Why This Family Struggled to Secure Health Insurance Under Obamacare for Their 4-Year-Old Son

The Daily Signal
May 7, 2015

Morning Bell

Why This Family Struggled to Secure Health Insurance Under Obamacare for Their 4-Year-Old Son

News: When Lindsay Franks received a letter from the Department of Health and Human Services' insurance marketplace in January, she was certain it was a scam.

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How This Congressional Maneuver Could Be Used to Repeal Obamacare

News: A Heritage Foundation expert explains how Republicans could use a process known as reconciliation to keep their promise to voters by repealing the Affordable Care Act.

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The Government Is Definitely Back in the 'Affordable Housing' Game

Daily Policy Focus: Affordable housing initiatives have had the exact opposite of their intended impact, encouraging higher levels of debt, and increased housing prices (and lower affordability) in many markets.

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