“Feel the Carsonmentum. Breathe it in. Embrace it. It's happening...” Yes! It’s true. The news media did its best to ignore the effort to draft and elect Ben Carson as President, but they can’t ignore Ben Carson anymore. The above headline and quote from the Huffington Post says it all. Ben Carson is now firmly established as a frontrunner--perhaps the frontrunner--for the 2016 Republican nomination for President. It’s not only national polls like FOX News that now show Ben Carson as a frontrunner for President of the United States, the Des Moines Register poll in Iowa also has Carson at the top. But, is Ben Carson going to run for President? I am 100% certain that he is, but I’ll let you judge for yourself... Recently, Ben Carson named Terry Giles as his Campaign Chairman “if he runs.” Well, Terry Giles, a Houston multi-millionaire, announced that he and his wife are moving to the Washington, DC area. More important, Giles and five other members of the Carson team met at the Capital Hyatt in Washington, DC to... - Interview 35 people who will be staffing Carson’s presidential campaign
- Talk with security professionals who would protect Dr. Carson
- Confer with owners of airline charters to secure a campaign plane
- Meet with celebrity handlers, who would serve as an advance team for the campaign
- Consult with political strategists to guide the campaign through the rough shoals of a national political campaign
So, what do you think? Would all of this be happening if Ben Carson had not decided to run for President? Obviously not! Yes, Ben Carson is running for President, and it’s clearly not going to be an amateur effort. He is putting a first class team together. His expected announcement date is mid-April, 2015. Remember, the 2015 Iowa Caucus is just one year away. Some are still trying hard to dismiss Ben Carson as a legitimate candidate. And, Democrats are already attacking Ben Carson viciously. Just listen to this awful diatribe by Congressional Black Caucus member Hank Johnson of Georgia. Johnson begins by saying that Ben Carson boosters like you and me have a “vein of ignorance” and that we "act like a lynch mob.” Of Ben Carson he says, “African Americans like Dr. Ben Carson, who is a very smart, well-educated man and knows exactly what he’s doing, when we have blacks like that trying to tap into the ignorance of people who have been whipped into a frenzy, like a lynch mob, and you go to try to garner support from those folks, I think it’s very disappointing that we would have that kind of political discourse going on in this country.” Even though it is a disjointed, run-on sentence that is a little hard to follow, you get the picture. Far leftists like Hank Johnson are scared to death that their betrayal of the African American community is about to be exposed and that there will be a stampede of black Americans to the candidacy of Ben Carson. In fact, that’s exactly what is going to happen, and it won’t even take a stampede. Did you know that Ben Carson, who is loved and revered in the black community, will automatically win the White House if he receives... Just 17% of the Black Vote! That’s right, if Ben Carson receives just 17% of the black vote he wins every swing state and marches right into the White House as the first president who is the descendent of slaves. Frankly, I expect Ben Carson to win much more than just 17% of the black vote...maybe a majority. After all, a recent Wall Street Journal poll showed that more African Americans identify themselves as conservative, than they do as liberal. And, when you consider the fact that Ben Carson has long been used as a role model for young African Americans by their parents, why shouldn’t he receive a majority of the black vote? Don’t forget that virtually all black Americans have seen the full length movie starring Cuba Gooding, Jr., Gifted Hands, that depicts the amazing story of Ben Carson. But, there is even better data that confirms the power of a respected black candidate for President like Ben Carson. When Herman Cain ran for President in 2012, his internal polls showed him winning more than 40% of the black vote and nearly 60% of the Hispanic vote. Cain’s campaign team was stunned. How could that be true? They finally concluded that it was because both black and Hispanic Americans identified with the life experience of Herman Cain. He had escaped poverty to become a successful and prosperous businessman. And, because poor blacks and Hispanics want to escape poverty, why not support someone who knows how to do so? The truth is that while Herman Cain was well-respected in black and Hispanic communities, Ben Carson is an icon in those communities. Ben Carson grew up in one of the worst areas of Detroit, Michigan to become a world-renowned pediatric neurosurgeon. He became the youngest division chairman in the history of Johns Hopkins University Hospital, leading that multi-hundred million dollar enterprise to new levels of innovation and success. Most important, Ben Carson has never lost touch with where he started. He and his wife Candy started the Carson Scholars Fund to help hard working and intelligent students escape poverty and succeed in life. The nonprofit the Carson’s started now operates in all fifty states, helping thousands of students follow his path to success. But, just because Ben Carson is sure to win is not the only reason to support his candidacy for President. The most important reason you should support Ben Carson is because... Ben Carson Will Heal Our Broken Land Although Barack Obama came to the White House with such promise, instead of healing our land of racial strife, he has only made it worse. Sadly, he continues to rip our nation apart solely for political gain. Not since the American Civil War has America been more divided