Fight to Replace Scalia Proves Supreme Court Has Become Too Powerful

The Daily Signal
Feb. 17, 2016
Good morning from Washington, where a vacant Supreme Court seat symbolizes the crossroads where America stands. Josh Siegel spotlights cases where Antonin Scalia's absence will make a difference. Heritage Foundation scholar Kim Holmes sees the battle over a successor as evidence the court has too much power, while Heritage President Jim DeMint makes the case for allowing the next president to choose. Also: A man regrets a transgender past, California's despicable requirement for pregnancy centers, and tributes to Nino Scalia from eight friends.

Fight to Replace Scalia Proves Supreme Court Has Become Too Powerful

Ever since at least the 1960s, we have increasingly allowed the Supreme Court to decide controversial issues we have been unwilling to solve legislatively.

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I Used to Be Transgender. Here's My Take on Kids Who Think They Are Transgender.

I was a transgender kid at the age of 4. For decades, as I tried to live in my male birth gender, the feelings of being a woman only grew stronger.

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Next President, Not Obama, Should Pick Scalia's Successor

Less than two years ago, Americans upended control of the Senate as a rejection of Obama's policies. It is unthinkable that this same Senate would use that mandate to give a lifetime appointment to another Obama justice, writes Heritage Foundation President Jim DeMint.

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How Scalia's Death Will Impact Cases on Immigration, Abortion, Religious Liberty

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia's death during a presidential election cycle will likely change the outcomes of major cases coming before the high court this term.

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New California Law Forces Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers to Advertise Abortions

Under penalty of ruinous fines for every "violation," the new law orders pro-life pregnancy centers to post notices and tell mothers that they can abort their babies and have California taxpayers foot the bill via the state's expansive Medi-Cal program.

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8 Tributes to Antonin Scalia From His Fellow Justices

"In every case, he gave it his all to get the broad principles and the small details right. … It is hard to imagine the court without my friend. I will miss him beyond all measure," wrote Justice Clarence Thomas.

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