Gun control fanatics are trying to bribe your state lawmakers with federal money

Gun control fanatics are trying to bribe your state lawmakers with federal money

(Before It's News)

Make no mistake; gun control fanatics are trying to bribe your state lawmakers with federal money!

According to the South Carolina Policy Council (SCPC), an independent, private, non-partisan, non-profit research organization, there is a direct correlation between federal "grants" and gun control legislation.

The SCPC points out that the only "gun" legislation to pass in South Carolina this year was a bill that restricts gun possession from those deemed to be "mental defectives" and requires that the State Law Enforcement Division (SLED) report these people to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS).

This is a real danger to returning veterans diagnosed with PTSD.

It could even catch those who have a little trouble balancing their check book, since the law includes as a "mental defective" someone who can't manage their own affairs.

It should come as no surprise that SLED has received a $900,000 grant from the federal Department of Justice to help improve South Carolina's use of the National Criminal Background Check System.

In fact, SLED applied for the federal grant shortly after this bill was signed into law by Governor Nikki Haley, according the SCPC report.

As our state Senators argued for this bill, it was heard many times that if it wasn't passed, SC would lose a chance for a federal grant.

While many have made the mistake of labeling SC as a "pro-gun" state, you and I know that is simply not the case when it comes to our legislators.

You and I know that they must be pushed, prodded and corralled into protecting our 2nd amendment rights!

Follow this link and read the article published by the SC Policy Council to familiarize and remind yourself of the facts.

For instance, when someone throws up statistics quoting gun related deaths, you can tell them that that the majority of gun related deaths between 2000 and 2010 were suicides, not homicides!

Once you start breaking down the actual numbers, the gun control arguments fall apart.

The article by the SC Policy Council also points out that according to a study commissioned by the CDC, defensive use of firearms is common, with most studies estimating between 500,000 and 3 million defensive uses per year!

That number is huge!

Millions of lives saved!

Armed with the truth, we become a powerful voice!

The Policy Council also points out that Washington, despite all of its denials, KNOWS that gun control doesn't work to curb violence.

Studies commissioned by the CDC, National Academy of Sciences and Harvard University could find NO EVIDENCE that gun control measures meaningfully reduce violent crime or gun violence.

You and I know that they would never have admitted that if they could have found ANY way to make the numbers work!

So, as we have known all along, the federal government is not trying to reduce violence with gun control, they are only trying to CONTROL.

And they are using federal dollars, through grants, to bribe our state lawmakers to do their dirty work!

Although the legislature is currently in recess, we can never rest!

We need to make sure that we push our state senators to protect our rights.

Without your participation, we will not be successful in getting Constitutional Carry passed in our state . . . especially when we are competing against federal bribery money!

Contact your state senator and insist that the Senate Judiciary Committee hold a hearing for Constitutional Carry as soon as the General Assembly reconvenes in January!

Follow this link to find the contact information for your state senator.

We have to let them know that we haven't forgotten! We must remain vigilant and we must remain vocal!

Contact your state senator and insist that he push for a Judiciary Committee hearing for Constitutional Carry as soon as the General Assembly reconvenes in January.

Please chip in $5 or $10 to help PGR continue to reach as many South Carolinians as possible with this urgent message so that the overwhelming voice of the people demands recognition of their rights!

Denise Snelling Chairman Palmetto Gun Rights

P.S. Your legislators are being weakened by the seductive lure of federal bribes, otherwise known as grants.

Arm yourself with the facts by reading this article by the SC Policy Council.

Contact your state senator and demand a Judiciary Committee hearing for Constitutional Carry as soon as the General Assembly reconvenes in January!

Please chip in $5 or $10 to help PGR fight for your rights!

Greenville Post – Breaking News & Analysis | Serving Greenville, SC


Gun control fanatics are trying to bribe your state lawmakers with federal money

John Hames


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