Happy Mainstream Monday! 


Much discussion on Tax Reform, Adopt a simple FLAT TAX!!! And Abolish the IRS!! Put the 90,000 IRS Employees on our Southern BORDER.


English (Automatic Captions)


0:03the great state of South Carolina the so is this the ready for Hillary rally

0:14like I think the men and women here are more than ready for Hillary

0:18what a blessing

0:21the to be with so many incredible Patriots on this day

0:28Yelp couple years ago

0:33Heidi and I had our girls Carolina Catherine up in washington won fall

0:40weekend the Sunday afternoon we decided to drive the girls down the Mount Vernon

0:45to George Washington's home

0:46we're driving down the George Washington Parkway

0:50those Chris fall days

0:53you can smell the autumn in the air are two girls are very very different

0:59Catherine the baby whose four she is sweet sweet sweet

1:04she'll crawl into your lap should just hold on Caroline our 7-year-old

1:10is a rascal

1:14it's out got mater from the day she came into this world it out will be

1:18every day on this planet we're driving down the George Washington Parkway

1:23Catherine sit quietly in her carseat

1:25caroline's in her car seat behind me in the truck kicking the back in my seat

1:29like he usually does

1:31and a girl start have a conversation and high and I just listened quietly

1:38of any ya love ever done that just sorta quietly listen to your kids

1:42and Caroline asked her little sister she says Catherine what do you want to do

1:48when you grow up

1:49and Catherine says I want to work in the United States

1:59I want to work with dad

2:03and Caroline says all that's boring

2:07she says we're going to be rock stars and then she tosses out

2:14zinger she says besides dead he'll be dead by


2:25but this is a real conversation at I kinda wondered if maybe caroline has

2:32been speaking with republican leadership the

2:44maybe she knew something I didn't know you know the reason so many of us are


2:50in this great gather because we love our kids

2:54we love our grandkids and this

3:04nation is in crisis this is not a typical time in politics

3:10we're at the and ish

3:13oppress I don't think we've hit the point of no return yet but it

3:19his close it's now or never we either pull this country back

3:27or we risk losing the greatest country in history

3:31or you know today for the first time in history a majority of Americans

3:36believe that our kids will have a worse life than we'd

3:40sixty-five percent that has never been true in history in america

3:46until this instant right now may be the most

3:50on american idea you can imagine I think the central issue in 2016

3:55is going to be

3:58we will reignite the promise of america

4:01how do we get back tonight

4:05fundamental American ideal that our kids let a better life than we did

4:09and their kids will have a better life I'm here today with the word of


4:16hope optimise three simple things that we can do

4:21to reignite the promise of america number one

4:27bring back jobs and growth

4:30an opportunity

4:38the many women here understand cause and effect every time we go down this path

4:42Nevada control spending and taxes and regulation

4:45what results is stagnation and misery and Malays

4:50doesn't work on the other hand

4:53the two levers government has to

4:57on leash small businesses and job creation

5:00our tax reform and regulatory reform

5:03every time we put in place tax reform in ragged reform

5:09we've seen incredible growth weather in the 1920s

5:12with the 1960s the 1980s tax reform way right now spend about $500 billion

5:23dollars a year

5:24on tax compliance on lawyers and accountants

5:28that's always do that's about the budget a retired military

5:31the simplest and best tax reform we should adopt

5:37up us we should adopt a simple

5:40flat-tax the

5:50work every American can fill out his or her taxes on a postcard


5:59and when we do that we should abolish the IRS


6:18there about 90,000 employees at the IRS

6:21we need a padlock

6:24that building the and take every one of those ninety thousand and put them on

6:30our southern border

6:41now to our friends in the media

6:42I say pets somewhat tongue in cheek

6:46but but think about it for a second

6:49imagine you travel thousands of miles in the Blazing Sun

6:53you're swimming across the Rio Grande the first thing you see is ninety

6:57thousand IRS agents

6:59the you turn around and go home

7:12and the second tool for jobs and growth and opportunity is regulatory reform you

