Wednesday, September 25th | |
After speaking for over 21 hours, Senator Ted Cruz has energized America with his courage of conviction in standing with the American people on the issue of ObamaCare. Call it a filibuster, call it a speech, whatever you want to label it, Ted Cruz and his conservative colleagues have captured the spotlight and the hearts of conservatives who feel as though Washington is no longer listening to us and no longer willing to fight on the issues that truly matter. Yesterday at 2:41pm Senator Ted Cruz began speaking on the issue of ObamaCare. He said that he would speak until he could no longer stand, and that's exactly what he did. While I have no doubt he could have continued to speak (he asked for the time to do so), Senate rules cut him off at noon today. When millions of Americans awoke this morning, I'm sure many (especially in Washington and in the liberal media) were surprised to see Cruz still standing. For those of us who know Ted Cruz, we were not. Unfor tunately for us conservatives, Ted Cruz is the exception and not the norm in Washington and among Republicans. For more on Senator Cruz' crusade in DC, check out Hannity.com. He’s Not Alone While kudos go out to Senator Cruz, it’s important to recognize he didn’t fight alone. Standing by him through the night, we should stop for a second to recognize Republican Senators Lee, Sessions, Rubio, Paul, Inhofe, Enzi, Risch, Roberts, and Vitter who all supported Cruz in his efforts. Though you will note that this is only nine Senators (ten if you count Cruz). It's a shame that every single Republican Senator in Washington (46) wasn't on the Senate floor over the last 21 hours to support Ted Cruz in doing what they said they would do: Defund ObamaCare. Ted Cruz shined a giant spotlight on Republicans who are not living up to their promises to do everything in their power to get rid of ObamaCare. If you haven’t seen this already, you should take a look at these Twitter Hashtags that reported up-to-the-minute reaction. #MakeDCListen, #KeepCruzing, #StandWithCruz, #DefundObamacare. |
Make DC Listen Ted Cruz will even tell you, this isn’t about Ted Cruz. In fact, while the issue of ObamaCare was the catalyst for this discussion, it wasn't even really about ObamaCare. The Twitter hashtag chosen by Cruz and his staff says it all: #MakeDClisten. That's what Ted Cruz was really trying to do. He was trying to point out the fact that DC has become so isolated from the people that they are no longer even pretending to try and do what the people want. DC lawmakers have forgotten that they work for us, not the other way around. For too long, politicians in Washington get so enamored by their cushy jobs and cocktail parties that they forget that they are there to represent US. They lose the will to fight for what's right, and the sad part is that for too long they've been able to get away with it. That is our fault. We keep sending these people to Washington. What Ted Cruz has done is picked an issue that most people are upset about (ObamaCare) and called out lawmakers who claimed they would do something about it but then didn't have the stomach to do so when the time arrive d. That's it! Today's "Hot Topic" From the Hannity Forums And The US Is Behind In Education, Why? - Posted by Savagemic Let me start by saying that I do not believe that ALL educators and those affiliated with them are like this. But there are those in our education systems that actually do pull stunts like this and have influence on our youth. Apparently this guy thinks it's ok to tell students our society feels it's legal to hunt down and kill American children. >>TV Tonight (9pm ET on Fox News) Senator Rand Paul on the efforts of his colleague, Senator Ted Cruz. |
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