It's Time for Congress to Put an Obamacare Repeal Bill on the President's Desk

The Daily Signal
May 20, 2015

Morning Bell

It's Time for Congress to Put an Obamacare Repeal Bill on the President's Desk

Commentary: With Republicans in control of the House and Senate, lawmakers have set the stage to use reconciliation to repeal Obamacare.

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Congress Is Trying to Push Through an Expensive Program Shown to Hurt American Workers

Daily Policy Focus: Heritage's Jim DeMint and Ed Feulner weigh in on what's problematic about the trade bill.

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Jeb Hensarling: Boeing's Threat to Move American Jobs Overseas If Ex-Im Bank Ends Is 'A Bit of Bluster'

News: Following reports that one of Ex-Im's biggest beneficiaries would move overseas, the leader of a House panel today spoke out against the claims.

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