Support Conservative Journalism: The American Spectator 2016 Bartley Gala

Dear National Review Reader,

Please find enclosed details about a very special event.


Dear Friend of Freedom,

I would like to invite you to join me and my colleagues in celebrating The American Spectator's 49th anniversary at their Annual Bartley Gala here in Washington, D.C. March 1st. The event showcases conservative stalwarts and honors excellence in journalism.

This year, Heather Higgins of the Independent Women's Forum and Sharyl Attkinson will be honored for their tireless service to conservative principles and the truth. In addition, the great Ben Stein will be hosting the evening while comedian Rich Little will entertain us.

Finally, we'll be informed by Keynote speaker Senator Tom Cotton.

Throughout the dinner, we'll be kept apprised of the returns coming in from the Super Tuesday primary voting. Afterwards, we'll celebrate those results (or drown our sorrow) at the reception following.

Conservative journalism needs your help to report the truth. Please go to this link and buy your ticket today. You'll be helping an insightful and witty voice on the right. You'll have a great time doing it.

R. Emmett Tyrrell

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