Small Business Owner Says Bank Denied Service Because She Sells Guns

The Daily Signal
May 13, 2015

Morning Bell

Small Business Owner Says Bank Denied Service Because She Sells Guns

News: "We can't lend to anyone who sells firearms," the owner of Michael's Pawn and Gun was told by a TD Bank representative.

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Remembering Kermit Gosnell's Victims by Protecting Other Women and Children From Abortion Industry

Daily Policy Focus: As the House votes today on a bill limiting late-term abortions, let's remember the victims of Kermit Gosnell, the abortionist who brutalized women and routinely killed living, breathing infants.

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House GOP Leader: It's Time to 'Wind Down' Export-Import Bank

News: "This is a place the speaker [John Boehner] and I disagree upon," House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., tells Daily Signal contributor David Brody.

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