Facebook soon to ban Gatestone? What you can do.

Dear National Review Reader,

Please find this special message from one of our friends.

Dear Friend,

Last week, an important article, "Facebook's War on Freedom of Speech" by Douglas Murray, detailed a new initiative by Facebook in Germany, to remove supposedly "racist" comments from Facebook. This initiative by Facebook at the moment appears to include anything critical of the EU's open-door mass-immigration policy.

Gatestone Institute takes this threat to all of our freedom of speech most seriously. It is no secret that Facebook, the largest social network in the world, is a prominent channel for sharing ideas, articles and facts. For everyone, including us, it is, with "shares" and "likes," a large source of daily readership.

With Gatestone Institute's commitment to educating readers about what the media do not want them to know, however unpleasant these events may sound to would-be censors, we are concerned that if we disagree with policies that Facebook believes politically correct, it may decide to censor Gatestone, or even ban it.

In the past month, Gatestone has already felt the quiet encroachment of censorship: In one instance, a New York-based online advertising network cut us off, saying our articles dealt with "sensitive" topics. These included informing the public of the recent mass-sexual assaults of thousands of women by migrants in Europe. In a second recent incident, a well-known online content-promotion company rejected all of our German-language articles, for, they said, similar reasons.

What can be done?

Unfortunately, we have no way of holding huge companies such as Facebook accountable. But each of our subscribers can do his or her invaluable part in helping us increase our impact and readership. If one of these days we actually are blocked by Facebook, we are determined to continue growing and telling you the truth. You can help!

If everyone could please just make these small clicks, together it would make a big difference!

Most gratefully,

Nina Rosenwald
President, Gatestone Institute

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