Sick! Days After Nairobi Mall Massacre, White House Compares GOP To Islamic Terrorists

Sick! Days After Nairobi Mall Massacre, White House Compares GOP To Islamic Terrorists

A mother of two from Gaza City makes a video statement for Hamas days before blowing herself up, killing four Israelis and wounding seven others.Handout/Getty Images News/­Getty Images

It's sick! Survivors of the Nairobi mall massacre that began last Saturday describe tales of horror and evil that are beyond comprehension. Cutting off hands, raping women, burning faces, gunning down children, throwing screaming victims over several story banisters. The horrid deeds of a blood-thirsty religion. But, while we are still reeling from the fresh shock of this story, the White House has decided to exploit it. There are 67 slaughtered human beings…men, women, and children, and Obama's White House wants to use them as a cheap political metaphor. Democrats don't understand business, they don't understand checking accounts, they don't understand money. They understand "free stuff." And if they are challenged by anyone that disagrees with their crusade their tactical response is to vilify.

Via Lucianne, according to the Washington Times,

Senior White House adviser Dan Pfeiffer on Thursday compared Republican lawmakers to suicide bombers as the showdown over a possible government shutdown intensified.

"We are for cutting spending, we are for reforming our tax code, we are for reforming entitlements," Mr. Pfeiffer told CNN's Jake Tapper. "But what we are not for is negotiating with people who have a bomb strapped to their chest." …

Congress and the administration have until Tuesday to agree on a short-term measure to keep the government running. The House has passed legislation to fund the government but defund Obamacare, a proposal Democrats reject.

There is nothing off limits with Obama and his Liberals. They are S. I. C. K.

Sick! Days After Nairobi Mall Massacre, White House Compares GOP To Islamic Terrorists

John Hames

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