than it is today. If a Democrat like Hillary Clinton or Elizabeth Warren follows Barack Obama to the White House, our nation will continue down the same dangerous path. Only Ben Carson, can bring America back together as one people. In fact, Carson has announced that his campaign theme will be taken from our Pledge of Allegiance... “One Nation, Under God, With Liberty and Justice for All” Ben Carson has been a healer his entire life. That’s what a doctor does. When asked why he does not often talk about race, he replied... “...it's because I'm a neurosurgeon. You see, when I take someone to the operating room and I peel down the scalp and take off the bone flap and open the dura, I'm operating on the thing that makes the person who they are. It's not the covering that makes them who they are.” As an active Christian, Ben Carson seeks to heal and bring harmony, not division and rancor to our society. As President, Ben Carson will inspire and lead, emphasizing what unites us as Americans, not what divides us. He will be a president for all Americans, regardless of race or background, working for the best of America, not just to advance a political ideology. Make no mistake about it, Ben Carson is a proud American. Unlike Obama, Clinton and Warren, he sees America as a great, good, and exceptional nation that is unique in the annals of history. Ben Carson reveres the principles of the Founders, and respects the Constitution. As President, he will abide by the letter and the spirit of the Constitution as it was written and intended to be understood. Ben Carson believes in life and has counseled many women to choose life, not abortion, even in difficult circumstances. He puts it this way, “There’s no war on women, there’s a war on babies.” Ben Carson unequivocally stands for every American’s right to keep and bear arms, not just for hunting and target shooting, but, if necessary, to defend freedom. Ben Carson believes in small, less intrusive government, low taxes, and a dollar tied to gold. Ben Carson will not only balance the budget, but begin the necessary process of paying it off so that our children and grandchildren will not be burdened by a dangerous debt. Ben Carson, who was once offered a commission to West Point, stands foursquare behind our military. He has donated his time as a surgeon to work at veterans’ hospitals because of his great respect for those who served. Ben Carson will not seek military action, but if called upon to act, his response will not be proportional to that of the enemy. He will fight for victory on our terms, with no quarter given. Perhaps most important of all, Ben Carson is not an inside-the-Beltway politician. He is a citizen statesman as envisioned by the Founders. They sought men to serve in office for whom service would be a sacrifice, not a career. Frankly, I can’t help but think that if men like Washington, Jefferson, and Adams were alive today, they would be supporters of Ben Carson. In fact, I am absolutely certain that my great-grandfather, John Philip Sousa, would be leading the parade for Ben Carson. What my great-grandfather and the Founders have in common with Ben Carson is his integrity and trustworthiness. You Can Trust Ben Carson! Ben Carson doesn’t owe any political favors. He carries no political baggage. He does not lust for power. Ben Carson is the man we need in the White House to clean up the mess that has been created. That’s why I urge you to join with me and others in a national crusade to elect Ben Carson and put America back on the road to greatness. Please join with me today. Once Ben Carson officially announces, this Committee has a very special responsibility. We have assembled a very experienced and dedicated political team that is working with more than 24,000 volunteers across the nation to build a strong grassroots organization in every state. In fact, no other prospective candidate for President can match the organization that we have put together in Iowa--a chairman and growing organization in every one of the 99 Iowa counties! We now have full time offices open in Iowa and in New Hampshire. There’s more... We have now distributed nearly 98,000 static stickers, 1.2 million bumper strips, 232,000 car magnets, 930,000 posters, 43,000 copies of America the Beautiful, 11,000 copies of Gifted Hands, 10,000 copies of One Nation, and 48,000 buttons! And, we have collected some 600,000 petitions urging Ben Carson to run for president and that is the main reason he has chosen to run. Now what? The answer is that while this Committee played a very important role in persuading Ben Carson to run for president, it will play an even more important role in helping him win the nomination and the election. The role of this Super PAC is to provide the margin of victory to Ben Carson in both the nomination and election process. The best way to explain this is to describe how Barack Obama, a little known first term senator from Illinois upset Hillary Clinton to win the Iowa Caucus and, eventually, the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination. Iowa was the key to Barack Obama’s winning the nomination. If he did not win, his candidacy was finished. And, like Ben Carson, the political pros gave him little chance of defeating a powerful candidate like Hillary Clinton, especially in Iowa. According to the book, The Victory Lab (by Sasha Issenberg), if the 2008 turnout at the Democratic caucuses in Iowa was 125,000 as it was in 2004, Obama’s political team knew they would lose. They calculated that Obama would need a turnout of 180,000,“far more Democrats than had ever before participated,” in the Iowa Caucuses in order to win. In other words, the Obama team would have to persuade 55,000 people who had never before participated in the Iowa caucuses to turn