Why You'll Say "DAMN!" on November 16th


Dear NR Friend,

Well, since the 16th will be a Sunday, maybe you'll tone it down to a "darn" or "rats." Or just a grumble.

Anyway, as you pick your head off the pillow, you'll realize – it's over. The time has come to clear out of your luxurious cabin and disembark the Allure of the Seas, the beautiful ship that for the preceding week will have served as your terrific temporary home, and the setting of the conservative event of the year – the National Review 2014 Post-Election Caribbean Cruise.

"What a great week it was. But now it's . . . over. DAMN!"

Or . . .

Maybe you'll be picking your head off your regular old pillow, back in your regular old bed, realizing the same thing -- it's over. "Yep, I shoulda been on it, but I wasn't, and for the life of me I've run out of excuses . . . how the heck could I have missed it??!!"


Then you turn over and try to go back to sleep but you can't -- you spent the previous week raking leaves. And everything hurts.

If you haven't already, how about you do the right thing, right now, and sign up? So far, over 170 cabins have been booked, and it looks like this trip is going to be one for the record books, a fantastic week with 600 (who knows, maybe 800!) conservatives joining together in the aftermath of the critical and consequential November elections.

Sailing November 9-16 out of Fort Lauderdale on Royal Caribbean's Allure of the Seas, this very affordable trip (all-inclusive prices start at only $1,999 a person) will feature over forty leading conservative writers, thinkers, and strategists.

Look at this lineup of all-star speakers who will be on hand to make sense of politics, elections, and world affairs:

✓ Former Congressman Col. Allen West,
✓ Acclaimed historian Victor Davis Hanson,
✓ former US Senators Jon Kyl and Fred Thompson,
✓ former governors Tim Pawlenty (MN) and Luis Fortuño (PR),
✓ legal experts John Yoo, Cleta Mitchell, Ed Whelan, and William Jacobson (publisher of the popular Legal Insurrection blog),
✓ liberal-media scourges Brent Bozell and Christian Robey,
✓ syndicated columnists Cal Thomas, Mona Charen and Deroy Murdock,
✓ top political strategists Ralph Reed and Ned Ryun,
Townhall.com political editor Guy Benson,
✓ Americans for Prosperity president Tim Phillips,
✓ Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist Michael Ramirez,
City Journal editor Brian Anderson,
Claremont Review of Books editor Charles Kesler,
✓ NRO editors-at-large Jonah Goldberg and Kathryn Jean Lopez,
✓ NR editor Rich Lowry,
✓ terrorism and defense experts Bing West, Andrew McCarthy, and John Hillen,
✓ policy experts Sally Pipes, Christina Hoff Sommers, and Jennifer Marshall,
✓ best-selling novelist Michael Walsh,
✓ NR senior editors Jay Nordlinger and Ramesh Ponnuru,
✓ NR essayists Charles Cooke and Kevin Williamson,
✓ NR columnists Rob Long and James Lileks, and
✓ ace political writers John Fund, Jim Geraghty, John J. Miller.

You can get complete information about the trip (and book cabins) at www.nrcruise.com.

I want you to be with them on this spectacular week-long sailing, the Allure of the Seas serving as the luxurious locus for scintillating discussion of the 2014 elections and their consequences — from 1600 Pennsylvania to the US Capitol to the Supreme Court — the state of the conservative movement, international affairs and the economy, America's culture, and so much more.

Come! Over 700 people attended our 2010 and 2012 "post-election" trips, which were tremendous successes. So you really should reserve your cabin pronto.

If you've never been on an NR cruise before, but always wanted to, make the National Review 2014 Post-Election Caribbean Cruise the one. You will not regret doing so!

With these speakers, plus our affordable rates — prices start at just $1,999 per person, and "Single" staterooms begin at a very affordable $2,599 — there's sure to be a rush on reservations. Act immediately (just visit www.nrcruise.com to securely book your cabin).

What's in store? Well, in addition to a great cruise (the Allure of the Seas will be visiting Nassau, St. Thomas, and St. Maarten) there are numerous NR extras and exclusives that turn an already great trip into a phenomenal conservative once-in-a-lifetime experience. Highlights of our outstanding, forthcoming voyage include:

✓ Nine scintillating seminars featuring NR's editors and guest speakers (each panel session is usually kicked off by a fascinating one-on-one interview conducted by the talented Jay Nordlinger, John J. Miller, or another NR editor);
✓ Two fun-filled "Night Owl" sessions (after dinner, a little lighter; a ton of fun);
✓ Three revelrous pool-side cocktail receptions;
✓ A late-night "smoker" featuring world-class H. Upmann cigars;
✓ Intimate dining on two evenings (more if possible!) with guest speakers and editors.

