Remembering Bill Buckley

Dear Friend,

Next Sunday marks the 8th anniversary of the death of our friend and founder. If you are a fan of Bill, we thought you'd like to know that there are two particular items here at NR that you may wish to have.

Buckley Mag Cover.jpg

One is the WFB Memorial issue (publication date March 24, 2008) which features remembrances from Henry Kissinger, Rush Limbaugh, Christopher Buckley, Priscilla Buckley, Tom Wolfe, Mark Steyn, Rich Lowry, Alistair Horne, Garry Wills, Joe Lieberman, Paul Johnson, John O'Sullivan, Rick Brookhiser, Mona Charen, Ramesh Ponnuru, Jay Nordlinger, Jason Steorts, Ed Capano, William Rusher, Dan Oliver, Michael Kinsley, Charles Kesler, Roger Kimball, Peter Robinson, Taki Theodoracopulos, Kevin Fitzpatrick, Ira Glasser, Linda Bridges, Anthony Dick, Neal Freeman, Jeff Hart, and Danillo Petronovich.

While moving items around in the storage room this week, we found a hidden box of this classic issue. There are 50 copies to be had. The cost is only $19.95, which includes shipping and handling. You can order yours here.

The other: We also came across two boxes of Bill's classic 1990 work, In Search of Anti-Semitism.

Buckley Ant--Semitism.jpg

These were Bill's own books (which we retrieved from his home in Connecticut after he died, and then promptly stored . . . under other boxes). There are about 25 copies to be had. You may have one, while they last, for only $20, which includes shipping and handling. Order your copy here.


Jack Fowler
National Review


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