Based on Oregon's Numbers, Here's What Would Happen if Assisted Suicide Was Legalized Nationwide

The Daily Signal
Feb. 16, 2016
Good morning from Washington, where President Obama's final budget spurs more conservatives to advocate spending cuts. In a video, Genevieve Wood points the way. Kelsey Harkness updates you on two stories: what Oregon's assisted suicide rate means for the nation, and why a payday lender's plight suggests that a secretive Justice Department program isn't dead. In Ukraine, war correspondent Nolan Peterson profiles a young woman called to care for soldiers. Plus: Hans von Spakovsky on the Senate's role when it comes to the president's judicial nominees.

Based on Oregon's Numbers, Here's What Would Happen If Assisted Suicide Was Legalized Nationwide

"In the past two years, the number of deaths as a result of physician-assisted suicide in Oregon has nearly doubled," said Heritage's Ryan T. Anderson. "In the past 15 years, the number has increased sixfold."

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What the Constitution Tells Us About Confirming Obama's Judicial Nominees

Senators who believe that the president's choice of judicial nominees should be given substantial deference are deeply mistaken. They owe deference to the Constitution, not the president.

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It's Time for GOP Lawmakers to Slash Spending

President Barack Obama has already shown his hand: His new budget increases spending and taxes and ignores America's growing and unsustainable debt. Republican lawmakers must present a different path.

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This Landlord Had $250,000 Seized Because Too Many Residents Got Married

In yet another egregious case of civil asset forfeiture abuse, Michigander John Gutowski was forced to spend years fighting the government to reclaim over $250,000 in seized assets.

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Is Operation Choke Point Still Happening? A Business Owner's Story

Running his business, Gregory Bone says he did "everything we could" to avoid a conflict. His industry—payday lending—is overseen by state and federal officials. But despite his clean record, Bone said U.S. Bank informed him on Jan. 22 that his checking account was being abruptly shut down.

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How One Ukrainian Teenager Declared War on Post-Traumatic Stress

Ivona Kostyna developed a program to treat war veterans in Ukraine for post-traumatic stress and ease their transition from military to civilian life.

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