Mississippi’s newest Gun Rights Organization: Mississippi Carry

Mississippi's newest Gun Rights Organization: Mississippi Carry

On Friday, June 28, 2013, the last day before Mississippi House Bill 2was to take effect, representatives from Hinds County law enforcement and several anti-gun state lawmakers filed a motion to block the new law from taking effect. A circuit court judge in Hinds County granted the motion and one week later upheld a permanent injunction against the new law.

Earlier Attorney General Jim Hood released an official opinion on the new gun law, and his office held a meeting with the Chief's of Police Association. Soon after this meeting law enforcement across the state began using public funds and resources to print "No firearm" signs that they handed out to many businesses in nearly every town in Mississippi.

Towns began putting up "No Firearms" signs in all public buildings followed by ordinances at every level of local government. The Mississippi Association of Supervisors distributed Hood's opinion on their website highlighting the section identifying "sensitive places" as being legal to regulate firearms. Many of these places are in direct violation of state firearms preemption laws.

Gun owners across the state were in shock. Never had gun rights in Mississippi seen such an attack from law enforcement, public officials, and business owners. Gun forums became the central collaboration point for those wanting to resist the onslaught against their civil rights. However, when it came time to support the overturning of the House Bill 2 injunction at the Mississippi Supreme Court, there was no Mississippi gun rights organization with standing to file an amicus brief.

Mississippi Carry, Inc. is the gun rights organization born out of these attacks on the Right to Keep and Bear Arms in Mississippi. Gun owners in this state are now wide awake and realize that we must take back the hearts and minds of our fellow citizens.

Mississippi's newest Gun Rights Organization: Mississippi Carry

John Hames


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