7:19know I was out in West Texas

7:21and I ask folks there what's the difference

7:24clean regulators and locusts

7:28said the thing is you can't use pesticide on the regulators

7:34and this old farmer lean back ISE wanna bet


7:47we have seen regulators to San like locus on small businesses

7:53killing jobs all across this country and a simple the most important regulatory


8:02what we need to repeal everyone heard about Obamacare

8:24the second key to reigniting the promise of america

8:28is def and our constitutional rights

8:39all of them we need to defend the first amendment are free speech

8:44are religious liberty

8:54you know all of us our hearts were breaking as we saw what unfolded in


9:00and arkansas as those states stood up to defend religious liberty in the modern

9:06Democratic Party

9:07in a perfect storm join with big business

9:10to say their commitment to mandatory gay marriage in all 50 states

9:14trumps any commitment to the First Amendment what too long ago

9:21there was bipartisan consensus

9:24on the first met we might disagree between Democrats and Republicans

9:30on marginal tax rates but when it came to religious liberty we stood as one

9:35how far we have come

9:38and let me say Indiana

9:42was a soaring mountains

9:45as Reagan would say a time for choosing

9:49there are candidates running in 2016 even candidates in the Republican

9:54the who in indiana

9:57they were nowhere to be found I can tell you this when it comes to standing for

10:04the religious liberty Americans I will always

10:07always always stand with the first amendment

10:25we need to defend the Second Amendment

10:27the right to keep and now the

10:37couple weeks ago where up in new hampshire went to a firing range my wife


10:41was at a follow on a try pad wearing a cap that said arms and facts

10:47we need to defend

10:53the fourth and fifth amendment's our rights to privacy

11:05and we need to defend the 10

11:14are as President Obama calls it the what

11:19the fundamental protection that says

11:21the powers not given to the federal government are reserved to the States

11:26and to the people

11:38that means their core responsibilities the federal government needs to do it

11:41needs to defend this nation and we did

11:43stand with the men and women of our military we need to secure the borders

11:53but they're there are other areas the federal government has no business

11:57being involved in right at the top of that list is education the

12:06and we don't piano every word of Common Core


12:20education is too important for it to be governed by an elected bureaucrats in


12:26it needs to be at the state level or even better at the local level

12:30we have direct control over

12:38and that number three we need to restore america's leadership in the worst

12:44the for the last six years we have seen the consequences that the Obama Clinton

12:54foreign policy leading from behind

12:58does not work

13:06and we cannot win a war on radical Islamic terrorism

13:10with a president who is on willing to

13:13under the words radical islamic


13:27instead the president who boycotts prime minister netanyahu imagine america


13:35unapologetically with the nation of Israel

13:47we saw the ugly face an Islamic terrorism

13:50in my home state texas in Garland were to jihadist


14:00thankfully one police officer

14:02help them meet their virgins the

14:16but when given the choice between free speech

14:19and the political correctness refusing to acknowledge radical Islamic terrorism

14:24it is a time for choosing where we stay

14:33just a few weeks ago I was down in Fort Hood where the soldiers who were shot by

14:38Nidal Hasan were finally finally finally awarded the Purple Heart

14:50it took cover five years for that to happen because the Obama administration

14:53refused to acknowledge that was terrorist instead it was workplace

14:59violence now tell you the reason those purple hearts were awarded I was very

15:05proud last year to introduce legislation in the Senate to mandate

15:09that the pentagon award those purple hearts

15:30on the Senate Armed Services Committee we won supportive Republicans and

15:34Democrats over the

15:35active opposition to the Obama pentagon and finally

15:41those awards were given out ideas I shook the hands of the soldiers shut the

