ISIS Executes American Journalist

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ISIS Executes American Journalist
The Islamic State (ISIS) conducted a horrible act of brutality, beheading an American journalist by the name of James Foley. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family. Where does the United States and President Obama stand on growing threat of ISIS?

Video released yesterday by the Islamic State showed the beheading of American journalist James Foley in Syria. Foley had been kidnapped in 2012 in Northern Syria and not heard from since. Foley's mother posted a statement to a Facebook page set up in her son's honor. She says, "We have never been prouder of our son Jim. He gave his life trying to expose the world to the suffering of the Syrian people."

It is a senseless, horrible act of brutality, which demonstrates a level of brutality and barbarism arguably unmatched even by al Qaeda. The supposed goal of these evil ISIS militants is for the United States to stop the bombing in the region, or they claim that beheadings will continue. They claim to have at least two other Americans in custody, including American freelance journalist Steven Sotloff.

We're dealing with a powerful extremist group incapable of compromise. According to this video, ISIS wants the bombings to stop, but is it appropriate that we give into the demands of these radical militants? So how will the United States and the world respond? According to new polling from the Washington Post/ABC News, a majority of Americans (54%) agree with president Obama's decision to launch airstrikes in Iraq, although arming the Kurdish forces was not met with as much approval (49%).

The threat of ISIS is only growing. Where is our Commander-in-Chief? On vacation.
The Way Forward
Rep. Paul Ryan gave his first interview to Sean about his newly released book, "The Way Forward." In his book, Ryan explains that he challenges conventional thinking, outlines his political vision for 2014 and beyond, and shows how essential conservatism is for the future of our nation. The book also offers a detailed critique of not only President Obama but of the progressive movement as a whole--its genesis, its underlying beliefs and philosophies, and how its policies are steering the country to certain ruin. For more on Paul Ryan's new book, please click here.
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