ObamaCare Is Going To Cost You

Hannity's Headlines

Wednesday, September 18th 

ObamaCare Backlash
It's hard to believe but we are just days away from the ObamaCare exchanges going into effect October 1st. Meanwhile, the country remains deeply concerned about ObamaCare and a scant few in Washington seem serious about doing anything to stop it. Barack Obama gave an interview to Telemundo the other day. During that interview he was asked about ObamaCare. Jose Diaz-Balart posed the question: “The Affordable Care Act takes effect next month, The latest NBC/Wall Street Journal poll shows Americans oppose it, believing it will produce damaging results. Fifty-two percent believe the law will raise their health care costs. Is everybody wrong?” Barack Obama's answer: “Yes, they are.” So let me get this straight. Everybody else out there – the American people, businesses, healthcare providers, states, the CBO, labor unions, independent researchers – ALL of these people are wrong and Obama is right? From where I'm sitting, ObamaCare is shaping up to be an unmitigated disaster that even some in his own party have labeled a “train wreck.”

How Bad Is It?
I have enough examples of ObamaCare’s failures to fill the airwaves for days. I've chronicled the many horror stories on Hannity.com. I've explained the long-term effect ObamaCare is having on hiring and shaping our economy into a part-time society. ObamaCare is only a “good deal” for big government. That's it! It's a lousy deal for Americans and our health, our wallets, our taxes, our jobs, our employers, our freedom, and our privacy. Just how bad are we talking? The CBO has released new figures related to ObamaCare. According to the Heritage Foundation, “The CBO predicts that the tax increases in ObamaCare will be the second-largest contributor to revenue increases between now and 2038.” Just what our economy needs: More tax increases!
So More Taxes, Eh?
The Heritage Foundation reports, “Obamacare raises taxes by more than $770 billion over the next 10 years. In following years it will raise taxes even more, because one of its biggest increases, an excise tax on high-cost health insurance plans, doesn’t begin until 2018.” The fact remains that ObamaCare is wildly unpopular, despite Obama and his PR team's best efforts to spin it. A new Fox poll released this week found that about 7 out of 10 Americans are concerned about their healthcare under ObamaCare and a majority of people want the healthcare system to go back to 2009. Those least concerned are young people, but I'm sure that will change when they are hit with a penalty for NOT having health insurance. Fox News isn't the only outlet reporting these findings. The latest USA Today/Pew Research poll found that that 53% of Americans disapprove of ObamaCare, which is the highest level ever. In fact, that poll also found that Americans now trust Republicans more on the issue of healthcare over Democrats, which is a remarkable change since last year. Another poll conducted by NBC/Wall Street Journal found that only 12% of Americans believe that ObamaCare will have a positive impact on their family. More than half expect health care costs to rise, despite Obama's promise of lowering premiums by $2,500. So is there any good news? House Republicans made a positive step forward today when they introduced legislation that would begin to defund ObamaCare. The bottom line is allowing ObamaCare to go into effect would be a travesty. I wish more Republicans in Congress were willing to fight for our future.

Today's "Hot Topic" From the Hannity Forums
Today Was A Good Day - Posted by Ryooper1
I should be more encouraged but somehow I just feel like I shouldn't hold my breath.  The House Republicans are talking a good game about defunding ObamaCare but what does it say that the leadership basically needed to be arm-twisted into moving the legislation forward?  I hope Washington is listening to America!

>>TV Tonight (9pm ET on Fox News)
Sean has the latest on the House GOP's efforts to defund ObamaCare.
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