Interested? If you have questions, call me directly at 212-849-2831, or e-mail jfowler@nationalreview.com . For 19 years now we have used Howard Moses and his great outfit, The Cruise Authority, to run these events and to help folks book cabins, get plane tickets, and answer any and every question. Call TCA at 800-707-1634 (ask for Joanne Burch, Cathy Hart, or Karen Ries), or contact TCA via email at groups@the-cruise-authority.com.

Do you want to come but you are . . . single? Introverted? A widow or widower? Fearful you will be isolated in a sea of couples? Worry not. Our cruise contingents are typically 30 percent solo-flyers. I can assure you, the atmosphere, the friendliness, the camaraderie — it's all real, all genuine, all worthwhile (and just to make sure no wallflower is left behind, on the second night of the cruise, I host a "singles" mixer just to make sure folks feel comfortable and confident).

Be assured: You will NOT be alone. You WILL have a great time.

Another thing: If you want to come but would like to save some money by sharing a cabin, let us know. We are happy to help find you someone (same sex!) to share a stateroom. Our SOP is simple: we let interested folks talk to each other in advance, and if they mutually give the green light, then, and only then, do we book the shared cabin.

OK, I think that is about it. Don't hesitate to contact me or TCA if you have any question — none is too small, too unimportant.

And visit www.nrcruise.com for complete information.

I look forward to sailing with you on the Allure of the Seas this November.


Jack Fowler
National Review

To read more, visit www.nationalreview.com

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Benghazi Linked to White House

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Benghazi Linked to WH
The watchdog group Judicial Watch obtained the documents through the Freedom of Information Act. The emails contained within the documents show that top White House official Ben Rhodes, who was an assistant to the president and deputy national security adviser for strategic communications, worked to craft the infamous Susan Rice talking points. In fact, it was Rhodes who pushed the YouTube narrative. In an email it states that the "goal" is "to underscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure of policy." The other goal stated in the email to Jay Carney and the president's inner circle states, "To reinforce the President and Administration's strength and steadiness in dealing with difficult challenges."

These emails were not released last year when the administration was forced, by the Republicans, to turn over information related to the crafting of the talking points in order to move forward with the confirmation of CIA director John Brennan. You'll also recall that the former director of the CIA, Michael Morell, recently testified that the intelligence community was not responsible for the YouTube video narrative.

The lingering question almost from the beginning has been: who pushed the narrative that the attack in Benghazi was the result of protests over a YouTube video? Now we know the answer, and it was the White House. The reason for this has been obvious...(continued)
Outrageous: Bennie Thompson
We have yet another Democratic politician who sees virtually everything through a racial lens. Opposition to Obama is not because of his liberal policies but because he is black.

Rep. Bennie Thompson is from Mississippi. Over the weekend he gave a radio interview to a new Nation of Islam program. During the interview, Thompson made disparaging remarks about Mitch McConnell, Justice Clarence Thomas, the governor of Mississippi and those who disagree with Obama and ObamaCare.

According to BuzzFeed, Thompson says that he's never seen a president treated with this much disrespect until Obama came into office. He says, "That Mitch McConnell would have the audacity to tell the president of the United States - not the chief executive, but the commander-in-chief - that 'I don't care what you come up with we're going to be against it.' Now if that's not a racist statement I don't know what is."...(continued)

>>TV Tonight (10PM ET on Fox News)
Tonight Sharyl Attkisson weighs in on the newly released Benghazi e-mails. Plus should the NBA have acted sooner in the Donald Sterling scandal? And another exclusive look at the how the VA is betraying our veterans.
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The Foundry's Daily Digest: Krauthammer's Prediction on the Benghazi Cover-Up | She Thinks You Need To Witness This Gruesome Story | The Robin Hood Fallacy of Taking from the Rich

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April 30, 2014


Krauthammer's Prediction on the Benghazi Cover-Up


She Thinks You Need To Witness This Gruesome Story


The Robin Hood Fallacy of Taking from the Rich


An Issue to Unite Liberals and Conservatives


How Much of Your Money Was Wasted on This Obamacare Website?


Why America Is Still Stuck in an Economic Rut

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Signal App Lawsuit Against Trump Assigned to Same Judge Who Blocked Tren de Aragua Flights

Plus: 'PUBLISHING LIES' — Chris LaCivita Sues Daily Beast for Defamation   ...