Senate Republicans Plan to Follow Joe Biden's Advice on the Supreme Court Vacancy

The Daily Signal
Feb. 23, 2016
Good morning from Washington, where the buzz over the Supreme Court vacancy includes President Obama's potential choice of a Republican governor. We've got some facts about him. Senate Republicans, meanwhile, might just take Joe Biden's old advice and do nothing. Rachel Greszler outlines a Heritage Foundation plan to slash the national debt. Plus: Josh Siegel on the continuing kid crisis at the border, Mike Gonzalez on the Cuban dictatorship playing Obama, and what you should know about Obamacare premiums.

Senate Republicans Plan to Follow Joe Biden's Advice on the Supreme Court Vacancy

In a speech on June 25, 1992, then-Sen. Joe Biden argued the Judiciary Committee "should seriously consider not scheduling confirmation hearings on [any Bush] nomination until after the political campaign season is over."

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National Debt Per Household Set to Total Nearly $200K in 2026. How We Can Change Course.

Today, The Heritage Foundation releases a budget that would reduce the federal debt by almost $75,000 per household. Find out how to make it happen.

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Obama's Radical Decision to Cozy Up to a Brutal Dictatorship

Already, the mouthpiece of the Cuban Communist Party, the newspaper Granma, is telling the captive population on the island that President Obama's visit proves that there are no human rights violation in Cuba.

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Here's Why Insurance Premiums Are 'High and Rising' for Obamacare Enrollees

By 2025, it is predicted that average premiums for employment-based health care coverage will cost about 60 percent more.

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The Immigration Crisis of Unaccompanied Minors Never Really Ended

"Rather than adding more beds and facilities and getting more efficient at apprehending and dispersing the children, we've got to look at these policies and see what's incentivizing the children to come here," Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., tells The Daily Signal.

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This Pro-Choice GOP Governor Wants to Succeed Scalia

Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval, a Republican and former federal judge, spoke to Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid and Sen. Dean Heller, R-Nev., over the weekend regarding the high court's vacant seat.

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