Shoplifting Suspect Shot After Dragging Cop


    2013-11-29 16:04:26-05
    What happens in the tumultuous environment of a Black Friday sale is merely a magnification of our society.
    2013-11-29 16:47:59-05
    CNN has apparently recognized its growing irrelevance, citing a desire to steer away from breaking news by featuring more documentaries on the network.
    2013-11-29 18:15:19-05
    This marks the first time, despite countless other deaths caused by wind turbines, that an energy company has faced such prosecution.
    2013-11-30 11:19:39-05
    To the same degree that Mr. Obama is showing his pride for his feigned and fickle foreign policy achievement, we are feeling shame for his abandonment of yet another decent American citizen.
    2013-11-30 11:27:11-05
    “In the great fulfillment we must have a citizenship less concerned about what the government can do for it and more anxious about what it can do for the nation.” -Warren G. Harding, 29th President of the United States
    2013-11-30 11:37:19-05
    These are the surveys that are most telling regarding the Democrat Party's chances of regaining control of the House and holding the Senate next year...
    2013-11-30 11:42:53-05


    2013-11-30 11:55:10-05
    The fact that he's getting through to the young people of this country is unsettling to leftist publications like CityPages...
    2013-11-30 12:07:49-05
    Instead of trying to gain some bipartisan support to fix Obamacare, Harry Reid, being the moron he is in everything except getting elected, decided to pour gas on the fire...
    2013-11-30 12:30:01-05
    From Pilgrims to Presidents, through hard times and good times, let us remember to "give thanks in all circumstances." 1 Thessalonians 5:18.
    2013-11-30 12:45:27-05


    2013-11-30 12:56:02-05


    2013-11-30 13:04:06-05


    Western Journalism, 42104 N Venture Drive, Suite B-122, Anthem, AZ 85086, USA

    Top Heritage Reports and Photo: CRAZY REASON FOR CAR RECALL | More Cracks in Common Core | Obamaphones: Rife with Abuse | Obamacare Discourages Work and Marriage | Undermining American Values

    Top 5 Reports November 30, 2013

    The Crazy Reason This Car Is Being Recalled 
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    More Cracks in the Core: State Halts Common Core Implementation
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    Obamaphones: Rife with Waste, Fraud, and Abuse
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    How Obamacare Discourages Work and Marriage
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    Two More American Values That Obamacare Undermines
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    Here We Go...Again

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    Here We Go Again
    As we move closer to a "deal" with Iran that will effectively handcuff efforts to curb their acquisition of nuclear weapons long-term in exchange for a small short-term delay, news from North Korea that they're reconstructing an old missile launch site for use with larger weapons can't come at a worse time.  It leads me to beg the question, once again, what are we doing in DC?  Our policy, to date, has been to let these countries run rough-shot over us while we sit largely silent.  Remember when China hacked into our computer systems and we did nothing?  How about Russia's flight over Guam on the night of President Obama's State of the State Address?  I said it back in April and I'll say it again today, I certainly miss the days of Ronald Reagan where the world thought twice before threatening the United States.

    Remembering Reagan
    Speaking of remembering Ronald Reagan, as we listen to what's going on in North Korea and Iran, it's a really good idea to take a moment to learn from our mistakes.  What mistakes?  After the Benghazi incident, Michael Reagan penned this article detailing the very different reactions of Presidents Reagan and Obama to issues in Libya.  Reagan writes the story of a conversation between his father and Chief-of-Staff Ed Meese where Meese asked, "What should our men do if they're fired on?"  "Ed, fire back," replied President Reagan.  It's an anecdotal story that highlights the Reagan administration's tough stance on countries that hate us.  Reagan knew what many before him knew, namely that America comes first.  It's not clear that's the prevailing practice in Washington these days.  
    A Hannity Reminder: Perspective Is Important
    Just one day removed from President Obama's re-election, Sean offered this moving reminder that perspective is an important part of life.  Though the day-to-day can get crazy and our future very much unclear, perspective is what keeps us all fighting on.  Here's a little of what Sean had to say: 
     "I know because I spoke to a lot of people who are upset," began Hannity, "The numbers show that we're a divided nation, almost split right down the middle, but it takes grit, determination and resolve to look inward to see what you can do differently or better." Hannity continued, "You can't lose an election like yesterday and not be concerned but that's not panic, this is a moment of reflection and the reality is that America is changing." Sean spent the first hour breaking down the numbers and trying to explain how President Obama won. In the end, he used the analogy, "There are some parents who are very permissive, allowing their kids to watch all the TV they want and there is a certain appeal to that parent who'll give you everything you want and there's a certain lack of hipness from the parent who says you need to eat your broccoli or you need to reform Medicare." "America is not t he center-right country that it once was," concluded Hannity, "There was a moment in time when Winston Churchill, who was viewed as a bit of a nut but eventually England turned to him in their moment of need so we need to recognize the ebb and flow of the political tides and we should all have a little perspective." In the end we're ready to fight on. 
     Today's "Hot Topic" From the Hannity Forums:
     Next November 4th - Posted by George Walton

     Poll question: Agree or Disagree Next November 4th, consider carefully those candidates who are best qualified to defund, and repeal ObamaCare, and vote accordingly. And perhaps as a bonus, the necessary votes to impeach, convict, and remove from office will be there as well.

    >>TV Tonight (10PM ET on Fox News)   
    Can Millennials really change the present course of our country?
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