Opponents of new gun law rally in Olympia, trade guns in House gallery

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 One legislator, Rep. Matt Shea, R-Spokane Valley, urged outright disobedience of the law, which requires criminal background checks for those purchasing firearms at gun shows and on-line.

"We will not comply: We will ask our sheriffs and prosecutors not to comply as well," said Shea.  Shea was a visitor last year to the compound of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, who has refused to pay grazing fees on federal lands and staged an armed stand-off with federal law enforcement.



Opponents of new gun law rally in Olympia, trade guns in House gallery

blog.seattlepi.com - OLYMPIA — Gun rights supporters rallied on steps of the Washington Capitol on Thursday, admitting they were caught off guard by Initiative 594 while vowing to change and repeal the voter-passed initiative on gun background checks.

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