Maine Required Childless Adults to Work to Get Food Stamps. Here's What Happened.

The Daily Signal
Feb. 9, 2016
Good morning from Washington, where we've got Heritage Foundation expert Bruce Klingner to analyze the threat of North Korea's latest missile launch. Maine made childless adults work for food stamps. What then? Heritage experts Robert Rector and Rachel Sheffield tell you. Speaking of food, Katrina Trinko unwraps the pro-life message of a Super Bowl snack ad. Plus: Kelsey Harkness' video explains Operation Choke Point. Heritage analysts sift the ruins of Obama's fiscal policies. And what's with this effort to skirt the Electoral College?

Maine Required Childless Adults to Work to Get Food Stamps. Here's What Happened.

The number of food stamp recipients has risen dramatically, from 17.2 million in 2000 to 45.8 million in 2015, and the most rapid growth in the food stamp caseload in recent years has been among childless adults able to work.

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The Backstory of Operation Choke Point

The Daily Signal began covering Operation Choke Point 18 months ago, when business owners voiced concern about their bank accounts being stymied or shut down. Now, we're taking a look back at some of the major events that took place before the House was able to push through its bill to bring Operation Choke Point to a halt.

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Obama's Dismal Fiscal Legacy

President Obama is releasing his final budget today. But his fiscal legacy is largely already written, and it's a story of failed leadership, broken promises, and a more burdensome government for the American people.

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In One Graphic, What Countries North Korea's New Missile Could Hit

It is time for the United States and its allies to impose stronger sanctions and to beef up security against the growing North Korean military threat.

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This State Could Become the 11th State to Sideline Electoral College

A bipartisan bill aims to reallocate the state's electoral votes to the presidential candidate who wins the majority of votes on a national scale rather than the candidate who wins the state.

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Doritos Super Bowl Ad Shows Why Pro-Lifers Are Winning

The Doritos Super Bowl ad worked not because it bolstered a political viewpoint. It worked because it resonated—and that should terrify pro-abortion advocates.

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