out on what would likely be a very cold, winter night to vote for someone whose name they could barely pronounce. It was a huge challenge, but they did it. In fact, some 239,000 Democratic caucus goers turned out on January 3, 2008 to give Barack Obama a stunning victory and the push he needed to go on to win the Democratic nomination and the White House. Ben Carson is in exactly the same position. If the same 100,000 Republicans turn out for the Iowa Republican caucuses that turned out in 2012, Ben Carson will not win Iowa, and if he does not run well in Iowa, he will have a very uphill race from there. On the other hand, if Ben Carson wins Iowa, the path will be clear to win the Republican presidential nomination. The good news is that Ben Carson has already activated tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of people to participate in the political process for the very first time. Just like Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan before him, Ben Carson has awakened millions of Americans to the danger that our nation faces. These are new folks, a huge army, that when energized and activated, can push him over the top in Iowa, and indeed all the way to the Republican Convention in Cleveland and then to the White House. It’s very exciting, but the challenges ahead are great. Ben Carson’s candidacy appeals to many, many individuals and groups of people. These groups include active Christians, health care professionals, as well as black, Asian, and Hispanic voters. At a recent event where Ben Carson spoke in Iowa, the Republican county chairman remarked at all the new faces, especially those of African Americans and Hispanic Americans who had never before supported a Republican candidate for president. My vision for this Committee is to reach out to these new folks who have been energized by Ben Carson to participate in the political process. It’s not enough for them to just be excited about Ben Carson, we need an organization that will get them to the Iowa Caucuses and then to the voting booth in the primaries that follow. Frankly, the official campaign can’t do everything. But, through this campaign you and I can stand in the gap (Ezekiel 22:30) and make sure that Ben Carson has the margin of victory to win in Iowa. The Iowa Caucus is almost exactly one year away. That means we must start now to reach and activate new caucus goers in Iowa. Together, you and I will provide the margin of victory to Ben Carson. Are you with me? I sure hope so because I have a huge and immediate need. I have negotiated to purchase 100,000 copies of a condensed version of Ben Carson’s book, Gifted Hands at a cost of $157,000--that’s just $1.55 each. In my opinion, this book is the first essential stepping stone to understanding who Ben Carson is, what he stands for, and why he can be trusted to follow the Constitution and to solve our nation’s critical economic problems. Will you help me do that? The truth is, I’d like to purchase 250,000 copies of the Gifted Hands book. I can buy that many for just $1.45 each. I’d like for every caucus goer in Iowa to have a copy of this book well in advance of the Tuesday, January 5, 2016 caucus. I would also like to have enough copies to give this book to the new folks Ben Carson will need to recruit in order to win the Iowa caucus. We will hand deliver as many of these books as possible and mail the rest. But we need to order these books now since it will take at least four months for them to be printed and shipped. I would like to ask you to help me decide how many books to order. And, I would like to know if you agree with my plan to win the Iowa Caucus for Ben Carson by expanding the number of caucus goers, just as Barack Obama did to win the Iowa Democratic Caucus in 2008. I hope you can provide me with a rapid response. Because it takes four to five months to re-print these books and ship them to the Committee, I need to order soon. One of the biggest challenges we face is that too few people know who Ben Carson is... Most vaguely recall his speech at the 2013 National Prayer Breakfast, and some know about his medical breakthrough in separating twins conjoined at the head, but they really don’t know Ben Carson. That’s why giving them a copy of Gifted Hands will be such a big step toward winning their vote at the Iowa Republican Caucus. We can’t wait for an official announcement by Ben Carson, we must act now. The more momentum we build for Ben Carson today, the better chance he has of winning the White House in 2016. It says in Proverbs 12:15 that... “A stubborn fool considers his own way the right one, but a person who listens to advice is wise.” Please give me your advice. Should I purchase 100,000 copies of the Gifted Hands book or should I be bold and purchase 250,000? No matter what your answer, I do hope that you will support this effort to provide copies of Gifted Hands to prospective Iowa Caucus goers. Of course, we have plans to distribute other materials and books, but right now, we need to introduce Dr. Carson to Iowa Caucus goers. That’s why I’m hoping you can help today with a gift of $35, $50, $100, or even $1,000. But, whatever you can send will, of course, be greatly appreciated and spent wisely. Sincerely,  John Philip Sousa IV Chairman National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee P.S. I do want your counsel and advice. I want to be bold, but prudent. Should I order 250,000 copies of Gifted Hands, or just 100,000? Do you agree with my Iowa strategy? Please let me have your answers today. And, if possible, please send along a contribution of at least $35 today to help with the purchase of these books. May God bless you, and may God continue to bless the United States of America. |
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