15:47hand each wife for child

15:49on the 14 innocent souls who were murdered that

15:53all I could say to them was I'm sorry

15:56I'm sorry this took

15:59this should have been acknowledged the day it happened not five years to

16:12you know the great state of South Carolina plays a pivotal role in our

16:16nation you'll have the blessing and the curse

16:21a being an early primary states

16:25so you're going to see presidential candidates descend upon you like those

16:30federal regulators in locus

16:31my one request as please

16:36hold back on the pesticide

16:40but I'll tell you the responsibility in this great state

16:43in the republican party is to ensure that we nominate a conservative


17:05how do you tell because every candidate

17:08and I know there may be 15 20 30 50 making a phone book by the end of it to

17:13tell how many candidates we

17:15but every one of them is gonna say

17:18he did lay on the most conservative guy lever left

17:21I'm pretty confident if you have any speakers today

17:25the study appearance and I'm an establishment moderate who stands for


17:34federal safety nets so how do you tell the difference

17:39well the Scriptures tell us you shall know them by their fruits

17:52and I would encourage each of you to ask every single candidate who stands up in

17:56front to do you say you the

17:57believe these principles shell wanted you stood up and fought for them when he

18:02blamed for them

18:03what did you accomplish if you say you oppose Obamacare

18:13why did you stay up and talk to stop the

18:22if you say you oppose President Obama's unconstitutional executive amnesty

18:27when you stood up and fought to stop

18:37if you say you support the first amendment where were you in indiana if

18:46you say you support the second amendment where were you when Harry Reid the

18:50president were coming after a gun rights

18:59if you say you support the fourth amendment our privacy when you stood and


19:04to protect

19:09if you say you support the tenth amendment if you say you oppose Common


19:14when you stood and fought on those principles

19:23if you say is support life and marriage

19:26wanna you stood and fought to defend life

19:36if you say you support Israel when if you stood and fought

19:41alongside Israel

19:47wanted you stood and fought to stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons


19:58you know many have you may hear

20:00hey I agree with all this but how can we make it

20:03let me tell you it's not gonna come from washington

20:07Washington is broken I have seen it firsthand

20:14only come from millions of courageous conservatives rising up to say

20:20we want are country pack

20:32I am inspired I am hopeful I am optimistic because the men and women in

20:37this room we're building an army

20:40a grassroots army and courageous conservatives for each if you had your

20:45cell phones

20:46I want to ask you to do something if you have your cell phones

20:49would you pull it out and text

20:53the word Constitution to the number 33

20:587 33 negating that again that's the word Constitution

21:03233 7233

21:06the hope for this country will come from the man women

21:11across this country like the reagan revolution

21:14calling us back you know it was a century and a half ago

21:19at South Carolina said William Barret Travis to the state tax

21:24the century and a half ago

21:28that William Barret Travis drew a line in the sand and said choose where you

21:32stand do you stand with

21:34freedom or do you stand with damn him me

21:37liberty or give me death the

21:46many and we all know my father passed around

21:49while crews

21:56my father saw freedom taken away and kill about tell you what he said

22:00for again I've lost my freedom once

22:04I'll died 24 happens

22:17I'm not a close with just telling a quick story

22:20on january twentieth 2017

22:24an elderly man walks up to the front gate at the white house

22:29an ass the marine there says excuse me sir

22:33is Barack Obama here

22:37the brain says I'm sorry sir Barack Obama's no longer present the United


22:50the next day the same elderly gentleman walks up to the gate same arena

22:53stationary says excuse me sir

22:55is Barack Obama here marine sighs and says once again I'm sorry sir

23:02Barack Obama's no longer present the United States

23:05the next day

23:10the same elderly gentleman walks up to the gate the same a rain is there again

23:15he asked the question one more time

23:17and this time the marine sighs heavily insists are

23:22I've told you three days in a row Barack Obama is no longer present the United


23:28little old man with a twinkle in his eye he says

23:32hi no its I just love hearing you say it

23:50and the Marines salutes and sensing no sir

23:56okay coming she


Check out this episode!


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