How West Virginia Is Leading the Charge Against Obama's Environmental 'Power Grab'

The Daily Signal
Feb. 2, 2016
Good morning from Washington, where West Virginia is fired up and ready to go against President Obama's "clean energy" rules. Philip Wegmann interviews the state's top lawyer. Just outside D.C., Kelsey Harkness reports, a mom has words for the sexually explicit language in her son's mandatory reading. Melissa Quinn tells who's questioning police for fighting reform of "seized property" laws. Plus: Christian parents sue over their daughter's homework on Islam. A congressman wants terrorists off welfare. A senator sums up conservatism lickety-split.

How West Virginia Is Leading the Charge Against Obama's Environmental 'Power Grab'

Leading a coalition of more than two dozen coal states, West Virginia is asking the Supreme Court for an emergency stay of President Obama's new regulations governing the coal industry.

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In Under 90 Seconds, Sen. Ben Sasse Defines Conservatism

"What makes America great is not some guy in Washington who says, 'If I had more power, I could fix it all unilaterally,'" Sen. Ben Sasse told MSNBC.

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Virginia Mom Takes Fight Against Sexually Explicit Books to State Lawmakers

Laura Murphy, a mom of four, said the content was so explicit that when she tried to email "verbatim quotations" to the Virginia Board of Education, the government's firewall blocked her email from being delivered because they were obscene and potentially harmful to children.

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Oklahoma Law Enforcement Fights Effort to Make It Harder to Take People's Cash, Property

"I think that the opposition … comes from a desire on the part of law enforcement in Oklahoma to defend their cash cow," Jason Snead, a policy expert at The Heritage Foundation, told The Daily Signal.

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Terrorists Won't Be Eligible for Welfare Under This Congressman's Plan

"I am shocked that our current law does not prevent the criminals who have been convicted of plotting and carrying out acts of terrorism against innocent Americans from getting welfare benefits," Rep. Bruce Poliquin, R-Maine, said.

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Christian Family Sues Over 'Islamic Indoctrination' Homework

The Woods say their daughter was forced to write out and say the Shahada, the Islamic profession of faith: "There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah."

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