Law Enforcement Seized This Oklahoma Man's Truck Without Charging Him With a Crime

The Daily Signal
Feb. 29, 2016
Good morning from Washington, where conservatives are wary of a bailout for Puerto Rico and closer to scrapping the Boehner-Obama budget deal. A Supreme Court case could determine whether states may regulate abortion clinics to protect women. Elizabeth Slattery analyzes. Across America: What happened after a sheriff seized this guy's truck? Watch Melissa Quinn's arresting video. Who's hurt by a $14.50 minimum wage? James Sherk knows. Why did college students try to shout down a conservative voice? Natalie Johnson reports.

Law Enforcement Seized This Oklahoma Man's Truck Without Charging Him With a Crime

When Stephen Mills learned that the Grady County Sheriff's Department seized his truck back in 2010, he figured it would be a matter of days before police returned the vehicle to him and his wife. He was wrong.

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How Oregon's $14.50 Minimum Wage Will Hurt Those It's Supposed to Help

Good intentions can produce terrible results.

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Is Obama Administration Plan for Puerto Rico a 'Bailout'? Congress Debates Action on Debt Crisis

"Are there other ways we can fix … Puerto Rico without changing the rule of law and administering bailouts?" asked Rep. Mark Sanford, R-S.C.

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House Republicans Vow to Scuttle Boehner-Obama Spending Levels

House Speaker Paul Ryan wants to keep in place spending levels negotiated last year between then-Speaker John Boehner and President Obama. But conservatives want to renounce that agreement.

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First Major Abortion Case in Nearly a Decade Will Go Before Supreme Court

In the case Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt, the Supreme Court will consider Texas's H.B. 2 law, a commonsense reform intended to increase women's health and safety.

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Campus Protesters Try to Silence Conservative Speaker, Demand College President's Resignation

Student protesters swarmed California State University, Los Angeles to barricade the entrances of a theater where conservative commentator Ben Shapiro was set to deliver a speech about censorship and diversity on college campuses.

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