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"The Great One" Mark Levin joined Sean in the final hour of Tuesday's radio show to discuss his new book, " The Liberty Amendments." Mark explained that he fells our government is broken. Some of the most hostile and antagonistic adversaries to liberty reside within our own government, including those apostate politicians we trusted to represent us. We have a malevolent body of reckless politicians whom pass omnibus 3000-page legislation they cannot have read. They dictate baneful, life-changing laws from which they contrive legal method to opt out of, and exempt themselves in much bad faith, from their very own laws that they deem beneficial for the rest of Americans. Then they also decree exemptions for their largest contributors, as well as exempt their office staff. Something must be done to change the Country's collision course with an authoritarian government. Top conservative radio talk show host, Edward Meese's chief of staff in the Reagan Administration, do g lover, and constitutional scholar Mark Levin, has put much thought and scholarly effort into The Liberty Amendments. His desire is to begin the discussion for a Constitutional means to reign in our government and return our country to her founding principles. To find out what needs to be done to help save our country, click here. To watch Sean's interview with Levin, click here. DOD Turns Blind Eye? In a letter dated July 25, 2013, the Department of Defense told Congressman Duncan Hunter (R-CA) that the flow of necessary equipment and materials to U.S. armed forces fighting overseas is "adequate." The reply came after Rep. Duncan Hunter sent a letter in June to Defense Secretary, Chuck Hagel saying, "Items such as metal detectors, tourniquets, eye protection and gun lubrication--not to mention the basic necessities like soap, toothpaste, and socks--have all been requested by units in the field. However there are numerous instances where these items are not supplied by a logistics system that is cumbersome and which can be non- responsive to the war fighter… continued |
Outrageous: Liberal Race Rhetoric We have a few instances lately of liberals and their insensitive, divisive rhetoric in regards to race. Let's start with Jesse Jackson. In an interview earlier this week, Jackson said the following: "The tea party is the resurrection of the Confederacy. It's the Fort Sumter tea party." He also believes that race is "absolutely" a reason why the GOP opposes Barack Obama. Now I don't know about you, but I'm getting really tired of this race-baiting rhetoric. Anyone who understands the principles of the tea party will tell you that it has absolutely nothing to do with race, as difficult as that may be for some small-minded liberals to understand. And there are plenty of reasons to oppose Barack Obama because of his failed policies, but for liberals that is also hard to comprehend... more Today's "Hot Topic" On The Hannity Forums: Okay...so while we wait on 'Congressional Approval' - Hyperion5182 The president just moved in the entire Nimitz Carrier group... >> TV Tonight (Hannity FoxNews at 9pm ET): Candid, controversial and completely unleashed! It's one hour of pure Sean! |
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