Sen. Ben Sasse: Democrats Have Gone 'Post-Constitutional'

The Daily Signal
Feb. 8, 2016
Good morning from the nation's capital, where we're keeping an eye on policy trends. In a must-see interview, Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb., candidly tells Genevieve Wood how Democrats and Republicans have gone astray. Occupational licensing reform brings together the president and lawmakers, Melissa Quinn reports. Heritage Foundation legal scholar Hans von Spakovsky says an appeals judge got it right in nixing a ban on "assault weapons." Plus: a deal to confirm Obama's latest court nominee and an update on the Ukraine war.

Sen. Ben Sasse: Democrats Have Gone 'Post-Constitutional'

Is the United States facing a constitutional crisis? Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb., thinks so.

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It Takes 6 Years to Become a Licensed Interior Designer in 4 States. A Bipartisan Coalition Wants to Change That.

Are there too many legal requirements to join certain professions in some states? In Nevada, for example, the education and experience requirement for an interior designer is more than 2,100 days, or six years.

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A Legal Victory for Gun Rights

The court totally rejected the far-fetched argument that the Second Amendment does not apply to "detachable magazines because magazines are not firearms—that is, detachable magazines do not constitute 'bearable' arms that are expressly protected by the Second Amendment."

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GOP-Controlled Senate Is About to Approve Another Obama Judge

Today, the Senate will consider Rebecca Ebinger for a lifetime appointment as a district judge in Iowa.

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'A Real War Going On': Mixed News From the Front Lines in Ukraine

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said 2,269 Ukrainian soldiers have died since the conflict in eastern Ukraine began in spring 2014. That toll almost matches the 2,381 American troops killed during roughly 14 years of combat operations in Afghanistan.

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House Panel Probes Whether Obama Administration Misled Americans on Debt Limit

Republican congressmen say the Obama administration misled the American people to believe the debt limit has to be raised to accommodate more government spending because breaching it would result in a calamitous default.

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