it that really made America special? Many things perhaps, but the integrity of its people, their belief in freedom for all in this world and the quality of American products stand out as some of the most important. The
rifles that you wonderfully craft are a symbol of American pride, honor and greatness.
This is the first rifle I have ever purchased and I intend to keep it for the remainder of my life. I have two very nice hand made violins from Italy. But your rifle stands along side my violins as those certain items I will keep
for as long as I am alive.

Keep Going and Keep America Strong.

Sincerely and Shalom,
A Customer in Virgina  


Thought I'd share some photo's of my Windham dressed "Desert Style". This little carbine has become my favorite CQC weapon. I also have a Colt A2 similar to the one I carried "back in the day", it's a great rifle, but if I had to choose, I'd keep my Windham!


Thanks for a great rifle!!


M. Volpe

Feedback Photo 1A Feedback Photo 1B  


I have never owned a quality rifle such as this. I had my heart set on a Bushmaster and when told of the sale of the company to another manufacturer and how the Windham Company actually came about and who the employees were, that settled it in my mind. I walked away with what I thought of as the best purchase I could have ever made. I haven't had the opportunity to fire it yet, The particular model I bought came without sights, yet was made scope ready. After looking on the Windham site for a scope which I will probably only use for target, the scopes though made with excellence I am sure, are just a bit to pricey  for me. I have always been told and I am a believer of YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR ! I bought some sights for it  but  still in the market for a scope. I would prefer to own a Windham Scope to keep it all Windham quality however because I am on a fixed income it's going to be difficult. I would like to Thank Windham  for staying in business with the same people that made the other company  what it was.  The owner  who went into retirement and saw the former workers without employment has shown a personality of Greatness by starting this to benefit those workers who made his company  GREAT.  God Bless You Sir.  It's a great story to have read.  A man of Compassion for others.  I feel good about having purchased this weapon for that reason only.   I wish You, Your company, and Your workers many Blessings. I will build up your reputation to all I  have contact with.  Thank You to all of You ! I am well pleased.




I have had 4 different AR type Rifles since getting out of the Army. This past year I was visiting a local Gun Dealer and he had many AR's on the wall for sale, but only 1 AR-15 (WW CDI)  After 45 min. of looking , I left the shop with it, and never looked back. I have fired a few thousand rounds out of it since then, and I have to say, the CDI is the best AR I ever had.


The Newsletter is a Great source of information. I like the idea of the Gunsmith's tips as well. Keep up the great work and the HIGH QUALITY of Craftsmanship.




Chris T.

Willow Street, PA

To send Newsletter comments or suggestions, contact:
Matt H - Retail
Matt Hasty
Retail Sales Manager



PRICE: $36.00     Buy It Now!


Here's the handiest little AR Bolt & Carrier care tool you can keep in your range bag. The Combat Application Tools C.A.T. M-4 Tool allows the operator to clean the weapon and restore the bolt and carrier group to tactical tolerance in a matter of minutes - in the field, with gloved hands, and in low light conditions if necessary. This tool was designed to simplify weapons maintenance in the field, or at the range, for Soldiers and serious M4 and AR-15 shooters from all backgrounds. 3.5" long - 1.4oz. - investment cast from 300 series stainless steel. The "forked" end is a bolt cleaning chamber CNC machined to precisely fit a mil-spec bolt. The circular indent with the cross shape will clean carbon from the firing pin shoulder and the hex opening is designed hold the common hexagonal bits. The "blade shaped" end will quickly scrape out the bolt carrier, and the slot just ahead of it is for inserting a patch to help remove all traces of carbon buildup.  Made in the USA.


CAT M4 Carbon Scraper Carbon Scraper Package  

Todd C

Todd J. Coons, Law Enforcement Sales Manager


What's New in LE?


Here at Windham Weaponry, the goal for September was to focus on getting caught up on open Individual Officer orders, and I am happy to say we will be caught up by the end of September.


As many of you may know, I'm a retired police officer from Portland Maine. I had the pleasure of meeting up with the Special Reaction Team (SRT) from the Portland Police Department this month. The SRT was conducting a 3-day training and I was able to meet with them on day one. We were able to show the members of the team some of the products that we have to offer here at WW. Not only was it great to see the professionalism of the team, but I appreciated being able to catch up with so many old friends.


I want to give a special thanks to the Portland Police Special Reaction Team, Chief Sauchcuk and Sgt. Pepin for allowing me to tag along for the day.


Here's a photo of the whole group and their Armored Personnel Carrier:


PPD SWAT Team in Fryeburg  

Be Safe,

Todd J. Coons

VP - Law Enforcement Sales    

Matt Snow

Meet the WINDHAM WEAPONRY TEAM           


Featured Employee: Matt Snow, Production Engineer


Matt grew up in the central Maine town of Dover-Foxcroft. He attended the University of Maine in Orono earning his degree in Mechanical Engineering Technology. Matt joined the Windham Weaponry team as a Production Engineer in 2012.  Matt brings manufacturing, project management, and 3D cad design experience from his previous career. Currently Matt is working with the Windham Team to help develop our new .308 caliber rifle. When asked about the project Matt said:


"I can't wait to get this rifle out to our customers. Things are really taking shape and I think everyone is going to love it. The team here at Windham Weaponry along with our suppliers and industry partners have worked hard on this project and it will show in the finished product".


When Matt is not at work he will likely be found enjoying the outdoors. He enjoys hunting, recreational shooting, four wheeling, and snowmobiling with friends and family. Matt currently lives in Auburn with his wife Angie, daughter Katelyn, and their dog Bristol.

Matt - Snowmobiling The Snow Family
Windham Weaponry on AR15.com
AR15.com Logo
    We regularly respond to questions and topics on this informative website.

Contact Us:
Windham Weaponry, Inc.
999 Roosevelt Trail / PO Box 1900
Windham, Maine  04062   U.S.A. 
Tel: 207-893-2223
Fax: 207-893-1623
Phone Sales/Customer Service:
Toll Free: 1-855-808-1888
Your feedback is always welcome. Feel free to send us photos of how you enjoy using your Windham Weaponry rifle. We would love to hear from you. Please contact us through  www.windhamweaponry.com  or
Windham Weaponry Logo
Windham Weaponry, Inc. | PO Box 1900 | 999 Roosevelt Trail | Windham | ME | 04062

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