It's Time to Throw Out Obama's Spending Levels

The Daily Signal
Feb. 19, 2016
Good morning from the nation's capital, where a crowd is expected at the Supreme Court today to pay respects to the late Justice Antonin Scalia. President Obama will be among the mourners but won't show up at Scalia's funeral Saturday. Katrina Trinko says that's unfortunate. Meanwhile, our reporters examine how Scalia's death could influence gun rights and Obama's climate agenda. On the steps of the court, Sen. Ben Sasse takes a bold stand. Plus: Paul Winfree on cutting spending and Roger Severino on South Dakota's transgender bathroom bill.

It's Time to Throw Out Obama's Spending Levels

Conservatives in Congress should use this opportunity to show Americans how they differ from President Obama. That means writing a budget that puts a down payment on reducing the size and scope of government.

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4 Pro-Gun Senate Democrats Silent on Voting for Obama's Supreme Court Nominee

A new Supreme Court justice could provide the deciding vote to overturn the District of Columbia v. Heller decision, which protects an individual's right to possess a firearm under the Second Amendment.

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What Locker Rooms Should Boys Who Identify as Girls Be Allowed to Use? South Dakota's Answer Respects All

Now that leftists have convinced five Supreme Court justices to redefine marriage, it's clear the next goal is to redefine what it means to be a man or a woman.

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What Scalia's Death Means for Obama's Climate Agenda

The Clean Power Plan, an Environmental Protection Agency regulation meant to encourage the use of renewable fuels and natural gas, would commit the U.S. to lower carbon dioxide emissions from coal-fired power plants.

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Obama's Disappointing Decision to Skip Scalia's Funeral

On bipartisanship, President Obama's actions speak louder than his words.

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Ben Sasse Channels 'Braveheart' in Message to Obama on Supreme Court Nominee

Sen. Ben Sasse's message is reminiscent of the scene in "Braveheart" when Scottish knight William Wallace tells the English what they have to do before surrendering.

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