Sen. Ben Sasse: Conservatives Don't Need a 'Republican Barack Obama'

The Daily Signal
Feb. 4, 2016
Good morning from Washington, where lawmakers, wonks, and activists gathering for a Conservative Policy Summit heard a freshman senator warn that America doesn't need "a Republican Barack Obama." Other reports from the Heritage Action event include a swipe at House Speaker Paul Ryan. Some conservatives, itching to cut spending, are ready to bolt on the Boehner-Obama budget deal. Plus: Heritage Foundation fellow Mike Gonzalez on Europe's awakening to the threat within, and 17 facts about the man closing the National Prayer Breakfast.

Sen. Ben Sasse: Conservatives Don't Need a 'Republican Barack Obama'

"The idea that a 'strong man' can save us isn't true," said Sen. Ben Sasse. "What America needs is a constitutional recovery."

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House Freedom Caucus Hits Back at Paul Ryan

The House Freedom Caucus rallied against Speaker Paul Ryan Wednesday after he suggested the conservative members rein in their goals while Democrats control the executive branch.

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Finally, Europe Is Waking Up to Dangers of Multiculturalism

When British, French, and German leaders begin to say that immigrants and their children must assimilate and that those who join ISIS may lose their citizenship, it's time to sit up and take notice.

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The New Budget Showdown: Conservatives Want to Disavow Boehner Deal

A new report from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office projecting trillion-dollar deficit levels by 2022 appears to be persuading more than just the usual suspects to insist on a lower spending level.

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US Bound by Climate Change Deal That Skirts Constitution, House Panel Told

"The president's decision to treat the Paris agreement as an executive agreement instead of a treaty is just his latest use of executive power to achieve an end that he knows full well would not pass congressional muster," said The Heritage Foundation's Steven Groves.

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17 Facts About Football Star Giving Closing Prayer at the National Prayer Breakfast

"God is everything. Always keep God first. Always pray. Don't be afraid to pray; he'll always hear your cry," said University of Alabama football player Derrick Henry when accepting the Heisman trophy last year.

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