Navy Yard Weapon Exempted Under Proposed Ban


Navy Yard Weapon Exempted Under Proposed Ban

from AP 18 Sep 2013, 1:58 PM PDT post a comment
(AP) Navy Yard weapon exempted under proposed ban By EILEEN SULLIVANAssociated Press WASHINGTON The shotgun used by the Navy Yard shooter is identified by name as a firearm that would not be covered under a proposed weapons ban supported by the White House.

The shotgun Navy Yard gunman Aaron Alexis used in his rampage, the Remington 870 Express, is included in a long list of firearms that would be exempted from a ban if legislation introduced in the Senate earlier this year were to become law.

The bill, introduced by California Democrat Dianne Feinstein, has little hope of passage. It would ban 157 specific firearms designed for military and law enforcement use, and it would exempt more than 2,200 others.

Feinstein said the purpose of listing exempted weapons was to send a message that the ban wouldn't affect hunting and sporting weapons.

Navy Yard Weapon Exempted Under Proposed Ban

John Hames

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