Meet the Business Owners Fighting San Diego's Proposed Minimum Wage Hike

The Daily Signal
Feb. 25, 2016
Good morning from Washington, where Heritage Foundation free-trader Bryan Riley wants President Obama to use a certain F-word a lot more. Melissa Quinn talks to San Diego employers worried about a minimum wage hike. Ten states have defunded Planned Parenthood. Leah Jessen looks at what gives. David Inserra taps security issues in the FBI-Apple showdown and blows the whistle on the administration's court statistics for illegal immigrants. Oh, and illegals voting in New York City? Hans von Spakovsky and Andrew Kloster dish.

Meet the Business Owners Fighting San Diego's Proposed Minimum Wage Hike

"These things add to my costs, and I can't magically increase the number of people walking in my front door to increase my sales," bookstore owner Ann Kinner tells The Daily Signal, adding that she is worried about her business' long-term survival.

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What Would Happen If New York City Went Forward With Letting Illegal Immigrants Vote

Some members of the Black and Latino Legislative Caucus are expected to push for the New York City Council to pass a law allowing illegal aliens to vote in elections for mayor, comptroller, public advocate, borough president, and City Council.

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A 10th State Defunded Planned Parenthood. Why There's So Much Momentum Now.

The undercover videos by the Center for Medical Progress are not the only factor motivating states like Ohio, which is the latest to defund Planned Parenthood.

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What's Behind the Battle Between FBI and Apple

Here are some of the concerning unintended consequences that could occur if Apple caves to the Justice Department's demands.

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The Sneaky Way Obama Administration Is Making It Look Like Fewer Illegal Immigrants Are Skipping Court Dates

A new policy requires U.S. Border Patrol agents to release an illegal immigrant from custody as long as he or she has not been convicted of a felony crime and claims to have continually resided in the United States prior to January 2014.

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Obama's Economic Report Mentions Freedom Once and This Liberal Term 235 Times

As The Heritage Foundation's 2016 Index of Economic Freedom demonstrates, more freedom is correlated with higher incomes, longer lifespans, better protection of the environment, and increased technological innovation.

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